An error occoured while retrieving your license. Please restart the application or contact our suppo

I have had a teamviewer account for personal use for a number of years, so when I started doing commercial contracting work I naturally used teamviewer for it, and the company I was contracting for paid for a license for my account.

This carried on for a number of years, but I no longer do work for this company and as such the license has expired.

It seems I can no longer use teamviewer on a personal/free basis, I get the error message "An error occoured while retrieving your license. Please restart the application or contact our support".

I have tried to contact support but they will not assist me as I do not have an active paid license.




  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @rtho782,

    Thank you for your message. ?

    Could you please try again? It should work now. ?

    Best regards,


    Community Manager

  • bdhartman
    bdhartman Posts: 1

    I am now having the exact same problem.

  • I have the same issue, Teamviewer was activated with a business plan on my laptop but I need to use it now on the free license.

  • SalSolo
    SalSolo Posts: 1

    Same issue here - did anyone get this sorted out?

  • KDG007
    KDG007 Posts: 3

    Did anyone get this resolved yet?