Hundreds of machines with Full and Host editions installed

We're in a odd situation. When we initially rolled out TeamViewer, we used SCCM to push v15.4 Host (.exe) to all Windows workstations (about 2000). Then, the technicians would uninstall Host and install the Full edition.

Fast forward a few months, and we found that around 600 machines how the Full edition installed. It doesn't break Host in 99% of cases, but it prevents us from updating Host. Running "uninstall.exe /S" on the affected machines uninstalls Full and breaks Host.

I could certainly script a complete uninstall of both and reinstallation of Host, but if I do that, we will lose all the users' names we've assigned.

I'm looking for some solutions, either a way to uninstall only the Full edition and preserve Host, or, do a reinstall but preserve the machine's properties in Tensor. Any and all suggestions welcome.


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,085 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @wjeffery_mx,

    Thank you for reaching out and welcome to the TeamViewer Community.

    If I understand correctly

    • You have rolled out the TeamViewer Host.
    • Then, some users manually uninstalled the Host and installed the Full Client instead on some devices.
    • You noticed that there were some issues with updating the Host on some devices.

    Is this correct?

    I would recommend uninstalling everything with a script and redeploying TeamViewer according to our best practice:

    Script for the TeamViewer Host:

    timeout /t 30 /nobreak
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe" assignment --id YOUR_ASSIGNMENT_ID

    Script for the Full client (64-bit):

    start /wait MSIEXEC.EXE /i "PATH_TO_MSI_FILE\TeamViewer_Full.msi" /qn
    timeout /t 30 /nobreak
    "C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe" assignment --id YOUR_ASSIGNMENT_ID

    Script for the Full client (32-bit):

    start /wait MSIEXEC.EXE /i "PATH_TO_MSI_FILE\TeamViewer_Full.msi" /qn
    timeout /t 30 /nobreak
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe" assignment --id YOUR_ASSIGNMENT_ID

    You'll find detailed instructions and information in our articles here:

    For the deployment:

    📄 Mass deployment on Windows - Overview

    For the assignment:

    📄 Assign managed devices via Command Line Interface (CLI)

    Regarding the settings, we recommend managing the settings via TeamViewer policy and not via the .tvopt file.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!


    Community Manager

  • I think you should consider using a targeted script to uninstall only the Full edition, preserving Host, or explore reinstall options while retaining machine properties in Tensor. This approach could help maintain user names and streamline the process without significant disruptions.