The new UI is horrible...



  • bndt206
    bndt206 Posts: 1

    The new UI is a catastrophy!

  • BB_RXM
    BB_RXM Posts: 1

    I agree the new UI is exceptionally buggy and pretty much unusable we have issues ranging from:

    1. Failed logins.

    2. Hanging indefinitely after login or a connection.

    3. Connect button not showing for registered “bookmarked” stations.

    4. Stored passwords for stations intermittently not working.

    5. Feedback submit button not working.

    6. Frequent application hangs.

    7. Connect button not clickable intermittently when it does display.

    8. Restart button when trying to toggle off the “New Versions” is not clickable

    9.   Much slower connecting, slower navigating the interface.

    The issues quickly reached the point we had to globally push the regkey to roll back the UI to the older version (since the slider doesn't work 80% of the time).

    I've included the key below. Users just have to exit teamviewer run add/update the key (just paste the string below into cmd prompt) and restart teamviewer.

    reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\TeamViewer /t REG_DWORD /v UIVersion /d 2 /f

  • andyp85
    andyp85 Posts: 1

    I only use TV for personal use like for helping elderly people who struggle with computers. Having purchased a new system and was asked for help I had to install TV again. What an absolute disaster! TV is terrible! There is no way that I can help these people with the new UI. Fortunately I have found an older version of TV that I have now installed which is so simple! So what on earth has happened to TV??? Did some bright spark think it was ok to change was isn't broke?

  • Scott_SLC
    Scott_SLC Posts: 1

    This has really made it difficult for a one man operation.

    Once you find how to add a device as an unattended device you cannot add it to a Group that was established before and has many devices already in it. The Groups seem to be not a part of the new design but they are still there with previous devices. Still can't figure out how to add a new device to old Group. No options as there used to be in the old UI.

  • NRR
    NRR Posts: 9

    Seems like it's a fruitless effort to leave comments here - TeamViewer DOES NOT READ THIS AND THEY DON'T CARE. Such a shame...

    I put in a support ticket weeks ago and "ZILTCH"... except for some lame reply about how they know how difficult it is to adapt to change. I can adapt to change; I can't adapt to uselessness!

    Our entire IT team has been running in circles with this new interface. Their "support articles" are garbage.

    This may be their demise. 😱

  • sbabcock
    sbabcock Posts: 2

    I only support 200 endpoints but the new UI is a mess

    Have already started looking for a replacement product

    at least : reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\TeamViewer /t REG_DWORD /v UIVersion /d 2 /f

    works for now

    This used to be easy for everyone to use - There's duplicates in the console even though the process to remove duplicates has been run / can't edit the properties of the endpoint from a managing PC.

  • joaofrgomes
    joaofrgomes Posts: 1
    edited June 2023

    This thing is absolutely horrendous. The classic interface on macOS looks like a fine, decent application that adheres to Apple's HIG, makes use of translucency when the app is inactive, uses the default system font SF Pro, respects the user's system-wide Light/Dark Mode setting, is very compact and has the most important interface elements right on the landing screen.

    The new version, however… yikes! It's the exact opposite in all regards, and whoever designed or otherwise requested this abomination should go back to design school to study UX – if they ever attended one in the first place. Also, did you actually sit a few users down and observed them using the app? It bet you didn't, because if you did, you'd immediately see how disastrous it is in real world usage.

    About the only saving grace for this new UI (nay, it's probably not even a UI thing, but just better coding underneath, weird as it may sound just going by how horrendous and out of place it otherwise looks on the surface and how misguided its priorities in feature prominency are) is the somewhat improved VoiceOver support, which was actually lacking in the old one; then again, the only interface elements which VoiceOver can't address in that version are those found on the side bar (that is, indeed, a big issue!), and I'm guessing adding support for them shouldn't be too difficult and, actually, less trouble than fixing that **bleep** of a web-app-in-a-wrapper that your lazy, undignified designers/project managers (I seriously want to believe this wasn't the designers' fault, but some stupid manager's decision to save a few bucks, users be damned) foisted upon us.

    Ever heard of the expression “if it ain't broke, don't fix it”? Yeah, it was created for precisely these occasions, and guess what, now you broke it. 🤦‍♂️

  • biancrj
    biancrj Posts: 1

    Please give some suggestions of good alternatives. The Devs at TeamViewer destroyed this and made it unusable.

  • Labsy
    Labsy Posts: 40
    edited June 2023

    I get it - when there are no new features, designers kick-in with new design. This is disaster! Why changing fully functional things? Beside, I cannot change remote computer name anymore with new TV...I am seriously considering switching over to

    [Removed as Community Guidelines] despite of all the drama and hussle with migration process. But ironically, TV did half of the jobe here - empowering new "Groups" organisation, all my compters went chaotic anyways, so [Removed as Community Guidelines] is cheaper, works, and I must reorganize my computers anyways.

    Huge dissapointment, TV team, really shame!

  • jgarayua
    jgarayua Posts: 3

    Teamviewer has always made changes without taking users feedback! We were the ones who helped them to be where they are, and they forget about it. I've been using Teamviewer from the beginning! And I've always been able to see the fault in their decisions. But this new version will definitely sink the company. They don't focus their efforts on making the experience quick and easy, they complicate it disastrously. I only want an application that connects me quickly and efficiently to support my clients, nothing more! If they want to make a social platform, come up with another name, but don't damage the basic functionality of Teamviewer! All the changes have been imposed and not intelligently measured. They only make one thing clear, their developers ARE NOT Teamviewer users, so they don't know what it takes to give fast remote support! We are already evaluating other alternatives to make the change!

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,025 Community Manager 🌍

    Hi all,

    With the release of [Windows] v15.43.6, we implemented the following accessibility improvements based on your feedback and the pain points you raised.

    The ID and password are now visible directly without any extra click when signed in.

    Therefore, the ID and password are now directly visible for both - users who are signed in and signed out.

    The settings are now available from the sign-in screen – via the gear icon.

    Connecting directly from the search bar is now possible by typing the remote participant's ID.

    Of course, not all the feedback has been implemented, but it doesn't mean it's not taken into consideration.

    Please keep raising your voice. All the posts are being reviewed and shared with the respective development and product teams.

    Your feedback is vital for understanding how we can improve the product and provide you with the best remote connectivity experience.

    Thanks a lot for all the feedback you provided so far, and thank you for all the great discussions we will have in the future.


    Community Manager

  • KKarl
    KKarl Posts: 12
    edited July 2023

    Unfortunately, I have to agree with the disgruntled users above. I have 1500 devices around the globe, and the new UI makes it much harder to do my work.

    • cannot edit Description
    • very slow response
    • information is so spread out, it use to be compact and concise
    • it takes far more clicks to do every task
    • this UI is designed for [removed per Community Guidelines] using an iPad, not for TeamViewer customers sitting at their PC
    • apparently Groups are going to change?? THIS WILL COST ME DAYS TO RECOVER, because we use Groups extensively for all sorts of reasons
    • this is a major downgrade, not an upgrade
    • I do not need any of the new features you keep trying to provide me with, I just need reliable, consistent, unchanging remote access to my 1500 devices

    I ask TeamViewer:

    In what ways is this new UI better? None. I will be very unhappy when you eventually force everyone to use it.


    AND ABOVE ALL, please ignore whichever genius software engineer said "Hey, let's change everything, that will be cool ...".

    This ridiculous and unnecessary change has already cost me time and money.

    <end of rant>

  • By the looks of these comments, Teamviewer is not doing so well. I can't stand the new UI either. It doesn't work. I am currently testing other software and getting ready to pitch it to my boss. He's starting get flustrated and it won't be long.

    For sure can't suggest to our clients anymore. Whom ever is in charge at Teamviewer must be a new corporate goofball who doesn't actually know anything. It's not the first time this has happend to companies.

  • mjc775
    mjc775 Posts: 4

    I gave the "New Interface" a try for a few months, but just went back to the original one. I have 2 computers side-by-side, one had the new interface and one with the original. Recently with the new interface it had become more often that devices in My Partners and Bookmarks lists would not show up, nor could I connect to them by manually entering the ID.

  • Antun
    Antun Posts: 1

    I'm on fresh win 10 22h2 and loading is just stuck, any help?

  • NPost
    NPost Posts: 1

    interface is bad!

  • It is now 2024 and the new UI is still unbelievably slow. Just navigating the UI is painful. Does anyone at TeamViewer actually use TeamViewer? Are there any plans to actually fix the sluggish UI?

  • chazzamm
    chazzamm Posts: 1
    edited March 7

    [removed per Community Guidelines] I am absolutely over the UI getting worse and worse, the service getting slower and slower, and unwanted redesigns making it impossible to use. I have over 1000 users and moving to ANYTHING else is going to be preferable to continuing to support this disaster. I used to Love TeamViewer, but over the past several version updates and mandatory changes to how things are done, it is clear they do not love us back...

  • tobiasw
    tobiasw Posts: 1

    I just want to confirm all comments about incredibly slow interface. The old one was 100 times better. Hope you do something about this asap!

  • micahAB
    micahAB Posts: 2

    Nobody will read this. So here I cry out to the gods of stone, knowing it is worthless. Actively shopping for alternatives.
    A simple task. Used to be so simple! I just want to delete a device.
    I search at the top search, the device shows up. It is offline as expected. There is no buttons to modify or delete. @#$%.
    I search on the second little search box for the list. No results. @#$.
    I switch to "all managed devices". Search. No results. @#$% teamviewer.
    I switch to "bookmarked devices". Search. No results. @#$% teamviewer.
    I switch to "migration required". Search. Device found. I delete it. @#$% teamviewer.
    If you are reading this, you have no reason to be proud of your job. TV is only maintaining it's relevance because it is the incumbent player.