2 Teamviewer Versions on PC: v14.5 Free Portable, v13 Licenced.
With v14.5 I want to remote access v14.5 Free Installed Version, but it prompts the message from v13 with the lack of a licence for 14.5. However this worked with Version v12. before updating to 14.5

I have the newest version on both Windows 10 Clients. I login on both applications with the same user (Information says "Lizenz: free"). But when I want to access Remote Controll it gives me the message i do not have a licence for this new version. Infact, the computer has an installed Teamviewer version 13 which is licenced (corporate user, different from my private free one). The Portable Version is for my private and hence free usage.
I try to access from a portable version to an installed version. But this worked with older versions perfectly. I recently updated the client to 14.5 and now i have this issue.
This loged in user is also whitelisted.
Please help