Commercial use - Connection time outAnnounced

User: "JeanK"
Community Manager 🌍
Updated by Akiho

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    I have this same problem. I think it is because they think you are using the account for commercial purposes.

    I'm getting kicked off after a few minutes of being logged in. I only use TV to connect to help my son while in college as a student. I'm connecting from my home and connecting into his college room / college network. After I get kicked off it says I cannot connect for another 2 or 3 minutes but I try again and the same thing happens

    please help.


    I keep getting kicked off after 1 minute of being logged in. It says that my session has timed out and will be closed. Then I get a Connection blocked after timeout.

    Advice appreciated.


    User: "JoshP"
    Senior Moderator β˜‘

    Hello @aerliss

    Thanks for your post.

    Every device or app that has a TeamViewer app installed has a TeamViewer ID - any connection between two devices via TeamViewer requires two IDs.

    In the Remote Control app for mobile devices, the TeamViewer ID is in the Advanced Settings.

    Please submit any ID you use that has not been submitted yet.

    Hope this helps

    Josh P.

    Senior Community Moderator


    Do a reinstall... solves the issue for a while - could be days or hours until the issue rears its head again I use it to connect between my computers in my own house and occasionally my dad's laptop to solve problems (in the same town as me)

    I do not receive any financial compensation and have filled and signed that many forms it is a waste of time anymore it seems that TeamViewer does not care unless they are being paid. Just because scammers have used this to make money they now limit EVERYONE and it seems to ignore the forms as since version 9 I have been constantly telling the same thing 'uninstall and reinstall'


    'TeamViewer is free for personal use when helping family and friends, without receiving any financial compensation.' Is what it says yet they may as well change it to 'TeamViewer is free unless you have multiple computers on account or are disabled'

    I only have one ID, and also do not have a fifth device to try.

    Thank you for your help.

    User: "JoshP"
    Senior Moderator β˜‘

    Hello @aerliss

    Thanks for your post.

    I was unable to replicate such an issue, when attempting to fill out the form. Please attempt to upload the form from a different device.

    Regarding the article regarding commercial use, please note that it says not to request a reset for the same ID, not account.

    This alert does not flag an account, but rather an individual ID. Once the specific ID is reset, it no longer is flagged as commercial use.

    If the alert is seen after reset, it is the other ID in the connection that was flagged, and that ID would need to be submitted on its own form:

    Please add any other IDs where the alert occurs during connection to the form.

    Please let us know if the issue uploading the form persists when on a different device or network.

    Josh P.

    Senior Community Moderator


    User: "aerliss"
    Updated by JoshP


    When I click 'download PDF' on the commercial reset form, nothing happens.

    This result is identical on two different modern phones. Clicking 'Upload File' does nothing as well. TeamViewer is blocked at my library.

    Moreover, the blog page that gets linked to whenever someone asks about commercial resets specifically states, "please do not request commercial resets for the same account multiple times", and this is the third time I've been commercial locked in the last two years, so I'm not sure what else to try.

    Are we supposed to just be making new accounts if this happens a second time? Travelling to find a printer to print a signature for a web based application seemed draconian the first time - by the third time, I'm wondering if I'm just supposed to buy a license.

    User: "shamil"
    Updated by Justin

    I use these personal computers for personal purposes, not for business

    Good Afternoon

    I got the message "Connection blocked after exceeding time" again.

    This error sometimes appears to me and so I have to report the problem.

    I would appreciate it if you could solve this problem for me, because I really need Teamviewer. Thank you.


    JosΓ© AntΓ³nio


    Recently I'm getting timed out and message stating the following:"reached maximum session duration to a partner, immediate reconnects are blocked"

    when using windows or even other apple product i.e. ipad this does not occur

    my Mac OS software version is 10.15.7.

    does anyone else have similar issue and is there resolution to this issue?

    P.S. I use the personal licence (free)

    Hi, I've registered as a non commercial user (on be halve of a bridge club to assist in case of rare emergencies). Trying out the connections with three devices I got detected as a commercial user.

    How can I continue as a free user?

    Found out my "request has been submitted and is pending further review." Is there anyway to speed the process up?

    I too have been flagged for commercial use after years of not having any problem. I use TeamViewer to access my church office computer from home and vice versa. I submitted a form explaining the situation to get reinstated for personal use earlier this week, and got confirmation that it was received, but have not been reinstated to personal use yet. I need to work from home today and can't access my office computer! Is there a phone number I can call to actually talk to someone about this?

    I have same issue... Also my friends got this message yesterday. Something changed? Do we need to do something specific?


    for the second time this year, i've been seeing this message:

    TV is installed on my desktop (linux) and three notebooks (Windows). That is the way i have to manage my pc and the other family members when i'm not at home. How do i solve this?

    Hi! I use the program for non-commercial purposes. Please remove restrictions on connecting devices.

    Updated by JoshP

    [removed per Community Guidelines]

    I only play games at home and use it only for that. However, I can't use it right now because it is recognized for commercial use, so please check it.

    User: "grimzzang"
    Updated by grimzzang

    error generation.

    reactivated PDF ???

    Using Control Remote Computer I am getting kicked off after one minute, and I get two popup windows: (1) Your TeamViewer session has timed out and will be closed, and (2) This was a free session sponsored by TeamViewer sessions are free of charge for personal use. We thank you for playing fair. There are then three buttons: "Rate US, "BuyLicense" and "OK". Any assistance would be appreciated.

    I am a graduate student and I use a team viewer at school and home.

    However, it keeps losing connection saying.

    text message is " commercial user"

    What should I do?

    I am having this exact same problem. Did requesting reset resolve this issue for you?

    User: "Igtomic199203"
    Updated by JoshP

    Dear Teamviewer,

    I have my personal PC at home in Switzerland, and while travelling for leisure in Peru these days, I'm trying to access it.

    Unfortunately for some reason, Teamviewer has flagged it as business use, although it has nothing to do with it.

    Could you please reasses the case? [removed per Community Guidelines]

    Thank you very much in forward,

    Hello. My account is a free account that is only used for a few individuals. The people I help are typically over 70 years old. I myself am 73 years old. My account is blocked, the reason is that I am commercial. To emphasize, I am private, and receive no money for my help. In the last few years, it's the very few times I've used Teamviewer. Can I be helped to continue to have the free and free program. Sincerely, Henning Jensen

    I have the same problem is gives 5 minute warning on phone to PC

    User: "xapim"
    Updated by Akiho

    I have followed all the procedures and have submitted some of my ids as most laptops have dual/triple boot OS and would be a different id for each OS so not possible to submit them all as theres a limit of 10 :(

    User: "xapim"
    Updated by Akiho

    Well i have used team viewer for years now never had a single issue but today i tried to connect to my laptops at home and i got a message saying my activity its suspicious and i need to buy a license to continue using the software so now team viewer its useless to free users that have multiple machines ?????? everyone needs a license i have many laptops always on 24/7 usually 3/4+ online and after all these years seems i have to find a new alternative to remote access them RIP this new policy really sucks so this means you cant use teamviewer to access all the multiple machines you might own with a free account as its considered comercial use lol they are my machines im not helping anyone oh well.... i was even using it as a remote access backup for my shadow ultra vm to when the shadow launcher stream crashes or has gpu driver issues but seems ill have to find something else that wont block my remote access as real vnc only allows up to 5 devices in the free account which i already have setup some of mine as backup access i guess its time to maybe give parsec a chance as it seems the only viable option right now

    The thing told me that i wasn't allowed to make successive connections, then i clicked on the "more info" button and it brought me to the "corporate use" page talking about playing fair.

    Commercial Use

    Commerical use Detected

    Then the App close on Phone .... Thanks

    I'm a free user, freeloader to some, and connect from my Mac to a remote PC in my personal observatory which runs a PC. I have long connected session trying to control my telescope and other equipment, dome, filters, focuser, camera etc. The problem is I just installed a new program on the PC, the only platform supported by the software, which is more complicated than I expected. I'm spending hours going through tutorial after tutorial tying to master the program, and TeamViewer thinks I am a commercial user.

    I have clicked on the reset ID link several times, and it tells me to logout and login to the Customer Portal, however that seems to be reserved for licensed users.

    Please, someone, help me. I like TeamViewer, it was recommended by several other armature astronomers for just this purpose, and seems to work pretty well for what I need to do.



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