Fix your problem assistance path?


I have a licensing issue. We have not received our activation email. So I call. Voice answer says, sorry too many people, go to to our website to receive help and hangs up.

Well, that site doesn't exist.

Go to main page and click "Contact Us" button. It asks me to sign in and I do. Chat window comes up... "Sorry chat is down" please click button to "Submit a ticket". So, I click the button.

Come to a forum page that says I need to "activate my license" to submit a ticket.

Nice job! So what is your solution for a person who purchased your product two weeks ago, but you give no way to actually use it?

It would also be a nice "aside" if you could provide a path to get assistance instead of having to leave a forum post on something that no one else can help with except you.


  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,078 Moderator

    Hello @agoldenadmin

    Welcome to the TeamViewer Community!

    I'm ready sorry for the troubles you are having to contact our support team by phone.

    I will contact you in a private message with more questions to better assist you with the license activation.

    We will keep in touch!

    Portuguese Community Moderator