Commercial use - Connection time outAnnounced

User: "JeanK"
Community Manager 🌍
Updated by Akiho

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    I have the same problem

    Hi Guys,

    I previously was using a corporate account but since you changed your TOS

    I only use TeamViewer Personal from home to help friends & family members. After sighing into my personal account and trying to connect to my brother’s computer I get

    β€œYour TeamViewer session has timed out and will be closed”

    after only a couple of minutes. I thought it might have been because I was using my corporate account previously so I uninstalled TeamViewer and removed all of the excess files from

    C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer


    C:\Users\MyUserAccount\AppData\ Roaming\TeamViewer

    I then reinstalled TeamViewer and tried again but I get the same message and get booted after a few minutes

    See links:

    Any Help Would Be Greatly Appreciated,


    i recently submitted an affirmation that my use was personal. still having problems

    The system says I am using it for commerical use.. when all I am doing is supporting my Mom and Brothers. How do I ask them to reset it?

    "Your Teamviewer session has timed out and will be closed"

    I get logged of after less than 1 minute. Only with one friend.

    I feel confident that others have to be experiencing this too, but my search didn't really pull up much (though I may be bad a selecting search terms). Anyway, I've used the free TeamViewer for years to help my parent whenever they had a computer question. I had helped them back in October of 2020, then didn't have to connect to their computer until just recently (early February 2021) . When I did connect again, I was booted off after about a minute - the message said that my session had timed out, and then I was prevented from reconnecting to them. I tried again a few days later and had the same experience. I then began to suspect that maybe the free version had been nixed, so I looked for pricing for a licensed version and the most economical option was $49 a month...

    I am having a hard time believing that what they'd offered for free is now $600 a year, but crazier things have been happening this past year. So, can anyone confirm whether this is true? Did they ditch the free version?

    Many thanks!

    Getting message-

    Connection blocked after timeout.

    Your license limits the maximum session duration to a partner, immediate reconnects are blocked. Please try later or upgrade your license.

    Connections to this partner will be blocked until 18:53


    This is a free account and I'm trying to connect to my linux box sitting under my monitor here on my desk. I don't understand why the maximum session duration is 0.00 seconds and I get immediately blocked from further attempts.

    User: "philk07"
    Updated by Fiona_G

    I am having the same issue and it times out in less than 1 minute. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Teamviewer but no change. Even though in the advanced options, the inactivity is set to OFF, I tried to increase 8 hours but still the same result in that it times out in less than 1 minute.

    Attached is the logfile in the event Teamviewer support is monitoring this community message.

    **Information removed as per Community Guidelines**

    User: "statementxp"
    Updated by Fiona_G

    I have a problem.

    My friend got a bug with Windows Preinstall Environment on LiveUSB, and I tried to connect to him. After 20 sec I've been disconnected and then i still cannot connect due to several causes: 4 times I couldn't reconnect because I have to wait for next minute and I waited, then "You cannot connect because you do it too often or fast".

    ***bleep***, guys. I almost want to go to another remote control program.



    Frustrated! I am using the Free and latest version of Teamviewer. I never had the problem before, but recently my connection with my partner times out within about 5 minutes and it is extremely frustrating!

    How do I increase the connection time? I cannot seem to find an answer when I search in the Help option.

    I used '' an get as far as filling the form with name, address etc, then the 'Generate PDF 'button at the bottom of the form does absolutely nothing, and gives no error messages. Help please

    Why is this not being answered by anyone at TeamViewer? Technical Support? Someone?

    205 pages of complaints on the same issue and still counting. It doesn't look like this problem is being resolved or even addressed. In the past, submitting an appeal used to be reviewed and resolved but now it seems no longer to be the case.

    User: "wave5136"
    Updated by Natascha

    TeamViewer ID: [removed by a moderator due to Community Guidelines]

    Email address: [removed by a moderator due to Community Guidelines]

    Name wave36 [removed by a moderator due to Community Guidelines]

    [removed by a moderator due to Community Guidelines]

    Usage situation

    "I regularly maintain my friend's computer."

    Is TeamViewer no longer free for non-commercial use? I use it mainly to connect to my own server in my home instead of having to physically move to that computer. Sometimes I use it to help a friend who is not very computer literate. I have not been able to use TV for several months now. It times out after 10 seconds and disconnects, telling me I must buy a license.

    I have previously submitted a ticket about this but nothing was ever done to solve it. I want to know in case I need to dump TV and find another alternative.

    My account has been intructed to acquire paid license. Is this required for only local household network use on max 3 computers?

    What activity might have triggered this "commercial activity" designation.

    User: "dtrcorp"
    Updated by dtrcorp

    When I remote control another computer, the session only lasts 45 seconds then times out. When trying to reconnect I get the following message:

    Connection blocked after timeout. Your license limits the maximum session duration to a partner, immediate reconnects are blocked. Please try later or upgrade your license.

    I am using FREE ver. 15.14.5

    Any idea what is happening? It never did this before.

    Dear Sirs I'd like to claim that my TeamViewer account is suspected as Commercial, however I'm using it only to access a couple of my own devices and my parents' PCs. I can prove it by providing all the necessary data about each device. Waiting for your comments. Thank You!

    User: "Al_Atl"
    Updated by Fiona_G


    For the third or fourth time, one of my computers has been wrongly flagged with "commercial use detected." I work in Canada and have an apartment here. My permanent home is in Georgia, I have a house there and computers there. When I am in one place, I often log into the other to check on things, make changes, send/receive files etc. My son and I also help each other out on computer issues. I am not now, have not ever and will not ever use this for commercial use. It is all personal, home use!!! Can you please help me with this? It is so aggravating! I need to do something on a remote computer that would likely only take me a few minutes but with Team Viewer kicking me out after a few seconds, it is impossible and so very irritating. Effectively useless. Please help! You detection system is set far, far, far too sensitive that this keeps happening over and over, not only to me, but from what I am reading in online groups, many others as well.

    Thank you for your help.


    **Information removed as per Community Guidelines**


    I need help!

    It keeps thinking I have a commercial license so I can't even use it anymore.

    I use it for my parents, my Aunt and a couple friends.


    Same here. I lost my security code too.

    I need help!!!

    I have a free account and maybe 9-10 machines added(friends and family I help with issues). I'm constantly flagged for commercial use or suspected use and it kicks me off remote or only allows me on for 1 minute. Why am I being flagged?? This restriction needs to be removed. I'm under the allowed machines added on my save list and I only use the service when needed.

    I keep getting alerts that my use is marked as commercial usage and I cannot stay connect to any family member computer for over a minute.

    Where is the Teamviewer support for this?

    I have added the same question but a moderator is merging into another existing, older and unanswered question. Please do not merge.

    Even if you submit the form to reset for commercial use, there are no updates or changes to your account.

    I am having the same issue! I have been cut off VERY fast. And do not use this in a commercial way or receive money for using it at all.

    I have a free account and have submitted a form to reset my account from being detected as being commercial usage 3 times since November 2020. I attempted to call for support who does not have any ability to support the free accounts. Nothing has changed with my account being able to log in to computers on my account to last over 1 minute. What does it take to fix this issue with Teamviewer?

    why does my remote connection "time out" in less than one minute then blocks me for several minutes.

    I rarely use team viewer, but when I do it's to connect to my personal computers, or a family member, or a small local non-profit to help. It's supposed to be free for personal use, and support unlocked my usage last time but now it says I'm doing commercial stuff again and locked me out. I cannot get anyone on support to help. Is there any solution? I can't pay $600 a year to help my grandma and a local charity...

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