Commercial use - Connection time out



  • Natascha
    Natascha Posts: 1,586 Moderator

    Hi @mays316 

    Thank you for your post. ?

    Unfortunately, it's not possible to use one device for both purposes. Therefore, please try to help your family from a different computer which you are never using with your Corporate license from work. Or, if your company policies allow it, use the licensed account for helping your family. 

    Let me know if you have any further questions. 
    All the best,
    Natascha ?‍♀️

    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

  • I am using the freeware, and did the avvidavit thing last year to fix it.  This morning, I updated the software, and now I keep getting a pop-up saying my connection is blocked.  It doesn't mention anything about commerical use (which I am NOT doing), but what's going on?


  • TV thinks that I am a commercial user.  I was able to send them their PDF form once requesting a reset which they wrote back saying that they had done so.  However, despite that, nothing has changed and I still get the commercial use timeout message.  I've tried now 3 seperate times to resend TV another PDF reset request but now, each time, after about a minute or so I get "Error" and nothing has been sent?  Suggestions?

  • Please make my account the free account. I am not using it for commercial purposes. I run my media servers and home automation through teamviewer. 


    I have had this issue before and you were able to make my account the free account again. Please change this.


    Thank you


  • How do I get some actual support in getting my account back ??????

    I got the PDF, signed it, uploaded it and got a reply back saying my account has been reset

    COMPLETE **bleep**!!! My account wasn't reset. It STILL doesn't work and I STILL get a message saying commercial use detected. WTPH???

    I replied back to the email and surprise surprise no reply back.

    I just want to be able to use my account as I've always done... FOR PERSONAL USE!!!!

    I've NEVER NEVER USED it for commercial purposes. I DON'T EVEN HAVE A FREAKING JOB!!

    Someone please tell me what I have to do??? THanks


    And what if I got an email saying my account has been reset but it hadn't??

    Literally the first computer I tried to connect to and I get the exact same message about commercial use. And no, that computer doesn't have a commercial license or is for commercial use either.

    And what if I replied to the email and said all this and STILL GOT NO REPLY?

    Then what???

  • I have reset three computers three times.  None of them was actually reset.  I suspect the reset process has been automated and it is broken.  They are also detecting commercial use where none exists.  Their claim that they want to provide service to private parties rings very hollow right now.

  • I'm giving up on TeamViewer and moving to the **Third Party Product** plugin. I've tried three times to petition TV to have them set my license back so I'm not blocked anymore, no response. Goodbye TV, see ya!

  • Today, November 26, 2020, which is Thanksgiving Day in the USA, all 6 of the computers on my home network are again working.  The commercial use pop up is gone.  There has been no communication from TeamViewer since I reset the three "broken" ones last week.  There was a new version of TV to install but they were working before I did that.

    Test your home network computers.


  • @JoshP wrote:

    Hello @MarkThomas 

    Thanks for your post.

    I was unable to replicate any issue with the Generate PDF button - once all requested info was entered, the button responded and proceeded to the next page, to download and re-upload the PDF. This was done in Firefox, as well as Chrome.

    Please verify the boxes in the form, make sure there is no error shown, and try again. If there is an issue with the data entered, the error should appear right below the text box containing the error.

    It does generate the PDF for me but when I try to upload it all I get is "error". What to I do to get my account released. This is extremely frustrating - your entire product is as well - and printing, signing, scanning and uploading a PDF is so **bleep** backwards! Like 1980's backwards. Why???

  • Hello, Esther...

    I very much appreciate the fact that TeamViewer has a free component for personal use. I understand that when I call Support and say that I have a free account, the recording tells me to work it out in Community. I appreciate your post in which you tell tell us how to address the problem of having been incorrectly identified as a commercial user, and that you give a link that allows us to request a reset.

    My problem comies in trying to fill out that form at that link. I enter all the stuff--name, address, computer IDs, etc.; and tell my story (which is that I am definitely a personal user and not a commercial one). I then click on "Generate PDF." Now, according to the slightly fuzzy screen capture video in your post, I should then get a screen to the effect of "The PDF has been generated--would you like to submit it?" But that's not what happens--a couple of times I've just been signed out immediately (and have to re-enter my infor next time), and the rest of the time nothing happens--no follow-on screen, no PDF in my inbox, nothing. I thought maybe it was a Firefox problem, so I tried it with MS Edge--same resuls.

    Am I doing something wrong? Is there a problem with the web page? Any help gratefully received.  --Howard (cherns)

  • The PDF does not appear in your inbox.  It goes to the folder on your hard disk that your browser has been configured to store downloads in.  That is typically the DOWNLOADS folder but it might be the DESKTOP  or could be any folder that you configured the browser to use.

    I got a message a day after requesting a reset that said it was done.  It wasn't really done until almost a week later.


  • @TomN1 For obvious reasons, they will never give us a clue either!

  • Thanks for the heads up! I had given up after all these months.

  • I have been stuck in this time warp for 2 weeks. The Generate PDF button does NOTHING. It does NOT create a PDF file in my downloads folder. 

    I called Teamvuiwer and spoke to  a very nce lady in Commercial Sales (the othe group that will actually answer the phone). She was sympathetic and referred me back here. She insists that if thsi was real problem they would know about it so apparentky we are all hallucinating.

    I give up. [removed per Community Guidelines]

  • Apparently I'm not the only one with this problem. It manifested when I installed

    I contacted you before and had my PC accepted and reset. That did not work. I still get the COMMERCIAL USE DETECTED flag. I even tried it from my PC to my wifes PC. Same message.

  • I have the same problem. I rarely use TM but when I do it is strictly personal. Submitting the PDF appears to do nothing. **bleep** support will push me towards another product.

  • Teamviewer support appears to be non-existant, at least for noncommercial users. I have used Teamviewer for years with few problems until early in November, when I started receiving "commercial use detected" messages. Nothing had changed in terms of my use of Teamviewer. The timing of this problem was terrrible because I had knee replacement surgery on November 6 and have very limited access to the PC's that I access with Teamviewer. I submitted the reset request form, but have not received a reply and there seems to be no options for follow-up with "support". I tried request an update using an email I received earlier, but again heard nothing back.

  • Same issue here & I've send feedback from my applicaiton thinking it will resolve itself but nothing for days .. all I do is open my phone screen on laptop .. nothing commercial about that, what's going on...

  • @wscratch wrote:

    I have been stuck in this time warp for 2 weeks. The Generate PDF button does NOTHING. It does NOT create a PDF file in my downloads folder. 

    I called Teamvuiwer and spoke to  a very nce lady in Commercial Sales (the othe group that will actually answer the phone). She was sympathetic and referred me back here. She insists that if thsi was real problem they would know about it so apparentky we are all hallucinating.

    I give up. [removed per Community GuidelinesCan anyone recommend a different proiduct that will let me access another PC remotely?

    I love how TV removed your last sentence [removed per Community Guidelines]

  • Yet another post for you guys about wrongly accused commerical use. Now this didn't bother me for the longest time, your not so accurate automated system told me I'm using commerical use a while back. Like I said it's been a while with this commerical limitation of only 5 minute use, infact that's perfect I'm fine with 5 minutes, the problem I'm having now though is teamviewer is constantly disconnected after 30 seconds, then I got blocked from connecting for 20 minutes! What happened to you guys? I never used to disconnect... I've tested teamviewer at my mother's connection, my home connection and even at a coffee shop and it's doing this disconnect thing everywhere. Is it your way of forcing us to buy? Frustrating getting falsely labeled but even more frustrating getting promised 5 minutes and getting booted after 30 seconds.

  • Same here, they have become just as bad as **Third Party Product**, I **bleep**-canned them years back... since I was making exactly ZERO for helping 2 friends, one who is in college and my elderly parents out... I might as well just go over and use **Third Party Product**, at least there they won't bother me and miss identify my account as commercial use...  

    Same here also it kicks me off after 30 seconds.... 


  • Good to hear I'm not alone, not so good to hear of your trouble.

    If they indeed want us to stop using their product they simply need to ask, they have given me years of reliablity(about 6 years, then the commcerial usage notice followed by the disconnects) and I am not quick to believe they would wish to throw out that reputation by ending this relationship this way. There are alternatives, but Teamviewer is what I have installed currently on the computers of people I aid.


    TV if you require any logs or other information please let me know I would like to aid you with rectifying this. Silence speaks loudly and if I do not hear from you I will move on as you wish.


    Long time user


  • Well, TeamViewer-for-free-private-use is, to my mind, a very useful thing, and I don't begrudge having limited support for it, or even their policing "suspected commercial use." After all, they're providing a valuable service and full support would be expensive for t hem to maintain.  What I do fault them for is having a page for clearing up that problem, and then not having that page work.

  • I agree the free version is a very valuable tool for connecting to remote personal computers, buit there are others who do take the mickey. It is important that use of the free version is policed effectively, in order to protect commercial users like myself who pay hundreds of pounds annually to use the software service.

  • @compbck wrote:

    I agree the free version is a very valuable tool for connecting to remote personal computers, buit there are others who do take the mickey. It is important that use of the free version is policed effectively, in order to protect commercial users like myself who pay hundreds of pounds annually to use the software service.

    The operative word is "effectively"  Erroniously deciding that people are using the product for commercial purposes and them providing no means of appeal, is just stupid.  Many companies offer free verisons to increase brand awareness and entice future paying customers.  This can't help.  

  • Very true, I often install free utility software on my clients computer and they frequently upgrade to paid versions. However, with remote support software determining whether it is being used for personal or commercial use must be more difficult, and I am aware that abuse has occurred with some users. I'm afraid the IT industry is far from perfect, just consider the ongoing problems with Windows, which keeps me gainfully employed.

  • Yeah good luck, their site keeps crashing when I try to do this and there is no way to contact them. Can;t wait for when my comapnies commercial license is up for renewal, time to move on as their support sucks. 

  • Not had any major problems in the past four years and I now have 200 clients linked to my Premium Account. So unless Brexit causes any problems I will stick with TV for the time being.

    I used **Third Party Product** in the past which I think is US based, so any Brexit spin off problems will not apply, but we will see how things go.

  • TDC
    TDC Posts: 1

    Same here.  Unfortunately, I cannot even subit a reset request.  Gives me a black "error" overlaid on screen after attempting to upload the signed PDF (720kb in size).  If a attempt to start a new post here about it, it won't post either; tells me to correct error displayed before posting but there is no error.  Hitting submit again results in a spam ban for 3600 seconds.  This is infuriating.