TeamViewer QS vs TeamViewer Host


We recently purchased a business license of TeamViewer to aid with offsite workers and access computers onsite remotely.

We are currently using the QS option, however we notice issues mainly with UAC. As we are in a domain none of our PC's have admin rights, to access UAC we have to accept the QS ticket, assign to ourselves, login with windows authentication and then this creates a new "Administrator" service request, which we then again have to accept, assign to ourselves and login again with the admin account. this makes the service que very messy and plays havoc when keeping track of support requests over periods of time as we can have 20+ "admin" tickets. Is there a way around this? 

We also have explored the host option, we understand we can deploy this via GPO which is an attractive option, however how does remote access work? We have 200+ end points we would like to deploy to silently if possible. We would also like the option to automatically be able to remote on as an admin whenever needed. Is this possible? Does every user need an account this way?

We are relatively new to using TeamViewer, we just need pointing in the right direction!

Appreciate any help.


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @HBond

    Thank you for your message and welcome to the TeamViewer Community! ?

    TeamViewer QS vs TeamViewer Host

    • You are absolutely correct: Connecting via UAC to non-admin computers using QuickSupport leads to issues. See our article here: UAC issues with QS/non-admin computers 

    • This is why we highly recommend using the TeamViewer Host or the full version for UAC connections.

    • You will find all the information you need about UAC in our Knowledge Base article here: Is TeamViewer UAC compatible? 

    Deploying TeamViewer

    Yes, you can process a mass deployment of TeamViewer Host or full version on the remote computers you are connecting to.

    We recommend to deploy TeamViewer and enable Easy Access within your deployment. With this setup, you will be able to connect to any deployed TeamViewer Host with a simple double-click.

    We explain how to proceed in this Knowledge Base article right here: Mass deployment improvements

    Note: The mass deployment package is only available for Corporate or Tensor license users. You would need to upgrade your license to be able using this tool. 

    I hope this could help. ?

    If not, do not hesitate to ask your questions here. ?

    Best regards


    Community Manager