Commercial use - Connection time outAnnounced

JeanKUser: "JeanK"
Community Manager 🌍
Updated by Akiho

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    I help out my father who is tech-challenged and Team Viewer has cut me off and times me out saying that it views that this is commercial use. It is not.

    They did this a few years ago and they were able to remove the 'block' but it has come back again.

    What can be done about this?

    Thank you

    I keep getting dinged for commercial use even though I am only trying to access my home computer. Help!

    I'm trying to log in to my home computer from my workplace and it boots me out after 30 seconds due to "commercial use". Can someone from the TeamViewer team help me with this?

    This happened a couple of years ago and someone from the support team whitelisted it, but now it's happened again.

    Why can't I use TeamViewer on my own devices anymore without paying? I never had an issue with this, and it is easy with TeamViewer to manage my other pc from my main pc without going on it.

    I now and then (once a month) logged into my personal computer remotely to conduct maintenance but for the last few years, it keeps saying I am using the program for commercial use and drops my connection in 30s or less. I have tried all the suggestions I can find in the forum and online but no change. I am about to give up and switch to**Third Party Product**. Any new ideas? I am sure it is done on purpose so people will buy a plan.

    I eventually take the decision to not using teamviewer anymore [removed per Community Guidelines]. I'm closing my account now. No regret at all !

    I've tried repeatedly today to reset the "timeout"/"suspected commercial" issue via Teamviewer's reset account form, but there's no response when I click on the "Generate & Upload PDF" button.

    I'm "dead in the water" until I can get the whole issue resolved.

    Is this a known problem? There seems to be some older dated posts but no solutions offered.


    Bill Stanton


    I am really **bleep** by trying to get this working. I once paid 2 year for business license with very little or any use at all .. so I cancelled the subscription.

    With another account (personal one), when I connect to one of my computers (after a year or two without using it), it first says :

    as if some superior algorithm found that the usage I am making of it is professional .. by connecting ONE computer a year .. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

    I still manage to get connected ... but like 30 seconds then the connection shuts down.

    And then, I keep on getting messages like :

    Even if I wait 10 minutes, I still get that message.

    What the heck is going on ???!! How can such an application only rely on some shady algorithm and take it for granted

    And the total absence of support of the company unless we pay 300 EUR for a year subscription shows the commitment level they put towards the users. If you want attention and answers, just pay upfront a LOT of money and then, we will eventually read you.

    So the question is : how can I make that thing work (except by creating another account with another e-mail) ?


    I've been a non-commercial TeamViewer user for years. Every once in awhile, I get messages that I've timed out or that my use in suspected of commercial use. I just use TV to help family members and a couple of novice friends.

    I tried to use the TV user interface to "reset" my account, but got no response when I clicked on the "create and upload pdf". What response should I be expecting?

    I have no idea what I might have been doing to cause my account to be flagged as suspected commercial use.

    My free account disconnects my remote connection after 1 min. And it will not allow me to connect back. It wants me to purchase a commercial license. How can I get this corrected?

    I'm not a business, but I did have a lot of old computers on my account because I didn't realize how to take them off and I've been a TeamViewer user for over a decade. So there were many devices that were not in use at all. Anyways I figured out how to take them off but I still don't have access.

    By the way, it's way too hard to figure out how to do regain access. I shouldn't have to come here and ask. If they're going to take away access that quickly, they should give me a quick way to let them know that that's not true right there and then. It shouldn't be complicated.

    Warned for what?! I filled out the form and you reinstated my private use status. I was just asking whether I had to somehow get access to my email to reinstate my account. To anyone else asking the question (given that I have never had a reply on this forum) no, you don't need to get into your email some other way: if you are re-approved for private use your account just starts working again without the limit.

    Hi All.

    My personal TeamViewer account has become locked down and contently tells me I am using it for work purposes. It will disconnect my session after only a few minutes.

    I have been using TeamViewer for a long time and it is strictly for personal use.

    Am I able to get this reset?


    in the last 2 weeks, I am getting "we will have to limit your use in Team viewer as your use seems to use for professional use"

    Why is team viewer marking me as a company? This is a private account, and there is no response from their support team.

    Can anyone help here? Thanks

    I only use TV to assist my mother or father because they are old and need assistance time to time. Yet, TV says I'm using it for business purposes. How can they say that and how can I fix it? I looked other apps up but didn't find any good one to help me.

    I am on holiday with my laptop, trying to check my email. I was blocked on suspicion of commercial use so I filled out the reset module. When it is approved (I have never used it for anything other than private use) how will I know? Will it just start working again? It is currently limiting me to about 30 secs which would not be enough to check a verification email if it's done that way.

    User: "Ochirgerelt"
    Updated by Ying_Q

    Hello, I'm using TeamVieweter to remote control the device. It works normally for a while but after few days i cant access to remote device's Teamviewer. It happened twice and i'm in trouble. Why is this occur ? What should i do? Is it relevant to free version or something?

    I don't have a business supporting customers. I support my church without pay. They are having an issue with their security cameras this morning and I cannot help them. I cannot go there as I'm sick due to lowered immunology from the chemo I'm taking.

    I'd like to know why do you think I'm making money off of this and denying me from volunteering to help my church?

    same here. though they say they limit a suspected commercial use for 5 min, I'm being kicked after 1 min. Dont know why they decided my home pc is now used for commercial, where all I do is to support my mom and brother...

    User: "JK7"
    Updated by Ying_Q

    Why does my message skip from "Connecting to..." to "This was a free session..."without connecting?

    I've been using Teanviewer for a few years now, recently I'm getting kicked out after 1 min because it say's I'm using it for commercial reason, this is not the case, any idea how I get this sorted ?


    I use my iPhone 13 pro max to access teamview on remote computer, but it's very laggy, I can't manipulate and control that computer. My personal computer is at home. When the connection is 5 minutes, it will be thrown out and ask to reconnect.

    Thank you !

    Team Viewer session timing out after couple of mins (max) and not allowing to reconnect untill 10-15 mins for a free license.Í

    I'm only connecting to my home PC, as it is my "cloud storage"

    I'm connecting via laptop and/or mobile. Same same.

    What to do?

    It's only private things I'm transferring

    Hi, 19/08, more than 15 days ? Why not simply take my form manually and the issue is over ? No need to goes into star was complexity for just pushing the button for avoiding targetting me as a commercial user for my father and mother support...

    User: "thanhdq"
    Updated by JenW

    I do not use teamviewer for bussiness . How can i do when i got limited usaged ?

    User: "Parker667"
    Updated by Parker667

    Everything works fine with teamviewer for me on Windows 11; however, I cannot turn on easy access on my pc anymore. Everytime I turn on easy access on team viewer, it will just turn straight off by itself. There is also a issue which is when I try connect to my pc using password. It will tell be that the password is incorrect even tho I am 100% sure the password is correct. Therefore, I am unable connect by password so I can only use the other option to connect to my pc.

    P.S: I tried using Windows 10 and a MacBook and they do not have this issue.

    User: "Pixelgrower"
    Updated by Ying_Q

    I am providing support to my cousin and my ex-wife (neither are operating as a business when I am providing support). Not sure why I keep getting flagged.

    I ran for YEARS in this capacity, with the two clients and now, once again, I have been flagged as commercial use?

    Please help me understand why this keeps happening?


    Hi, I have problem with using teamviewer because it identifies my remote connection as professional or commercial use.

    I think because my remote pc is in a lan of Fire Departement , in fact I work for it but it is not for commercial purpose.

    May you help me?


    User: "anyname01"
    Updated by JenW

    TeamViewer has told me Im a commercia user and i am not so went to reset but TeamViewer wont recognize

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