I am having some trouble with the deployment of the TeamViewer App using Intune. I am not new to deploying Windows apps via Intune and have no issues with other similar apps.
Currently, I have been successful in pushing the (Custom Host Module) TeamViewer App to some test clients by creating a Win32 Windows app (via an .intunewin file) and the suggested command-line arguments. When deployed, the host app on the client device includes the company logo.
I can provide remote support on the device FROM Intune Admin Center. That part works.
The problems are , the device never shows up in the Tensor console (in the device group nor device management), AND the TeamViewer policies I created are not applied to the custom configuration apparently.
For example, I have a TeamViewer policy that I assumed would be a part of the package since it was clearly selected in the Design & Deploy Custom Module. One of the settings was to "Check for new versions - Weekly", however, the user can still change the setting from the client app.
I am attaching edited screen shots of my settings. If anyone has any thoughts please let me know. Thank you in advance!
Oh, also, I've attempted a second method via the .msi package, and followed all instructions online, but it wouldn't deploy at all. I can provide screenshots of those settings as well if interested.
Thanks again!