Licence renewal - CANCEL

Long story short I worked for a company that has since gone into liquidation, and had set up a teamviewer licence for remote access in the company name but tied to this email address as nothing came to the work email address originally.  On liquidation the account was terminated through the online portal, I've now received an email telling me that it will automatically renew and to submit a ticket to cancel - I've had to re-register on here and the ticket option just brings me to this?  I just want to get this cancelled so i'm not hounded, it's not much to ask



  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @stevay_b,

    Thank you for your message and welcome in the TeamViewer Community! ?

    The ticket has to be submitted with a licensed account.

    We explain how to proceed in this Knowledge Base article right here: How to submit a ticket 



    Community Manager