Amos Mashiach


How can I download the yearly payment (paid via PayPal)?


  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,256 [Former Staff]

    Hi @CARTGO,

    Thank you for reaching out to us 😊

    You can place your order anytime by phone or online in our web shop. If you are not sure which license meets your needs best, please feel free to contact us, we would be delighted to help you.

    The following online help might make the decision, which license suit you best, easier: Go to the license assistant.

    You can download TeamViewer from here:

    For more information about purchasing, you can visit the following article:

    Hope this will be helpful for you 😌

    Best regards,


    Former Japanese Community Moderator
    CARTGO Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Hi Yuri,

    Your response didn't answered my question.

    I have TeamViewer account and last week you charged the yearly payment 304.58 USD.

    We are a company and I need the invoice for this payment.

    Please show me where can I find the invoice of the payment.

    It will be nice that each time that you charge the annual fee you will send an Email with link to

    download the invoice.

    Best Regards,


  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,256 [Former Staff]

    Hi @CARTGO,

    Thank you for your reply.

    So you wanted to have an invoice to make a payment, is it correct?

    If so, you will be able to find an invoice on a customer portal:

    To get your first access to your Customer Portal, you will need to receive a Customer Portal Activation Link. There are two different cases depending on your current licensing state:

    1. In case you are a new customer, you will receive the activation link in a separate email called Activate Your TeamViewer Customer Portal
    2. If you are an existing customer, you can contact our support team and they can send the Customer Portal Activation Link via email to the main contact. Please note that we can only send the mail to the account associated with the license in our system.

    Hope this answered your quesiton.

    Kind regards,


    Former Japanese Community Moderator