Why the Automatic recording no longer works?
Why the Automatic recording no longer works?
Is it something wrong on my end?
Is it because I'm not using the "terrible" new interface?
It was working until 22/11/2023.
I did not change anything.
Start recording of remote control sessions automatically is selected.
I have free space on disk.
The recording directory is also setup.
If I click to start recording during the session manually - it works fine and it's able to save in there with no problem...
Please advise.
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@Okolicanyi In my case, it worked as expected. The recording started automatically.
Perhaps a full uninstallation would do the job?
We explain how to uninstall TeamViewer completely from your devices here: Uninstall TeamViewer on Windows.
Community Manager
Hi @Okolicanyi,
Great to see you posting for the first time! 🚀
I'm about to try to reproduce the issue on my test device.
I'll keep you posted about the results!
Community Manager
Auto recording of session is not working . I have verified that the settings is turn on but still does not auto record. recording light and Timmer is on but no file is generated. Stopping recording to save does not work. manually starting recording also does not generate a file. This started after Nov 27th ?
Hi @Wizardben,
Thank you for your post!
Have you tried to reinstall TeamViewer on both sides of the connection, as suggested above?
We explain how to uninstall TeamViewer completely from your devices here: Uninstall TeamViewer on Windows.
It fixed the issue for Okolicanyi.
Let me know if this has worked for you!
Community Manager
Hello @GarryG
Unfortunately, it is currently only possible to record outgoing sessions. This topic is covered in detail via the Knowledge Base article pasted below.
Record a remote session (teamviewer.com)
We do appreciate your comment as we value all feedback. Have a great day!
@Okolicanyi In my case, it worked as expected. The recording started automatically.
Perhaps a full uninstallation would do the job?
We explain how to uninstall TeamViewer completely from your devices here: Uninstall TeamViewer on Windows.
Community Manager
Yeah, you were right, maybe it was something in the registry.
After full reinstallation it works again.