Hey folks!
does anybody know how, how TeamViewer normally handles f-key presses? I'm obsering two different types of behavior on two different Windows 10 machines (using TeamViewer 15.3) . When I start a TeamViewer remote session and activate the remote session window...
1) pressing f-keys (e.g. F1) triggers a local response first (in my case a running AHK-script on my local machine will open a menu), f-key presses are not transferred to the remote machine
2) pressing f-keys (e.g. F1) triggers only a remote response (in my case a running AHK-script on my local machine will NOT open a menu), meaning a local response is skipped
This seems to be independet of preferences like "full Screen Mode", "enable local input", "send key combinations". Keyboards work properly. Pressing the Windows-key triggers a local response in both cases (if "send key combinations" is deactivated).
In this post (https://community.teamviewer.com/t5/Linux/How-to-pass-a-function-key-say-f12-to-remote-machine/td-p/10206) local responses are described as being normal.
Maybe someone can help, clearing this up.
Best regards.