TeamViewer 15.5.3 - version incompatibility with Windows 10 Home 1909?

Hi all,

(sorry if this post is a duplicate, my previous attempt seems to have failed)

I just installed TeamViewer on a laptop running windows 10 home 1909 (18363.778). The TeamViewer version is 15.5.3 (Apr 23 2020 14:44:33). An error msg "tv_x64.dll is either not designed to run on windows or ..." pops up repeatedly when accessing the laptop from a remote computer. I believe the Windows version is up-to-date and TeamViewer says that the installed version is up-to-date. Could it be that the Windows and TeamViewer versions are incompatible for some reason?

Appreciate any advice,



  • Hi again, my earlier post may have been premature. I don't get any error msgs after a reboot of the laptop. Sorry for the noise,
