Mass deployment msi update change folder location.

Lomond-IT Posts: 3 ✭✭
edited May 2023 in General questions


We are runing Host version 14.6.2452 on our computers. And we are deplying it with the new script way like this msiexec.exe /i "\\server\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=<YOUR_CUSTOMCONFIG_ID> APITOKEN=<YOUR_APITOKEN> ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access" IMPORTREGFILE=1. This works perfekt for the installation on new machines. And the computer will end up in our folder "Nya Anslutningar" as the Customconfig is set to do (se picture).2019-10-04_07-31-52.png

We then move the computer to an other folder. Lets say "Servers".

The problem is when we try to update the Host to version 14.6.4835 the update works perfekt but the computer is moved back to the "Nya anslutningar" from the group "Servers". How should I do so the computers will not be moved?


  • Mikail_S
    Mikail_S Posts: 8 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Lomond-IT,

    thank you for your message.

    In that case you have 2 Options:

    The first is: The config id reffers to the custom host you´ve set up. You can change that group and all devices which runs that host will be attached to your new group which you´ve defined - after a new rollout the devices will appear in the right list. 

    The second is: You can give your batch another way to assign the devices to a group. For that, go into your management console via browser and click on the group which you want to assign to. As you can see in your browser adress field there appears (Following pattern - for example: g/12456789). 

    So the config should look as follow:

    msiexec.exe /i "\\server\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=<YOUR_CUSTOMCONFIG_ID> APITOKEN=<YOUR_APITOKEN> ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--reassign --grant-easy-access --group-id g123456789" IMPORTREGFILE=1

    Best regards,

  • Lomond-IT
    Lomond-IT Posts: 3 ✭✭

    So what will happend at an update with the second sultion if we move a computer to an other folder than the one we asained it while it was installd?

    The thins is we have like 20 diffrent maps. And we want alla new installation to show up in one map and then we move them. But when we update TeamViewer we want them to remain in the folder we moved them to.

    We  use the samt script for installation and update.

  • Lomond-IT
    Lomond-IT Posts: 3 ✭✭

    I need help. Everytime we update teamviewer the computer will change group.

  • Mikail_S
    Mikail_S Posts: 8 Staff member 🤠

    Dear @Lomond-IT ,

    thank you for your message.


    Please create a ticket to contact our Support via the Link

    Best Regards