Has the VPN feature been removed from the new free version?

EK1848 Posts: 3 ✭✭

When I recently opened Teamviewer to use VPN, I found that the VPN button did not appear even after reinstalling it.

Best Answer

  • JenW
    JenW Posts: 1,066 Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi @EK1848,

    We're happy to welcome you to our Community! 🌍

    Some changes have been made to our remote session features set. Indeed, the VPN feature is no longer available for free users.

    To learn more about the TeamViewer Remote’s Free Version Redesign, you can check out our Community announcement.

    If you have any questions, please let us know 🙂

    Have a nice day,


    Modératrice Communauté Francophone / French Community Moderator


  • JenW
    JenW Posts: 1,066 Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi @EK1848,

    We're happy to welcome you to our Community! 🌍

    Some changes have been made to our remote session features set. Indeed, the VPN feature is no longer available for free users.

    To learn more about the TeamViewer Remote’s Free Version Redesign, you can check out our Community announcement.

    If you have any questions, please let us know 🙂

    Have a nice day,


    Modératrice Communauté Francophone / French Community Moderator

  • bazbsg
    bazbsg Posts: 112 ✭✭

    Wow, after two honest and open comments from me, you deleted the "community announcement"???

  • JoshP
    JoshP Posts: 898 Senior Moderator

    Hello @bazbsg

    Thanks for your feedback!

    We can confirm that we are experiencing a technical issue where the announcement seems to have disappeared from our Forum.

    An investigation is underway, and we hope to have the announcement back live in the forum as quickly as possible, including all contained conversations and comments.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding!

    Josh P.

    Senior Community Moderator


  • bazbsg
    bazbsg Posts: 112 ✭✭

    Well good, half of the conversation has been restored. A step in the right direction. Thanks.

    OUBRIK Posts: 1 Newbie


    I upgraded my license from classic to business but the vpn option is not showing. the business license is activated and the vpn driver is installed

    please help