I need to change the teamviewer access port


Hello friends,
Currently I use teamview with an internet connection but when accessing the Windows, it does not show id and password
My firewall has opened and tem tem installed normally
I think it might be because the network administrator blocked the access port of temivew
Is there any way to change the default port configuration?
because using other access software can still be used
eg. as **Third Party Product**
thank you!



  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @quanghv 

    I'm afraid that you can not change this setting on Teamviewer app, but there is another strange in your case. The app is not operating only over one port, but if the main port is not available, then trying to operate over the other 2 ports sequentially. It should work through the one of the other ports. Maybe was a good idea to speak with your IT and whitelist the TeamViewer app in your firewall, in order to allow it to operate as normal.

    Thank you and best regards