Differences between normal group and device group

I've been wandering what the differences between device group and a normal group are. I've read that the main difference is that these groups are much more easily shared, but the groups seem to have different interactions to each other: one bring not having the option to prompt for remote control when using device groups. Can someone elaborate in more depth, and also whether I can get this option for Device groups?

Kind Regards


  • My machine updated to Win 11 yesterday. Today I got the popup below. I checked with our account administrator and he confirmed he did not initiate this migration. I Xed out, rather than clicking on "start migration" because we weren't sure what had triggered it. What would have triggered this?

    I'm on version 15.93.3

  • same here

  • Same here, not even sure what it wants to migrate to, so I "X" out. Poorly explained.

    Anyone know what this is about?

  • This just happened to me. Has anyone gotten an answer to this?

  • Can confirm this popped up in 2/23/23 around 1pm Eastern.

    Wonder if it's tied to the banner seen in the management console.

    Has anyone opened a ticket/case with TeamViewer support?

  • Hello,

    I also have the same question. I didn't found anything related to this.

    Thank you!

  • Hello,

    I had a chat with a kind support person, and from what I understand, apparently, in the future there will be only Device groups. For now, the regular groups are kept as a backup. I received also a link to detailed information about the update process for all the computers in the regular groups: https://community.teamviewer.com/English/kb/articles/109705-update-your-devices

    It is still a bit confusing having the same information in two places, but apparently this is a transitional state to Device groups.

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍
    Answer ✓

    Hi all,

    Thank you for raising this question! 🙌

    We have introduced a new device management system that improves your ability to manage device access and user permissions to your devices.

    You'll find all the information about the benefits of updating your devices and how to perform the update here: Update your devices

    If you have any specific questions, don't hesitate to ask them here.


    Community Manager

  • I'm not sure how this "improves your ability to manage device access".

    Device in a normal group.

    Same device in a "Device Group"

    IT doesn't look like an improvement. It looks nerfed.

  • SuperD0S
    SuperD0S Posts: 13

    @JeanK Still want to know what happens when you press "Device Finalization"

    Will all devices that hasn't been update be removed? Please explain the documentation is very vauge about this.

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍

    Hi @SuperD0S,

    I checked with the team about what the Device finalization actually does.

    Device finalization is the final step of the device update process. It will assign the policies and the device descriptions to the respective updated devices and make a final check to ensure the update runs successfully.

    You can see this as a mandatory final step to update your devices.

    Let me know if you have any further questions.


    Community Manager

  • SuperD0S
    SuperD0S Posts: 13
    edited April 2023

    @JeanK Ok but what happens with the devices that yet hasn't been updated either because of old software or hasn't been online? will they disappear from the old regular Groups?

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍

    I can confirm that the devices that are not updated yet will not disappear from the regular groups.


    Community Manager

  • Brad_S
    Brad_S Posts: 1

    @JeanK Is there confirmation of a time as to when bookmarked groups will be a thing of the past as suggested by metatools Are Managed Groups the same thing as Device Groups? From what I can see, it is a Device Group under a Corporate Licence but a Managed Group under a Tensor Licence?

    For the past 10 or so years we have been 'Bookmarking' customers ID's and saving a password in our list and on the customer system unless requested otherwise. This affords us the ability to connect to a system to perform upgrades, fixes and support of our product. If we move all of our Customers systems to the new Device Groups, they will quickly go over our Managed Devices list.

  • lefrinj
    lefrinj Posts: 2

    Looking for how you migrate devices that are still in the old lists after finalization is run. Which, by the way, is very ambiguously described and is not totally clear that it is a one-run process and your other devices will be stranded forever. Finalize and deduplicate didn't actually deduplicate old devices either, it just locked me out from ever updating the remaining ones that were offline at the time. I am not interested in manually uninstalling and reinstalling 175 devices right now.

  • Labsy
    Labsy Posts: 40

    I was foolish enough to run the Update to Device Gorups process and now I landed in no mans land:

    • hundreds of devices duplicated, dozen of groups duplicated, I do not know which device is where, as all looks tha same
    • many of devices now do not ask for remote password, looks like Easy Access is turned ON by itself...but not on all devices
    • changing new device name now is a challenge: I must rename it on device, then in my TV Host, then click on "new GUI" and rename it there, too, and check in Web management. And still when I open remote connection to this device, it shows OLD name.

    As there is no way of auto-updating 100+ devices, I am thinking switching to some other solution, because I will need to install software anyways. I am very dissapointed with TV at the moment.

  • justepic
    justepic Posts: 1

    Why is this update even happening? Last week, a TV support specialist told me to fix my account, I needed to migrate, thinking I was migrating to a new platform. Now my 1000 endpoints are split up into two groups. Why? Why deviate from a system that just worked? Why make us jump through hoops for unattended access now?

    YOU ARE NOT A RMM. Stop trying to be. I have been a TV user for 15 years, and now I am looking for a replacement.

    You had a perfect system for remote control. Now it's chaotic, virtually unusable.

    The new user interface is trash. Beyond frustrated.

  • MHit
    MHit Posts: 7

    Can TV please give a course of action to resolve the devices that are still stuck in the old groups? I can't find a working solution anywhere!

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍

    @lefrinj @MHit, thanks for your questions.

    Devices that are still in the old groups, even after having migrated them are bookmarked devices. In other words, devices that have been manually added like this: Add computers in TeamViewer (Classic). These devices are not assigned to your account (see here: Assign a device to your account - TeamViewer (Classic)).

    These devices cannot be migrated.

    From now on, to be managed, devices must be added to your company . What you can do, if you have a Corporate license, is to deploy TeamViewer via .msi by following our guide here: Mass deployment on Windows - Overview.

    This will allow you to migrate the devices into the new system and manage them granularly.

    Please find all the benefits of the new system here: TeamViewer's next generation of device management.

    @Brad_S We cannot tell yet if or when bookmarked devices will be a thing of the past. However, we strongly recommend managing devices instead of bookmarking them.

    Community Manager

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍

    Hi @justepic, thank you for your message.

    Are your devices duplicated? Or are the devices from Group A different from Group B?

    Community Manager

  • Why can't i migrate all the groups I have? It only migrate 2 groups.

    Besides that, how can you automatically deploy a device that will be put in one of the device group?

    Now I deployed the host clients on 3 difference devices and gets automatically in the right group with group assignment.

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍
    edited October 2023

    Hi @nickoudenes,

    Did you check if your groups meet all the requirements?

    The requirements are listed here: Migrate your devices

    You can define in which group the devices will be deployed by following our deployment instructions here:

    Mass deployment on Windows - Overview

    If you have any questions, please let me know!


    Community Manager