need to create a TV host for deployment with gpo
I need to create a custom host file that has unatended access policy and would automatically apear in our computer list when deployed. Is it possible? If yes than how to configure it? I already know how to make gpo deployments, but I am new to team viewer.
Did some research and found out that it can be done with passing comand lines to the msi installer. Could someone give me hints what comand line arguments I should use and what software to use to pass those arguments.
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msiexec.exe /i "Path_to\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn APITOKEN=xxxxxx CUSTOMCONFIGID=xxxxxx ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--alias %ComputerName% --grant-easy-access --group-id gxxxxxx"
How to pass this comand line argument?
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Hi @Simas898,
Good to see you back in our Community 😃
Have you checked out our dedicated article about deployment via GPO? If not, you can click here to have a look at it: 👉 Deploy TeamViewer via GPO
⚠ As mentioned in the article, please keep in mind that this method might work but is not supported by TeamViewer Support.
Alternatively, you can have a look at our Mass deployment on Windows - Overview which describes to you step by step how to deploy TeamViewer Host or Full client.
We also have an article about the Mass deployment on macOS if needed.
Let us know if you have further questions,
Modératrice Communauté Francophone 💌 French Community Moderator
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Thanks for the reply. I already checked mass deployment guide. I am trying to pass an argument to installer.
I passed it in the shortcut to msi file target window, but easy access was not granted and it has not apeared in my devices list. Also tried running installation with my custom host installer with arguments on the .bat file.
msiexec.exe /i "tv.msi" /qn APITOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx CUSTOMCONFIGID=xxxx ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--alias %ComputerName% --grant-easy-access --group-id xxxx"
Can anyone tell me why this argument is not making that pc apear in the group and easy access was not enabled.
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I tried editing the host file msi with orca, but now I am receiving error 2356. I added customconfig id,apitoken and assignemnt aptions that grants eassy access and adds the computer to a group. Can somebody advise what might be the problem.
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I was having the same issue. I worked around it by using a default group assignment in the Custom Config.
There's a lot of things in those docs that do not work as they say they do. I've wasted a lot of time trying to "fix" our alias assignments of Proper Username and Computername in installation scripts, to no avail. We adjust the alias post install, which is terrible.
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After many headaches, I found the perfect solution to manage 1000 computers in my company.
Suppose you have many computers that have Teamviewer Full 32 and also 64 bits installed,
1 go to teamviewer
create and design
So that the allow message to be able to autoconnect (easy access) does not appear, these options must be selected.
2 create bat, to check:
- if the msi host is already installed (skip to the end)
- if the msi host is not installed (delete the teamviewer FULL if it exists, and install the Teamviewer HOST MSI
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "valor_registro=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\TeamViewer\MsiInstallation"
:: Verificar si el valor existe en el Registro
reg query "%valor_registro%" >nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
echo Temviewer Host ya esta instalado. No se realizara ninguna accion.
) else (
:: Uninstall TeamViewer from 64-bit installation path
"C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\uninstall.exe" /S
:: Pause of 5 seconds
timeout /t 5
:: Uninstall TeamViewer from 32-bit installation path
"C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\uninstall.exe" /S
:: Pause of 5 seconds
timeout /t 5
:: Delete registry keys and installation directory
reg delete HKLM\Software\TeamViewer /f
rmdir /s /q "C:\Program Files\TeamViewer"
rmdir /s /q "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer"
echo TeamViewer removed successfully.
:: Pause of 5 seconds
timeout /t 5
:: Install TeamViewer
echo Installing TeamViewer...
msiexec.exe /i "\\rute remote\TeamViewer_Host.msi" ALLUSERS=1 /qn /norestart CUSTOMCONFIGID=xxxxxx APITOKEN="xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx" ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--alias %ComputerName% --reassign --group-id gxxxxxxx --grant-easy-access"
For the gpo to work well,
New GPO >Configuration> startup
then assign to > authenticated users
and the most important thing is to assign it to Domain Computers, or to the laptop we want.
For it to run without asking for administrator permissions, and to work correctly, the Gpo must be on computers and select the computers or groups to which you want to assign this gpo.
4 Migration
When all the devices are with the teamviewer, you can migrate the devices from the old teamviewer group to the new group, with the MIGRATION function.
Migrate your devices - TeamViewer Support
I would like this little guide to help you.
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I have same problem like u. I'm trying to edit .msi file with orca but i get error 2356. I'm just thinking so long and I figure it out.
I bet u edited .msi file (64bits) but orca is working with 32bits. Sooo u need to download 32bit TeamViewer_Host.msi then edit this 32bit version. It worked for me and i bet it will be same for you. Hope it will help more ppl.
Best regards :)