Updating Versions: ErrorReceiveResponse 12030 and 12002
We are trying to update to the latest version but updates fail and all logs show error 12030 and 12002.
From the log files below:
2017/07/25 16:00:39.772 7512 8564 G1 VersionFileHandler::CheckVersionFile(): Found version "12.0.80984"
2017/07/25 16:00:39.772 7512 8564 G1 VersionFileHandler::CheckVersionFile(): Found version "NKOGN8UC0hZNIN1Nvevx7g=="
2017/07/25 16:00:39.772 7512 8564 G1 VersionFileHandler::OnDownloadFinishedVersionFile() major='' minor='12.0.80984'
2017/07/25 16:00:39.773 7512 8564 G1 UpdateBase::ShowUpdateSelectionBoxAndGetResult: update ad is shown
2017/07/25 16:00:41.157 7512 9536 G1 ChangeThreadDesktop(): SetThreadDesktop to default successful
2017/07/25 16:00:43.723 7512 8840 G1 UpdateBase::Start(): Update is already running
2017/07/25 16:01:43.723 7512 8848 G1 UpdateBase::Start(): Update is already running
2017/07/25 16:01:49.412 7512 7516 G1 CMainWindow::OnSessionChange [OnlineState] 7
2017/07/25 16:01:49.445 3956 3960 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_SESSIONCHANGE session=1, statusCode=WTS_SESSION_LOCK
2017/07/25 16:02:43.724 7512 8840 G1 UpdateBase::Start(): Update is already running
2017/07/25 16:02:44.362 7512 9536 G1!! UpdateBase::OnDownloadFinishedUpdateFile - CInetDownload::ThreadRun - ErrorReceiveResponse 12002
2017/07/25 16:02:44.363 7512 9536 G1 tvhelper::CThread::weakJoin - thread {Not-any-thread} has succesfully detached itself
2017/07/25 16:05:26.226 7512 7516 G1 CMainWindow::OnSessionChange [OnlineState] 8
2017/07/25 16:05:26.598 3956 3960 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_SESSIONCHANGE session=1, statusCode=WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK
2017/07/25 16:05:42.680 14372 11276 H64 notepad.exe: dll can unload now
2017/07/25 16:06:17.030 11248 9832 H64 notepad.exe: dll can unload now
2017/07/25 16:06:19.841 7512 7516 G1 UpdateBase::StartUpdate(): Start minor update... (UpdateType=1) (TargetModule=1
2017/07/25 16:06:19.842 7512 8852 G1 UpdateBase::StartVersionFileDownload(): Start download of version file...(Version : 3.0, Channel: 1 )
2017/07/25 16:06:19.842 7512 9008 G1 ChangeThreadDesktop(): SetThreadDesktop to default successful
2017/07/25 16:06:20.557 7512 9008 G1 UpdateBase::OnDownloadFinishedVersionFile() Version file successfully downloaded.
2017/07/25 16:06:20.559 7512 9008 G1 VersionFileHandler::CheckVersionFile(): Found version "12.0.80984"
2017/07/25 16:06:20.559 7512 9008 G1 VersionFileHandler::CheckVersionFile(): Found version "NKOGN8UC0hZNIN1Nvevx7g=="
2017/07/25 16:06:20.561 7512 9008 G1 VersionFileHandler::OnDownloadFinishedVersionFile() major='' minor='12.0.80984'
2017/07/25 16:06:20.563 7512 9008 G1 UpdateBase::ShowUpdateSelectionBoxAndGetResult: update ad is shown
2017/07/25 16:06:22.079 7512 8480 G1 ChangeThreadDesktop(): SetThreadDesktop to default successful
2017/07/25 16:06:22.321 7512 8480 G1!! UpdateBase::OnDownloadFinishedUpdateFile - CInetDownload::ThreadRun - ErrorReceiveResponse 12030
2017/07/25 16:06:22.322 7512 8480 G1 tvhelper::CThread::weakJoin - thread {Not-any-thread} has succesfully detached itself
Best Answer
I should have updated this sooner. Our issue was that our firewall was preventing clients from reaching and pulling down the update from the teamviewer servers. Resolved.
Dear michelep,
Thank you for your message.
Have you tried to make the update using a Local Admin account or a Domain Admin?
That should fix your issue.
Best regards,
Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks.0 -
I should have updated this sooner. Our issue was that our firewall was preventing clients from reaching and pulling down the update from the teamviewer servers. Resolved.
5 -
Afternoon, which rules did you allow through the firewall to resolve this please?