TeamViewer 9 & 10 End-of-Life

User: "Esther"
Staff member
Updated by JeanK

Former Community Manager

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    User: "Esther"
    Staff member

    @Zokac Thanks for your feedback. We are glad to hear this! I am not sure whether this would actually fit to what you mean, but TeamViewer released such a "LITE" license called Remote Access. Feel free to check out the page here (just for general information): 

    @SyComputing If you purchased a TeamViewer 9 license, you can use the complimentary access to TeamViewer 15 until December 31, 2024 as stated here

    The supported versions after June this year are TeamViewer 11 to 15. While you can use TeamViewer 15 from a licensing perspective, you might need to use an older version depending on your OS. Let´s say you are using a Mac OS x 10.7 (Lion) you can´t use TeamViewer 15 but in this case, you can use TeamViewer 11. Please let me know if this is clear.

    @Rutsagig Could you maybe check again? It should rather state 01/01/2026. I am checking internally whether it will "only" show the correct date in v15.

    Former Community Manager


    Thanks Esther, just one more clarification. I assume that the complimentary license to TV 15 is restricted to TV 15, such that when TV 16 comes out I'll not have the ability to use that version. Is this also true for incremental releases within 15, or will I be able to use 15 all the way through?

    User: "Esther"
    Staff member

    @SyComputing - That´s a very good question as TeamViewer used to release a new major version every year. But with the change to a monthly release cycle and a subscription model, I am happy to let you know that there are no plans for a TeamViewer 16 as of now. In any case, you will have access to all minor versions of TeamViewer 15.

    Former Community Manager

    For people with perpetual licences for V9 and 10, I believe you can upgrade to V12 and retain the perpetual licence on this version. Anyone disagree with this?

    Specifically, the standard email I received from TeamViewer on 21st Dec 2020 says:

    "On January 19, 2021, your TeamViewer 9 license will be upgraded to TeamViewer 12."

    It then goes into the spiel about TeamViewer 15 "special complimentary trial", which I believe expires 10 years after my original perpetual licence (which for me is 2022).

    Clearly they want to get you onto the subscription model eventually, but if I go the V12 route then, surely, it will remain perpetual and I can "enjoy" a newer version than the one I originally purchased in 2012? The pain is all the unnecessary download / uninstall / install and having to ask my customers to do the same, which is a shame but not, for my small software business, a deal-killer.

    This morning I have uninstalled 9, installed 12 and captured the QS/Host/Portable V12 installers from Seems to work fine.

    @Esther Hi Esther, I just wanted to check, if I activate our v15 upgrade now, will our existing v9 continue to work until June? We just want to do a bit of testing before we complete the transition.

    User: "BradF"
    Updated by BradF

    @Esther - I have tried to keep up with the comments in this post but as there are so many now, I'm a bit confused as it now looks like you are posting a workaround to the problem?

    So just to confirm, we're on version 8 (very few comments on that post but the same position as v9/10) with a lifetime version.

    I understand TV want to close down connections on old versions for security, but why are you not just transferring out lifetime licences to version 15? Why are you turning lifetime licences into 10 year licences?

    All I can see in your posts are explanations on how to convert to v15, how new versions work from them on, expiry dates etc. I can't see anywhere that you've addressed why perpetual licences are being converted to 10 year ones?

    I also see that you've automatically updated these in the back-end, without giving us the chance not to upgrade, is this correct?

    How are TeamViewer trying to justify this - what is their reason and official position?

    Is is that they just hope that most of its customers will accept it and the rest won't bother legally challenging it?

    I'm not being provocative, I just want to be clear of the official position before we begin further steps.

    Count me in for the class action lawsuit. I purchased the biggest license they had available in 2010 and bought a lifetime license. Never did I think that "lifetime" license actually meant "10 year license". I was even willing to have them convert me to a subscription service if they were to refund me minus the 10 years worth that I have used the program @ $5/month. It was people and companies like us that gave TeamViewer the ability to grow into the company that they are today and for them to use devious advertising tactics by calling a 10 year license a "Lifetime license", then customers who were scammed, need to be compensated or get what they paid for! Does anyone know who to contact to join in on the lawsuit?

    I also got this e-mail.

    However when I want to Customize my modules like I used to do in all the previous versions it keeps on doing it as Version 15.

    I need to be able to Customize my modules for Version 12.

    Can someone please point me to how I can Customize my modules for Version 12.

    Hi @Johan_de_Kerk

    Thanks for your comment.

    Your modules will be created in version 15 which is correct so far since your license was upgraded to version 15. If you are trying to connect to an operating system that requires an older version of TeamViewer, your customized module will adapt automatically.

    Hope this could help. Let us know if there are any further questions.

    Have a nice day.

    All the best,


    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

    Hi Natascha,

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    Just to be clear and I understand it correctly.

    The e-mail said: "On January 19, 2021, your TeamViewer 9 license will be upgraded to TeamViewer 12."

    So I will install the Version 12 Full version on my computer.

    I will then create Custom Modules to send to my customers. Which will be created in/as Version 15.

    I will then be able to connect from my Full Version 12 to my customers that has the Version 15 Custom Modules.


    Johan de Klerk

    So if I have an end user with an older mac ios, or some other system which cannot use ver 15, can I still make a custom module for them? Or will they be forced to use the unbranded host, eliminating any of my contact info and only your constant advertising popups?

    Count me in to

    So today I received an unsollicited promotionary email from this unesteemed company, offering (translated to English litterally from the mail):

    * Offer valid until February 7, 2021 when switching from a perpetual plan to a new Business, Premium or Corporate plan.

    Another translation could be "eternal plan".

    So can anyone explain to me why my perpetual or eternal plan is not so perpetual/eternal after all? I am asking here since nobody from teamviewer seems to answer any support request whatsoever.

    Hello Teamviewer

    We have TV 9 x3 and 10 x9 Perpetual licenses and like many here took them in good faith. "Perpetual license" in definition would mean license for life as long as Teamviewer is in trading. Therefore in court of law you would not stand a chance. You perhaps did not understand the gravity of this at the time when you were establishing and didn't mind clients like many of us paying upfront for perpetual licenses. But you cannot change your terms when you realise there is no further money to be made by these clients that did pay for Perpetual and lasted this long for you to regret your original policies.

    You can be certain that there will be a lawsuit heading towards your way and advise the group to start a group action against Teamviewer. I am certainly not accepting your offer for a limited period. Perpetual is Perpetual and if your servers cant cope up with Data regulations and you require all to move to a better platform then you have to offer all Perpetual to move across.

    who else is having problems contacting support trying to get a clear answer of when there version is supported till? there is either no communication between Community Manager ester and support, or support has been instructed to not answer any questions about Complimentary TeamViewer 15

    i have an open support issue sitting at 10 days+ without response.

    i purchased perpetual teamviewer 10 licence.

    if support is unwilling to continue support for the product i purchased provide full refund, stop with the slow updates hoping the constant notification every time a connection is closed about an great offer.

    User: "Esther"
    Staff member

    @Argelis - Thanks for your feedback and your question. I think this answer is relevant for some other people too as I saw similar questions: Yes, it is correct that you can use TeamViewer 13 instead of TeamViewer 15 or the complimentary trial of TeamViewer 15 until the end of 2023. After that, you can continue using TeamViewer in LAN. (If you received an email stating that you get access to TeamViewer 11 or 12, please replace the version number accordingly).

    @Ivan_F - Thanks for following up on this and no - the cooperation is not over. Please excuse that we can only provide support in English!

    @kteague  Thanks for your comment too. No worries - your license will expire automatically on December, 31st (in your case) 2023 and not renew. You are welcome to use TeamViewer 11 during the whole period. 

    @all - Please keep in mind that the server support for newer TeamViewer versions can be discontinued in the future too.

    While I understand your points and that you are not happy with the information given, we want to provide and we have to provide software that is equipped to secure networks and devices. While we do work as long and as hard as possible on supporting as many versions as possible, at one point, we have to cut the connections to avoid what we all want to avoid.

    Former Community Manager

    This has been handled poorly and I suspect others, like myself have been comparing competitors offerings, pricing and features and based on a recent quote from TV which 'claimed' to also include 50% off is still much higher than others.

    User: "DanielBerlin"
    Updated by JoshP

    Teamviewer seems to have hired new professional sellers.

    Googling for "teamviewer lifetime 10 years" brings nothing but discussions about it.

    so far no version has run longer than 10 years and you always got a free upgrade with a lifetime license before the shutdown.

    Any "license end dates" here seem to refer only to versions, but worded that way to buy a new license.

    My lawyer advised me to contact him if a real shutdown is imminent.Currently, a supposed license end of 1.1.2025 is displayed in my TV12. (upgraded from v9 lifetime) Probably the use of v12 is meant here.

    I save myself questions, because they would certainly be answered again only vague.

    A salesman from **Third Party Product** would say: They seem to need it.

    [me cancel subscription of this thread]

    Hi Ester,

    Thanks for replying to the others.

    You said: (If you received an email stating that you get access to TeamViewer 11 or 12, please replace the version number accordingly)

    If I log into my account and I want to customize my modules all I get is Version 15.

    I received this in the e-mail on 21 Dec 2020: On January 19, 2021, your TeamViewer 9 license will be upgraded to TeamViewer 12

    Please help/direct me how to access TV 12 to allow me to customize my modules.


    Johan de Klerk

    User: "Esther"
    Staff member

    Hi @Johan_de_Kerk

    If you want to use TeamViewer 12 (and the customized modules accordingly) you can add "V12" into the URL for the download of your customized module.


    Let´s assume the following link is the original link you got from within the Management Console: It would download a TeamViewer module in version 15 as your license is valid for TeamViewer 15 (as announced here).

    Now you simply add /v12 to the URL like this:

    This one will download V12 but keep your customizations.

    I hope this info helped you.

    Best, Esther

    Former Community Manager

    Hi Esther,

    Thank you very much, it worked 100%.

    One more question please: Why would it show an expiry date of 1 January 2023?


    Johan de Klerk

    User: "Esther"
    Staff member

    @fresco2 Thanks for your feedback. As your questions are not related to the topic discussed here, we will open up a new thread for your post.

    @Johan_de_Kerk Are you referring to your TeamViewer full version --> Help --> About TeamViewer? This date should be in combination with the complimentary access to TeamViewer 15 as highlighted here: 

    Former Community Manager

    Hi Esther,

    Thanks for your reply.

    It is on this about screen.

    For TM Ver 12.


    Johan de Klerk

    User: "Esther"
    Staff member
    Updated by Esther

    Thanks for confirming @Johan_de_Kerk

    The expiry date means the expiration of the complimentary license for TeamViewer 15 based on your "source" license (=TeamViewer 7):

    Former Community Manager

    Hi Esther,

    Thanks for your reply.

    So does this mean that my TM Ver 12 will stop functioning on 1 Jan 2023 and I will not be able to connect to my customers over the internet/remotely from 1 Jan 2023?


    Johan de Klerk

    User: "Esther"
    Staff member

    @Johan_de_Kerk TeamViewer 12 will continue to work as this version is not part of the discontinuation of server support. However, the complimentary license will expire on that day (for those with a former TeamViewer 7 license), and with this, connections won´t be possible outside of your LAN. Just one question out of curiosity: Why do you use TeamViewer 12 instead of 15?

    Former Community Manager

    So really, this is a way of phasing out perpetual licenses. Those being forced to upgrade to v15 are no longer perpetual but as subscription with a long but finite trial. How can this be even seen as perpetual in terms of the original purchasing agreement?

    I upgraded from 5 to 12 to get new features and paid for extras on an expensive perpetual license on the understanding that I can use my version for as long as I want to connect to hosts (not restricted to a LAN). Now I feel that in the next 12 months versions 11/12 will be next in line for the chop and I too will be in the same situation as others.

    Hi Esther,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Sorry if I keep on asking stupid questions but I feel very stupid and lost at this stage.

    So after 1 Jan 2023 my TM Ver 12 will still work outside my LAN, internet/remotely. My TM Ver 12 will not stop working for internet/remotely connections after 1 Jan 2023.

    The complementary license for TM Ver 15 will stop working on 1 Jan 2023.

    !! Just one question out of curiosity: Why do you use TeamViewer 12 instead of 15? !!

    I like to use software that I am licensed to use and not complementary software. I hope it makes sense.


    Johan de Klerk

    This is ridiculous and blizzard. They should leave those version on or upgrader to next level. If this will discontinue my license then I will switch to someone else. I think we should take some legal action against teamviwer. They need to understand power of public.

    Still no answer from anyone at teamviewer, not by mail, not even in this buggy forum.

    You guys really know how to handle your customer complaints...

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