Commercial use - Connection time outAnnounced

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    I used software on my home computer. While everyone thanks for free use, I have not been able to use TeamViewer for a long time, tech support ignores me, writing there is no use. It looks like a mockery: the information window of program tells me that my session is limited to five minutes, but in fact session ends immediately after the connection. Such is the mockery. And I live, barely making ends meet, constantly risking to stay on the street. Meals per month I fit in $ 15. I wish those who came up with this, also grow to such commercial use. At moment, free use is not possible, for at least half year. Fully agree with Yussuf, this is very humiliating. Product is called free, and its use is impossible, it is necessary to use much worse analogues.  And with all of this at bottom of a false inscription in huge letters - "Get Started Now! It's free for personal use or as a trial version for business users."

    @stefanw1337 : you take BitCoin ? :D or Libra? :D 

    Haha perfect.. I did find this a while back. Haven't yet switched over, I was hoping for either a true free alternative or something I could pay 1 time and be done.

    Thanks though :D


    Feels like we're in a resistance movement..


    TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!! THIS COMPANY IS A SCAM AND REFUSE TO ISSUE REFUNDS! They require a 28 day cancellation before contract ends buried in the contract.  Please don't sign up for the paid version.  Buyer Beware!!!!!!!!!

    TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!! THIS COMPANY IS A SCAM AND REFUSE TO ISSUE REFUNDS! They require a 28 day cancellation before contract ends buried in the contract.  Please don't sign up for the paid version.  Buyer Beware!!!!!!!!!

    @pv7721 wrote:

    @genierun : you're a genie! :D 

    Ye, I want my three wishes now:
    1. Teamviewer fixes this issue; I would like them to remove the whole commercial detection **bleep** they came up with, and its garbage implementation.
    2. Teamviewer stops with its annoyances and don't put ads down your throat ALL the time, and removes the message that comes when every connection ends.
    3. I wish for some money as well, so since we're on the topic of Teamviewer and their problems. I wish for a transaction from the developers of Teamviewer to send me $50 million dollars for have annoyed A LOT of people with this stuff. Thanks, genie! :D

    @genierun : you're a genie! :D 

    @genierun You can post them.. the moment you submit we'll all get the email but try not to use straight up names that an algorithm can filter out.. 

    As for me I need a solution that I can install on my grand parents + parents pcs that I can just remote into when they have issues. Hopefully one that works on PC/Linux/Mac (got my dad on linux)

    Anyway thanks!

    I have been having this for months now. Please remove it from my account.
    Computer ID: **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**

    Hi All

    Everyone getting this message and not prepared to pay for your specific usecase of Teamviewer, can just look for alternatives. I did so. And used my 5 minute access to install alternative software on my remote pcs. It took less than 30mins to be up and running with an alternative that provides all of the functionality I was using on teamviewer, for free, on my pc and all remote pcs.

    It beats waiting weeks for Teamviewer to resolve this issue, only to be blocked again and again although your usecase never changes.

    I dont think Teamviewer can ask you to move. And I dont think I will be allowed to post software names on this forum. So feel free to use the advice or not.

    Good Luck!

    @krugern wrote:

    After all this harassment from TeamViewer, I've changed to **Third Party Poroduct**, and urged everyone I know to do the same or find another alternative.

    I am inclined to agree.

    I use Teamviewer once or twice a month to connect to personal computers. I do rarely use it outside of this context to help friends and family but I do. I do NOT get paid for my use of Teamviewer. My usage could hardly amount to what teamviewer is asking for, for a license.

    I used teamviewer once this month and got this message. I filled out the form and got the issue resolved.

    I tried using teamviewer again today (no use in between) and I am being detected as commercial use again. My personal feel is that Teamviewer no longer supports free use. We should be getting messages asking us to find alternative ways to perform the tasks we originally used Teamviewer for if we do not wish to pay for Teamviewer.

    I appreciate the many years of free use. I believe I have return sang teamviewer's praise to all who would listen.

    I do not appreciate the sudden change of philosophy and the time wasted trying to resolve these stupid issues, where Teamviewers intent could be clearly communicated to its users.

    After all this harassment from TeamViewer, I've changed to **Third Party Poroduct**, and urged everyone I know to do the same or find another alternative.

    @mrandros wrote:

    People that help their friends and family from time to time ain't got cash and time for 50usd a month because you detect them as corporate

    Whilst I cannot speak for family, I doubt anyone would be prepared to pay to help their friends.

    Personally, I only ever used TeamViewer to assist 2 computer illiterate friends with challenges like not knowing what to do when they got a virus, or how to backup their mails and photos, or installing program updates. As long as it didn't cost me anything more than a little of my time, I was fine with giving them a helping hand. Once TV decided to accuse me of commercial use and insist I buy a license, I simply uninstalled the program and changed to a competitor's. Had there been no competitor software available for free, I would have told my friends "Sorry but TeamViewer don't want me to help you anymore so you will have to contact a local IT company and pay them to assist you."

    I like my friends but there is no way I am going to pay to solve their problems, and they wouldn't expect me to, either!

    I sent in my formular more than two months ago and have not yet received any reply yet

    10/5/19 i received an email with "next step", and i replied to that instant. I have pushed for an answer twice, but i do not receive any reply at all. I get that Teamviewer get a lot of mails about free license is detected to be corporate license, tho many is fault flagged, but this is just crasy. Having this long wait time, that does not seem to be replied ever, is frustrating to be a part of. Teamviewer is a big company, so act like it. If you want ALL people to pay for your service, make adjustable licenses, instead of only offer Free service that gives you more problems than solving, and crasy overpriced business license. People that help their friends and family from time to time ain't got cash and time for 50usd a month because you detect them as corporate

    Finally, we believe deeply in helping people and making the world a better place. Call it good karma, but it’s also good for sustainable business. Besides, we have friends and family too.

    > Calling your free users liars - is that good for sustainable business?
    > Not replying to your customers - is that good for sustainable business?
    > Blatantly overcharging for your product - is that good for sustainable business?
    > Getting your moderators to edit/delete posts that tell the truth about your company, rather than addressing the issues being raised - is that good for sustainable business?
    > Having your company name ridiculed and spoken of negatively in forums and social media all over the planet - is that good for sustainable business?

    In short, what would they know about sustainable business?

    @JackHK wrote:

    But that's reasonable that no company will offer solution for free in the commercial world!

    Wrong! TeamViewer themselves claim they WANT to offer it free for personal use! They explain it here:

    From the very beginning, TeamViewer has been available to everyone completely free of charge for personal, non-commercial use.

    We want users all over the world to benefit from the possibilities that TeamViewer provides. We want our users to become intimately familiar with the software and how it works, come to trust its high level of security, and experience its wide variety of potential uses.

    We do this for several reasons.

    • First of all, recommendations that are based on personal experience and that come from friends and business associates are incredibly powerful. We sincerely appreciate them.
    • Secondly, our large user base constantly gives us feedback to improve our software in order to better meet customer needs and expectations. In short, you have some great ideas.
    • Finally, we believe deeply in helping people and making the world a better place. Call it good karma, but it’s also good for sustainable business. Besides, we have friends and family too.

    Thank you for using TeamViewer

    Kse Dyna --


    i can not use teamviewer anymore and in getting this : COMMERCIAL USE DETECTED.

    i'm i private user and ask you to fix this problem.

    thank you,


    Yes, it is. But that's reasonable that no company will offer solution for free in the commercial world!


    ?????? I’m very angry, at least 1 hour I don’t send photos from my pc to my phone because *bleep*
    Sorry, 5 minutes, not 10 system says.
    Hi everyone!
    Work with TV very long time ~ 5-7 years, or more. In my using this service doesn’t have commercial work of something, but few months ago system start noticed me. Supposedly I’m work like commercial and have 10 minutes session, after that time, I’ll need wait 10 minutes, when i can connect again. But, anyone connect and my fast time work it’s 30 sec or maximum 60 sec, and… disconnected. What a **bleep**?! Nothing commercial and system doesn’t want follow their rules.

    Use **Third Party Product** Personal instead guys, it costs, but not that much a year. And it works without any limitrations, any ads, any blockings AND it works better with nVIdia Geforce, which enables you to play games. It's android to PC and PC to PC. Anyone know of a good alternative to Android-to-Android tho?

    I have the same problem, what i can do?

    after latest update to 14.4.2669, timeouts occur after 1 Minute, so I can just connect to the remote system and will be blocked right away for 10 to 12 minutes

    Look it up online and you will see that there are numerous complaints.  I am going to try and get in touch with some to see about getting a class action lawsuit started. 

    Buyer beware is all I saying that their business practices  are shady.  There are better products that are cheaper and don't resort to extortion.

    And everithing else is your problems!

    Did i understood them right?

    Buyer beware is all I saying that their business practices  are shady.  There are better products that are cheaper and don't resort to extortion.

    With regard to your last post, deleted by a moderator, if you consider the enforced 28 day cancellation period to be unjust, you have the right to get an EU mediator involved who will either find for or against your case.

    TV is a German company and thus has to abide by European laws.

    The form for making a complaint can be found at:

    If any moderator deletes this post, it will be because the company not only has something to hide, but knows its practices will not be tolerated by EU law enforcement.

    TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!! THIS COMPANY IS A SCAM AND REFUSE TO ISSUE REFUNDS! They require a 28 day cancellation before contract ends buried in the contract.  Please don't sign up for the paid version.  Buyer Beware!!!!!!!!!

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