Internet call - remote audio not working - can't hear other user

Tereza Posts: 2 ✭✭

Hi...  I'm trying connecting to the partner's computer using remote control.

I would like to be able to have a conversation with the user.  She can hear me, but I cannot hear her.  I have had her test all possible settings, and so have I.  We can successfully hear eachother with Skype.

But, I am unable to hear the remote user at all.

We are on Windows 10 PCs, and using the default mic settings.  She does have a usb speaker, but uses the system-provided mic.

I have checked the settings in TeamViewer on her PC, and tried each of the mic options.  None works.

Thank you in advance!!


Best Answer


  • Tereza
    Tereza Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Thank you, Bart, for your very quick response.

    I will check this as soon as I am able.  I'm not sure how those settings looked when we tried it this morning.

    I'll report back here.

  • aschindel
    aschindel Posts: 1

    I've been using TeamViewer and a separate VOIP system since December. With one of the latest updates to TV, now, sometimes but not all the time, when I'm on a call with someone and then also sign on with TV, I loose audio from them.  They can hear me but I cannot hear them.  Some times it happens as soon as I connect, sometimes it's a few seconds or minutes, after I connect to them with TV.  

    Any suggestions?  It's very annoying as I do computer support and I work with multiple people during a day.  We do all use PCs so it isn't a Mac issue.
