Latest RPM release is not digitally signed.

As the title details, the latest version from the teamviewer yum repository is not digitally signed.

Affected package version:

As of writing this will break package updates on client machines.

Best Answer


  • SilviuC
    SilviuC Posts: 2

    For now, I just disabled the repository from Gnome's  Software Center

  • I set gpg check to 0 in my /etc/yum.repos.d/teamviewer.repo file for now. I made a script to change it back in a week in my cron job. Oddly, my DEB based systems using APT do not seem to be effected.

    GFORCE1 Posts: 13

    Hi @Esther ,
    Any clue when new version will be online ?


  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager

    Hi @GFORCE1 

    I quickly checked with the team and they told me, that the fixed version is already available on our website: Download for Linux 

    Also, they activated the auto-update, BUT if you received the auto-update before, you will need to download the new version once again as the auto update won´t work a second time.

    EDIT: The recommendation from our Linux team is to get the package from the website.

    I´ll post that info also in the Change Log.

    Thanks and best,


    Former Community Manager