Hi All – I’ve done installations using TeamViewer host installers in the past with SCCM where I specified a custom installation directory for TeamViewer Host MSI. Example would be “C:\Program Files x86)\Example-This-Program-Custom-Folder instead of “C:\Program Files x86)\TeamViewer. Fails every possible directory variable I've tried. With host client ver 15.10 it always worked. No dice with 15.22. I’ve contacted support and their not sure. In the Mass Deployment guide, there is no switch to define the path. This seems to be a Windows OS/MSI installer issue, and not necessarily the teamviewer host MSI file. Maybe. Below are the four possible ways I tried. Can anyone here see the issue or a way to make it work?
Msiexec.exe /i “TeamViewer_Host.msi” INSTALLFOLDER=” C:\Program Files (x86)\This-Program-Custom-Folder”
Msiexec.exe /i “TeamViewer_Host.msi” TARGETDIR=” C:\Program Files (x86)\This-Program-Custom-Folder”
Msiexec.exe /i “TeamViewer_Host.msi” INSTALLLOCATION=” C:\Program Files (x86)\This-Program-Custom-Folder”
Msiexec.exe /i “TeamViewer_Host.msi” INSTALLDIR= C:\Program Files (x86)\This-Program-Custom-Folder”
One thing I could do is to use the Microsoft Orca MSI editor. I used this to open up the MSI installer file and I DO see a variable to type in the path. But I really don’t want to do this. I think I could create a transform file and let SCCM apply it during installation. Maybe. But I'm worried it's too many moving parts at that point.