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similar to Your device will be assigned to Company ...message - TeamViewer Support im using company license, and im unable to do quiet unattended mass deployment as per guide Assignment options - 5/6 (Legacy) C:\TeamViewer_MSI64 (1)\Host>msiexec.exe /i TeamViewer_Host.msi /qn APITOKEN=token CUSTOMCONFIGID=configid…
Our org has just transitioned to Tensor and we're in the process of scripting a migration process for our devices currently on a shared group to device groups. Currently having an issue with the TV Host install being run in silent but still prompting for user interaction to accept the device being assigned the permissions…
I wanted to check for mass deployment as we do not have the previous GUID, what can i do to identify it? As i tried deploying from Intune, i think it didn't auto redeploy the exist intuneWin file that i package.
Currently, when Host config is set to use Managed Groups, you will receive a prompt when running the Mass Deployment command line to install a Host client. As a large organization trying to deploy this to ~1000 devices via SCCM we need this to not prompt. This prevents Host deployment to unattended devices, requires a…
I am having some trouble with the deployment of the TeamViewer App using Intune. I am not new to deploying Windows apps via Intune and have no issues with other similar apps. Currently, I have been successful in pushing the (Custom Host Module) TeamViewer App to some test clients by creating a Win32 Windows app (via an…
Since transitioning to managed device groups, we've been experiencing issues with the automatic rollout/installation of TeamViewer Host on the devices from Intune. Duplicate entries are now created each time a user installs on a previously used laptop. Previously, you could remove duplicate entries via a PowerShell script…
Hi there, Can anyone suggest a way to reenroll machines with a new name in Powershell? The script I've been tinkering with doesn't seem to work as names are never updated. $deviceName = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).Name $compuser = "$deviceName|$env:username" # Write-Host "CompUser: $compuser" Start-Process…
I am having trouble finding accurate information on how to use Intune to Deploy TeamViewer Host. I have a script that downloads the Custom PKG file. And can deploy this using Intune. My issue is finding accurate information on Setting the configuration and allowing Full Disk Access using Intune. Can anyone point me in the…
An API key is not visible anywhere for any host we have created. Thus we are unable to deploy the MSI via GPO. All we can see is the configuration ID. I read all the documentation and forum threads but there was no actually working solutions on how to make it appear. Please assist!
I'm using the assignment config which seems to be the way to roll out teamviewer. Deploy TeamViewer (Host or full client) - 9/9 - TeamViewer Support start /wait MSIEXEC.EXE /i "c:\temp\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=YOUR_CUSTOM_CONFIG_ID timeout /t 30 /nobreak "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe"…
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