Not Received Activation Email URGENT!



  • Hello,

    Ordered. Paid. The money was debited to my credit card.

    But no activation mail.

    What is wrong ?

  • Slegg
    Slegg Posts: 2


    I've paid for my order and I need to use TeamViewer but it's still saying free licence in the software and says "Your new order is in processing and should be available soon in customer portal" in the customer portal.

    I've received an order confirmation email but still no License Activation email.

    Whats going on?


  • Swiftsure
    Swiftsure Posts: 1
    edited April 2023

    I have installed TV and setup my user account with my email address but it is not sending me an activation email. I did manage to get it to register a connection to my remote computer and it did send me a response to my email :

    Your account was used to sign in on this device recently: 2023-04-18 20:55:23 UTC

    TeamViewer ID: Management Console

    Location: not available

    We could not verify if your account has been used on this device before.

    To ensure your account's security, you need to add this device to your trusted devices before you can complete the sign in.

    Please follow the link to add this device to your trusted devices.

    Add to trusted devices

    If you did not try to sign in on this device or you are unsure, we recommend that you change your account password to keep your data safe.

    Please note: TeamViewer will never ask for your login information.

  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,752 Moderator

    Hi @mmkalim1,

    We are sorry to hear that you are still waiting for your activation link.

    May I first ask you to check your email inbox and spam folder for the email from TeamViewer? Sometimes the TeamViewer communication emails might land in your spam folder while you are waiting.

    If in the worst scenario, no luck happens in your email inbox, quickly contact the TeamViewer Sales team via Chat💬 or Phone☎ for confirmation of your order please. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused by the delay in email delivery.

    Hope you will soon receive the activation link and successfully activate the license.



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • MBetton
    MBetton Posts: 1
    edited June 2023

    Good day I am not getting the activation E-Mail from TeamViewer.

    Can someone please assist.

    my email is [removed per Community Guidelines]

  • i purchased an membership and did not receive account action maill

  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,752 Moderator

    Hi @TowerTagIsrael,

    We are sorry to hear that you haven't received the activation email. Usually, the activation link is included in the invoice email sent by TeamViewer. Can you kindly check again the email please. In the worse case, there is nothing happened still, kindly contact TeamViewer Support Team for the activation link resent.



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • Ordered TeamViewer Remote on Saturday but found out that this is not what I need. But I never recieved a Licence Activation email. I'm trying to cancel my order but since you have to run a payed for app I can't do so as my app can't be activated. What do I do to get in contact with support?

  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,752 Moderator

    Hi @Morten_58,

    We are sorry that you have not been able to receive the license activation email from TeamViewer!

    Our TeamViewer support team is able to resend the activation email and you may contact them via the Customer Support page

    Hope the issue can be resolved soon and you may use TeamViewer smoothly!



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • Datashop
    Datashop Posts: 2
    edited November 2024

    hi, I bought recently a license but confirmation email for activate didn't arrive.

    Please send me activation link to my email or send licence key for manually activation

    my email account is: [removed per Community Guidelines]

    user account: [removed per Community Guidelines]