How to determine if installed TV is Host or Full from CMD?

I am preparing the upgrade from TV 15.4 to TV 15.8 and we will do it with a batch file. Is there any way I can determine if I have a host or a full version installed using any kind of command in the batch file?
Reason is, that I just want to update the application that is installed. So either host or full.
Best Answer
Thanks for that... but as I need it in a CMD file, I had to find a different solution. So for those who might need it:
FOR /F "USEBACKQ SKIP=1" %%F IN (`wmic product where "Description like 'TeamViewer'" get Description ^| findstr /r /v "^$"`) DO SET TVHOST=Full
FOR /F "USEBACKQ SKIP=1" %%F IN (`wmic product where "Description like 'TeamViewer Host'" get Description ^| findstr /r /v "^$"`) DO SET TVHOST=Host6
Hello @flospi,
Thank you for your message and welcome to the TeamViewer Community! ?
If your devices are all assigned to your TeamViewer account, I suggest you update your clients via TeamViewer policy.
The policy you need to set up is:
- Install new versions automatically with the setting All updates (includes new major versions)
- Check for new versions with the parameter Weekly
All your clients (Host and full version) will update within the next week.
You will find all the information you need about TeamViewer policies in our Knowledge Base article here: How to add a new settings policy
I hope this could help. ?
If not, do not hesitate to ask your questions here. ?
Community Manager
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Hey Jean
Thanks for your answer... we have decided against the automated installation via policy. So I still need an easy way to determine host/full via CMD/Batchfile.
Florian0 -
Hey @Jean
After some discussion, people changed their minds... just a quick question, if you know the answer... I prepared a test policy that allows updates within the main version and will check weekly. Can I force the update from the client? If I use "Help" - "Check for new version", it does not work.
Do I really have to wait for a week?
Do I see anywhere if the update function is actually active? Logfile? Somewhere in the options? A registry key?
Florian0 -
Hey @flospi
i found a solution...
i have the same problem and writing a powershell script.
If i don't forget, i will post my script here
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Hello @flospi,
I am glad to hear you have decided to use the TeamViewer policy method.
Pressing the button Check for new version will trigger an update for the latest version of TeamViewer (not within a version, for all major updates).
Once you enable the policy for weekly updates, it means that an update will be triggered within the next week. It can be at the same say, but also in the worst case 7 days later. There is, unfortunately, no possibility to trigger it immediately with a manual action.
You can check your active TeamViewer policies in your Management Console under Design & Deploy → Policies.
I hope this could help. ?
Best regards
Community Manager
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Thanks for that... but as I need it in a CMD file, I had to find a different solution. So for those who might need it:
FOR /F "USEBACKQ SKIP=1" %%F IN (`wmic product where "Description like 'TeamViewer'" get Description ^| findstr /r /v "^$"`) DO SET TVHOST=Full
FOR /F "USEBACKQ SKIP=1" %%F IN (`wmic product where "Description like 'TeamViewer Host'" get Description ^| findstr /r /v "^$"`) DO SET TVHOST=Host6 -
These are the following step
- Install new versions automatically with the setting All updates (includes new major versions)
- Check for new versions with the parameter Weekly
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There is a reg value in hklm:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\TeamViewer called IsHostModule and a value of 1. This value only exists on Host Clients