Commercial use - Connection time out



  • Imax
    Imax Posts: 5

    Why we can not see any comment or answer to the questions posted. It is useless to find only the questions :(

  • MTJK
    MTJK Posts: 4

    This same thing is happening to me. I access my computer at my brother's home. And it disconnects me within 1 minute and gives the same message. I believe Teamviewer has tagged me as a commercial account so I will upgrade to one of their pay plans. Is there any help that can be provided so Teamviewer can once again recognize me as a personal use account?

  • netkorszak
    netkorszak Posts: 2
    edited June 2021

    You guys cannot use TV, as it's not free. It's not free for personal usage as well, only if you are paying for them as business.

    You should use other service like"Third Party Product", which are free to use. Do not use TeamViewer. I liked TV, but it's getting sick of getting messages and limitations.[removed per Community Guidelines]

    TeamViewer advertises themself to free to use for personal, but it is just a scam from them. I will uninstall this service, and use other remote desktop application.


  • netkorszak
    netkorszak Posts: 2
    edited June 2021

    Everyone should use other services, like "Third Party Product". TV is just not for free usage.I am uninstalling this application and use some other, more powerfull service, which is not this applied with this company.


  • RickyJ
    RickyJ Posts: 1

    I'm also having this problem but the second message for me is simply "Your teamviewer session has time out and will be closed", like it usually says after about an hour of use.

  • Saifnz
    Saifnz Posts: 1


    Connection keeps timing out after less than a min and will not reconnect

    every time I try to reconnect it pushes it further. it really annoying

  • MTJK
    MTJK Posts: 4

    Same thing happening to me. This must be a scam to get us to purchase the product.

  • Brycey92
    Brycey92 Posts: 1


    I use Teamviewer for personal use, but for the past couple of months, I've received "Connection blocked after timeout" errors briefly after connecting to my computers, or my friends' and families' computers. After that, I can no longer connect to the computer I was remotely controlling when the error appeared.

    Can someone please help?

  • N_JUMP
    N_JUMP Posts: 1

    I use TeamViewer to help a friend and get disconnected after a few seconds. After that I'm not longer able to connect as I get a message indicating that TeamViewer is being used in a commercial environment (non personal use). That is not the case.

  • I can't connect to my friend... says I'm doing commercial... but I'm not!

  • KennyM
    KennyM Posts: 1

     Is this a known issue and is it being addressed?

  • floblo
    floblo Posts: 2


    Teamviewer keeps timing my session out and locking me out of my accounts. I can't access any of my devices anymore remotely, which is a pain in the bottom.

    I use Teamviewer purely for personal use. I just have a lot of devices, from Android phones to PC's (deskop and laptops). It has been a life safer but now I can't use it anymore.

    Can anyone please help me?


  • floblo
    floblo Posts: 2

    I found a post that users can access to request a reset of their account when commercial use is detected

  • MTJK
    MTJK Posts: 4

    where? link?

  • Gday

    I have enjoyed using teamviewer for awhile now helping my family and controlling my home server from anywhere using my laptop. Tonight i went to help my son print something by jumping on his laptop and i got thrown off the connection and then i could not reconnect. I did a little bit of google doctoring and it seems maybe my laptop has restricted because it detected i may have using the free license outside of the guidelines. which isnt the case I was just using my works corporate network for internet access. I dont know how to resolve this issue?

  • AlC_4more
    AlC_4more Posts: 1

    I have always used my TeamViewer account for personal use to help family and friends. I have never used TeamViewer for profit or ever charged anyone for my help using TeamViewer.

  • pvnnpavan
    pvnnpavan Posts: 2
  • pvnnpavan
    pvnnpavan Posts: 2

    Why am i getting this.. I am using it for personal use only

  • virtualny0
    virtualny0 Posts: 1
    edited June 2021

    I have never used TimeViewer for commercial use, but only for private purposes, e.g. by connecting to my own home server which is located in another country. I don't know why I get popping up a message about commercial use.

  • pegail
    pegail Posts: 1


    I'm using teamviewer for years to help my family and friends with their computers, I never used it within a commercial usage, and since a few days i cannot use it anymore because it Always hang with a popup message saying that a commercial usage has been detected (whereas it is 100% false).

    Would you mind to help me about that?

    Otherwise i will need to find another software to do that...



  • I am having the exact issue, but I use TeamViewer from my mobile device to connect to my PC in the study. I use TeamViewer in this was as it is way better than RDP (getting RDP with MS creds to work is a nightmare as well). I am now unable to use TeamViewer to this machine (It is Windows 10). I also sometime will help my family with their issues as well, but this happens rather seldom.

    How does one correct this. I do not feel that spending $$$$ to use a free tool, non-commercially, in the way it was intended. Also, please make it easier to submit a support request wrt this specfic issue as it has caused significant frustration for my family as I am now forced to pause the movie or show, make the family sit there, staring at nothing, while I run off to do something on my PC, then come pack to the movie again. Not Cool TeamViewer, not cool. I too have been using TeamViewer for many years.

  • Earj11
    Earj11 Posts: 2

    My computers have been flagged for commercial activity. I have requested a reset 4 times. There are 4 separate computers. I can only use Team Viewer with 2 of the 4. Each time I get an email telling me I have been granted a reset but my computers still have the same problem. I have used Team Viewer for many years with no commercial activity. How do I get Team Viewer to work again?


  • Mper
    Mper Posts: 1

    Since last month when I used my teamviewer account to help a friend now my account is limited in time.

    I always used only for access my parents computer to fix it and to open their skype application so I can speak with them.

    How can it be fixed to return to normallity?

  • JerryUS
    JerryUS Posts: 2

    I have been experiencing the same issue in the last few months also. I use the software to help manage my Dad's Doro phone.

    I have gone through the reset steps, 4 times (listing my two teamview device ids and my dad's doro phone teamviewer id)

    Each time I have received a response from the stating:

    "We have successfully reset the TeamViewer ID(s) you submitted via the form provided earlier.

    We acknowledge that you are using TeamViewer for private use only on these devices."

    When I try to use it I get:

    Connection blocked after timeout

    Your license limits the maximum session duration to a partner, immediate reconnects are blocked, please try later or upgrade your license.

    Connections to this partner will be blocked until HH:MM

    Also I am not sure how to proceed ?

  • AndrewDoc
    AndrewDoc Posts: 1

    Hi All,

    the same to me it will enter in my parent's PC but after 2 minutes it closed the connection without possibility to reconnet. I try to understand how much cost the private license for me but more than 400 euro are crazy since there are a lot of program that works free to do exactly what i need.

    Please solve the matter or give a possibility to buy a private license at cheaper cost.

    waiting comments and follow the claim

  • Earj11
    Earj11 Posts: 2

    Thank you for responding, Jerry. In my case, it appears only two of my computers are affected. Those would be two laptops that I don't use everyday but I do use at least one of them when I go on vacation or visit my daughter out of State. I don't know what the correlation is.

  • johnwmreed
    johnwmreed Posts: 5
    edited June 2021

    I have submitted tickets Six times to Teamviewer Reset to reset my Wife's iPad Teamviewer ID, and it has been approved Six times and supposedly reset:

    "We have successfully reset the TeamViewer ID(s) you submitted via the form provided earlier."

    When I connect to my two desktop computers (also reset and work properly - they can connect to each other) I am still timed out after a minute.

    What can I do to fix this problem?

  • Hello, my TeamViewer guess commercial usage and terminates remote session in a few seconds, but I use it for home purposes. How to solve?

  • 613210163
    613210163 Posts: 1

    My account is not commercials.

    I use TeamViewer only free working.

    It is not work.


  • HOTN
    HOTN Posts: 2

    I just downloaded Team Viewer as a private user, succesfully connected to a friend's remote computer, and the first thing I went to do is move Team Viewer from the part of the screen it was on, on his remote computer, to a part where it was not in the way of the program I was going to remotely use.

    YTouching on Team Viewer's tool bar in the remote computer immediately closed the session (after only around 25 seconds), and ech time I try to reconnect, there is a message like '... reconnect at 0801', so I wait until 0802, hit reconnect, and it says '... reconnect at 0803 ... each time either of us tries to reconnect, it tells us to wait an additional munite or two. What are we doing wrong, or is this is a bug.

    I used TeamViewer ages ago and liked it, but this new experience is really bad, I just want to connect to help him out, yet all we are getting is a message incrementing the time that we have to wait to.

    Is TeamViewer that unstable now, is there a bug, and what do we do to connect?