Using the free version of Team viewer (15.1.3937) for my Windows 10 desktop. I'm unable to login to my machine via Edge, Internet Explorer or Chrome, tried from 2 diffrent Windows 10 laptops, it doesnt auto connect when I select connect from the managment console. IT attempts to make a connection, then has an issue, password is blank, so I enter what is configured on my desktop but fails.
Using the same password works fine from iOS devices.
End of the log shows this, theres a lot more but not sure what should\shouldnt be shared.
17.01 15:39:40,789: CMD_CONFIRMENCRYPTION: encryption confirmed
17.01 15:39:40,789: Started resendrequest timer
17.01 15:39:42,289: first packet missing -> requestResendPackets()
17.01 15:39:42,290: requesting to resend packets 1-1
17.01 15:39:42,336: Login::SendRequestToConsole(): url=https://login.teamviewer.com/connect/RequestLoginTokenSignature
17.01 15:39:42,541: CC.ConsoleResponseError: Error #2032
17.01 15:39:42,542: ConnectionThreadEvent fatal error: Authentication failed
17.01 15:39:42,543: ConnectionThread closed
17.01 15:39:42,543: ClientGUID:
17.01 15:39:42,544: m_ComSessionAfterEnding: false
17.01 15:39:42,544: m_connectionAlready Suceeded: false
17.01 15:39:42,545: CT.closeHandler: null