Commercial use - Connection time out
Same problem, long-time user for very occasional support of my parents' PCs overseas, now my sessions are just a few seconds long before I'm timed out and kicked out.
TV must be swamped with complaints, I can't imagine submitting a ticket is going to help!
If this is deliberate, it's weird behaviour on TV's part. If it's a bug, I guess they know about it. So the only thing to do is wait and see if they fix it.
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Connection times out after 60 seconds
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I did not solve it, I am awaiting the solution like you. I am awaiting the solution answer myself
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TeamViewer needs to get off their backsides and fix this issue. It's likely due to a bug in the latest version and like everyone else in here, I've submitted the PDF form and have not received any response since submitted about a week ago.
There's no reason for this to be flagged when they ask for a list of the TV IDs for the devices being connected to, a connection to one of those should be a non-issue when identified.
Time to go find some other solution for something far less than the $600/yr that a single seat license costs from the per month cost. I cannot deal with this **bleep** any longer.
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I'm also, with the same trouble. Can you help me?
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Yeah, the licence costs are totally out of line for regular users. *bleep** i can get a Office 365 Home License for 60 Eur/year. But Teamviewer? 600Eur? come on...
I'd gladly pay 5 Eur a month/60 Eur a year if there was such an option for a Home TeamViewer License. I dont need most of the features that are implemented for business support. Just the "i show my parents how to use Office and E-Mail stuff".
I just switched to "Third part product" until my issue is resolved.
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Same for me, it says only PDF files but it does not accept PDF files. All the procedure is not working...
There is a real problem here...
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I am using teamviewer to connect computer to playing games and been locked, [personal information removed]
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I have used TV for a number of years to access devices on my home LAN for non commercial use.
Suddenly I get the commercial use pop up every time I attempt to use remote control on one of the other computers in my house.
Please advise
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I have the exact same issue, it happened when I reinstalled my windows.
It is really frustrating because after so many years I can no longer use TeamViewer even for personal use only.
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Tried using the form, but the 'generate PDF' button does nothing?
Can you advise please
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I have been using my personal version of TeamViewer remotely to help monitor my back up on my PC from my iPad. This has been working ok and have not been using it for any type of commercial/business usage. I generally log on and take all of 10 minutes at a time (average about 2-3 per day). Two days ago I tried logging on and was given a screen to buy the business plan for $600. Again I am not using this for commercial. The only thing I can think that might've triggered was that I did install TeamViewer on my laptop which is network to my PC and wanted to see how the backup from the laptop to one of the external named drives on my desktop was doing. Maybe this somehow triggered it to think I was doing something commercial.
I read in a blog that this happened to someone else and they contacted TeamViewer to explain and they reset(?) their free usage parameters. Is this true and if not what channels /directions does anyone recommend so I can go back to using the platform for my personal use which is what it has always been. I'm sure I might have to also update my profile that shows a very old computer that I used eons ago also.
Thanks in advance.
Sir K
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I'm still doing my own investigation and testing to see if I can sort things out.
What I can suggest people consider trying is using a different network connection on the machine in question. In other words, if you have both Ethernet and WIFI on a machine, try using the other. Before you switch, make sure to logout of your account in TV, make sure that TV does NOT start with Windows, and then reboot. Now change your network device, and reboot again after the change. Then run TV and see if that helps with your issue.
If you don't have a second network adapter, it should be noted that USB network adapters are dirt cheap, (about $10/€10) and it never hurts to have another network adapter around in case yours fails or has driver issues.
Note that your client may have a new ID when you launch the client, so if connecting from another machine, don't use the ID unless you double-check it first. Let me know if this helps...
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I just hooked up a monitor to the 2 headless machines that I usually control from a WiFi connected laptop using TV (that has been incorrectly flagged for commercial use). Both of these machines are hardwired to the (FIOS) WiFi router. Both run the TV client with no disruption or commercial use error warning. So, I dug up a tablet that I don't usually use and it connects (via WiFi) without disruption. Back to my primary laptop - still terminates all sessions as "commercial use". So it seems to be machine-specific rather than connection specific. Perhaps they are counting number of uses and the laptop that serves as my command post crossed a threshold? The management reset web page still doesn't function so I can't submit an appeal.
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UPDATE: I was told that if there is a chance that commercial use was detected on the ID's used that I must log in to my account and fill out a form that I list the ID(s) and to basically give/provide a statement stating why I am using the product. They will review it and reset the ID's and/or provide feedback.
I will update further within 48 hours - and still looking to see if anybody else has any ideas and/or experienced similar.
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I submitted the signed PDF for reactivation and I never heard back from them. Do i need to re submit a new form?
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Once Connected to my partners computer I receive a message session ended a time out occured. This has never happended before. Only use team viewer for personal use only between my father and me. Please help
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Why does this happen? Then I cannot get in until much later
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Something must have broke. Been using the FREE version since 2014 on my Home boxes with no, and I mean ZERO issues. It was flawless.
Now, ever since Monday 05/10 I have been getting the dreaded TIME_OUT with a dialog box sometimes saying it thinks I am commercial, which I am NOT, and did I mention it was ZERO errors and flawless for 7 years prior to Monday.
So, does anybody have an in with SUPPORT, that they can get someone to look at this, as I see from the message board it ain't me alone.
Thanks very much.
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I've started having the same issue with using Teamviewer as well. I recently changed my parent's home internet from Uverse to Tmobile Home internet. I wonder if Teamviewer tries to detect commercial use by detecting whether data being transmitted over the internet is occurring over a cellular sim connection vs a standard wired connection, and if it flags any sim based traffic as commercial use.
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I establish a local connection between two of my computers where one is monitoring and controlling the other. The remote computer's TeamViewer is configured to run in unattended mode. Things had been running file for ages until the last TeamViewer update. Since then, I can still connect with no problem, but the connection terminates almost immediately due to "Session Timeout". I tried setting the Session Timeout on both computers to Off, as well as various hour settings without success. How can I get around this problem and possibly be able to control this Timeout?
Thank you
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I am not for commercial use. Please unblock.
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plz resolve this problem
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I wanted to give an update from what I previously posted above (starting about 2 weeks ago). On the evening of April 27, I did the PDF form to reset the TV ID's that I have been connecting to. I listed 5 ID's that i regularly connected to. When you fill out the form, be sure you are listing the machine TV ID's and not listing your TV account username. That may be why some folks are NOT able to create the PDF. In less than 48 BUSINESS hours I tried using TV and discovered my system had been reset and I have been good to go since then. I may have been ahead of crowd, so it may take longer for you to be reset.
Today, 2 weeks after I filed the PDF, I got automated email telling me my the 5 ID's had been reset. The email included the Troubleshooting note I have copied below:
I have been reset but I'm still getting the message saying I'm using TeamViewer commercially. What can I do?
If you are still getting the pop-up saying you are using TeamViewer commercially, it is most probably due to the fact that:
- the TeamViewer ID of the remote device you are trying to connect to might be flagged as being commercially used.
- Please keep in mind that a TeamViewer connection always involves two devices (TeamViewer IDs) and that we are presenting the pOpUp on both sides of the connection.
- If you think that this is not the case and that connecting to this device is private use, please repeat the process and fill out an additional form for this/these TeamViewer ID(s):
- the TeamViewer ID(s) that you submitted is/are invalid or do(es) not exist.
- In order to prevent this, please check if the data you have submitted is correct. To do so, please open your signed declaration (PDF-file) and check if the TeamViewer ID(s) you provided match(es) the TeamViewer ID(s) you are using.
- In this case, please repeat the process and fill out a new form for this/these TeamViewer ID(s):
Please note that if your usage pattern changes and your TeamViewer connections are deemed to be commercially flagged, your reset may be reverted at any time.
I hope this information may help you understand what is going on.
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TeamViewer I think I use my free version for Acquisition and I do not in any way
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The form will not accept UK post codes, specifies digits only, our codes have format AA1 1AA
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It does if you leave the space out. This AA11AA.
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I wanted to know if the free non-commercial use version still works?
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Good evening to everybody,
as the title says, I'm having this problem since 1 month or so; I also waited for updates, hoping it would have been solved, but unfortunately, it didn't.
I use TeamViewer non commercial, as I used to connect 2 laptops, mine and my father one, in different rooms.
Since at least one month, after 30-45 seconds after I connect to his laptop, it automatically kicks me off, saying the time I had for session is over. If I try to reconnect, it says (I'm translating, so probably won't be too much accurate) "connection blocked due to max time reach. Your license limits the max duration of a session and immediate reconnections will be blocked again. Connections will be blocked until *a time that is generally 1 minute later than I connected in first time*". So I wait several minutes, and try to reconnect: I get the same error, but the time it's now switched to the minute later and so on, obviously it's impossible to use it this way.
The same occurs if I try to connect from my father's laptop to mine.
I'd like to understand if there have been some changes in free to use policies by TeamViewer (not letting to use it more than 30 second per connection and per hour) - in this case I'll uninstall it suddenly, either my account has some issues I can solve.
Thanks to everybody,