Commercial use - Connection time out



  • HerbJR
    HerbJR Posts: 3

    I am receiving "an error occurred" message while trying to submit the NON-COMMERCIAL use FORM. I am unable to continue to submit the form as the page sees me as a return visitor due to non-completion of my previous sessioni(s) and CAN NOT "SUBMIT" the completed form due to the error received.

    I spoke with Teamviewer support who advised me to attempt a query to this bulletin board, even though this issue appears tobe a possible server issue. My environment is W10 newest. I have been previously approved for use and working fine for months.

    My house & and everything I own burned to the ground forcing me to buy a new PC. I am trying to submit for appropriated activation from this new machine as advised but am having no success in the online submission procedure.

    Is there anyone or moderator who can advise me as to how to proceed. Thank you in advance. Also note, I am "non=commercial" user and have NEVER been registered otherwise.

    Thank you in advance for your time and assistance ....

    Regards Herb

  • FuzzmanKs
    FuzzmanKs Posts: 54

    @rodrigol - By any chance do you have a video conference app that you do audio and/or visual communication? Another "free" user said he uninstalled that software and all was fixed. He reinstalled the video software and TV got locked out again. I do have the most widely known brand of that software on my main PC that I use to connect to my other devices, and my Dad's pc, which is not on my network. Once my TV machine ID's were reset a couple months ago, I haven't had any problems and I did not remove the conferencing software. You say you are Work-From-Home. Does that mean your connection to work devices or commercial software that is used by your work (not with Teamviewer). Just wondering if TV somehow detected that commercial software. I'm not suggesting you are in violation of TV rules, it just that trying to help you figure out what is causing your machine ID getting flagged. Did you submit both machine ID's of the two devices you are trying to connect together?

  • FuzzmanKs
    FuzzmanKs Posts: 54

    @rodrigol - part 2 of 2:

    You say you are Work-From-Home. Does that mean your connection to work devices or commercial software that is used by your work (not with Teamviewer). Just wondering if TV somehow detected that commercial software. I'm not suggesting you are in violation of TV rules, it just that trying to help you figure out what is causing your machine ID getting flagged. Did you submit both machine ID's of the two devices you are trying to connect together?

  • Otakar
    Otakar Posts: 4

    Thanks for responding, JeanK. First, it shows my other computer as being offline, even though I know it's online. And then it seems to "wake up" and TV is trying to connect for about 30sec and then I get the following messages :

  • 1335646007
    1335646007 Posts: 0
    edited June 2021

    from few days ago,

    commercial message is being poped up.

    im just personal user. plz solve it.

    [removed per Community Guidelines]

  • I am a volantair in helping visual disabled people to use there computer to keep feeling with the outside world.

    Therefore I have a free subscription of teamviewer.

    I have 1 client who is a heavy user and needs a lot of help. At the moment it is not possible for me to assistt him because the connection is frequently terminated within 1 minute. It looks like Teamviewer sees me as a commercial user but that is not the case. I am a volantair.

    What can I do about this problem?

  • sp8siw
    sp8siw Posts: 0
    edited June 2021

    Dear TemViewer Team,

    We have been informed recently about commercial use suspection of your software, which we ar4e currently using to control and maintain our amateur radio stations network. As licensed operator of SO7M/SP7PKI club stations we are using your software to control few computers of our amateur radio station, which in any way is used for commercial purposes, but can be use for emergencies and is used in emergency network operatos practices.

    We kindly ask to restore the access to control networked computers, as we would like to continue using your remote access software.

    [removed per Community Guidelines]

    TV ID [removed per Community Guidelines]

    Thank you,

  • hi,

    i am using teamvieuwer to help elderly people with questions and problems. they all come to me for help and teamvieuwer is a great way to help them on a distance, especialy with the corona.

    i dont use it for a company or comercial or something. i do it for free to help people.

    unfortianatly teamvieuwer now says i use it comercial? and i need to buy it.

    it says my licence is is limmiting the max time. wich is 2 min tops before i kicked out. then i need to wait a while, and can go for 2 min again.

    is there anything to do about it?


    best regards edwin

  • I upgraded to the newer version of Team Viewer and now my account/use is suspected commercial. IT IS NOT.

    How can I change my status back to personal.


  • jdulmer
    jdulmer Posts: 5

    my session keeps timing out!!!

  • jdulmer
    jdulmer Posts: 5

    My session keeps timing out... it thinks I am commercial... but, I'm not.

  • jdulmer
    jdulmer Posts: 5

    My sessions keep timing out!!!... I downloaded the FREE version... but, it thinks I using commercial.

  • jdulmer
    jdulmer Posts: 5

    My sessions keep timing out!!!... I downloaded the FREE version... but, it thinks I using commercial.

    can anyone help???...

  • Gucky
    Gucky Posts: 1

    Hi, I. have exactly the same pb.

    How to go back to personal use only?

    Best regards

  • Arwad
    Arwad Posts: 1

    I am using the personal use teamviewer.

    it keep give me this message (Connection blocked after timeout).

    how can I fix it?

  • Arwad
    Arwad Posts: 1


  • Many, many others have posted the reset request PDF has not been functioning since May. When will it be repaired?

    Thank you.

  • AdamBN
    AdamBN Posts: 3

    I am trying to get onto my parents pc, used to be no problem, but now after about 10 seconds tells me the session has timed out and try again later. But i keep getting the same problem. What do I do?

  • Dichotomy
    Dichotomy Posts: 6

    My account has been flagged for commercial use, even though I only use it for personal connections. I tried to request a reset, but it is not accepting my user ID, therefore it won't let me click on the generate PDF button. Who can help me with this?

  • uzi2003
    uzi2003 Posts: 0
    edited June 2021

    Dear friends:

    I have a problem: when I connect with my friend normally there are no problems, only with one of them when I try to connect with him; Teamviewer tells mi to try later because I'm out of time.

    The strange thing is that if I change my ID there is no problem. But I REPEAT this happens only with one of my friends.

    Please help me to understand and FIX the problem

    [Personal information removed per Community Guidelines]

  • CindyPinkie
    CindyPinkie Posts: 1
    edited June 2021

    free account - I was locked out because I logged in form a hotel in miami.

    Every time I try to create the PDF to contact / send to SUPPORT - It NEVER creates ........

    How can I send the info to Team viewer to get my FREE TEAM VIEWER re ACTIVATED?

    For personal usage

    [removed per Community Guidelines]

    For the single user fees - I can go back to **Third Party Product** for less $$$$

  • Jo_DK2PH
    Jo_DK2PH Posts: 1

    I am using Teamviewer private as

    radioamateur. For this private use I connect

    my radio station at home with a tablet away

    from my radio station to contol the radio via

    internet. Please do a reset because I didn't

    use teamviewer at alll in any commercial way.

    The using as radioamateuer is completely

    private. What can I do that this will not happen again?

    Ich nutze Teamviewer privat als Funkamateur.

    Für diese private Nutzung verbinde ich meine

    Funkstation zu Hause mit einem Ipad

    unterwegs, um die Funkstation via Internet zu

    bedienen. Diese Nutzung ist rein privat.

    Was kann ich tun, damit dies nicht nochmal passiert?

  • Hello,

    I've been flagged as a commercial user over the last month or so. I am not a commercial user. I use my personal email address as my account where I have access to my home computer, my laptop, my parents computer and my mother in laws computer. I am not a tech guy, I rarely use teamviewer and I'm not sure why I keep getting flagged. I often use my cellphone to connect to these devices, especially when I'm not home and my kids need access to something.

    Please unflag and unlock my account


  • Becca
    Becca Posts: 1
    edited June 2021


    I've been flagged as a commercial user but I only use Team Viewer to connect to my downstairs computer from my laptop on 2nd or 3rd floor. Why is this considered commercial? I've read on many sites that we have to write a ''ticket'' to ask if our ''flag'' can be removed but I remember doing that over a year ago... yet I still get ''thrown off'' of Team Viewer after a few seconds! How is this good customer service?? I would like to be reconnected as soon as possible please if not I'll have to start looking for other options. Thank you.


  • Dear Support Team

    Good afternoon.

    I am using teamviewer to access remotely. I am using it since more than 10 years almost. For some unknown reasons, since morning, it is disconnecting every 60 seconds or sometimes blocking even for two minutes and extending this blocking. I am using this as private for my personal machine two laptops and I am worried what could be the reason. I am working on Linux based machine for my scientific research work and may I ask what could be the reason or if you have changed the policies for private non-commercial usage as well?

    Please if this is the case, let me know how to work with this issue to resolve it.

    Waiting for kind guide how to proceed and use

    with friendly greetings

  • Ergest
    Ergest Posts: 1

    My question is about the licence which normaly i had it free now its saying like i'm using it for profesional reasons which its not true. All my devices on my account are personal non of them is profesional.

    Please i need some help from the support departement because this is not fair

  • TS_TW_01
    TS_TW_01 Posts: 1

    Hi - i have a free account and i have been using TeamViewer for serveral years.

    However from time op time my account is blocked due to suspected connercial use.

    Up until now i have got it fixed

    But now i get timeout due to license issue.

    I got mail reply conforming that my account Was OK - but problem remains - What do i do ?

  • Carol13
    Carol13 Posts: 0

    I have a free account so that I can log into my desktop remotely. I am continually getting locked out saying to update my licensing. I am using the same laptop connecting to the same desktop that I have always used.

  • JoneH
    JoneH Posts: 1

    I completed, signed and scanned the form and now want to return it, but the email address is not on the form and I cannot find it

  • I have installed TeamViewer for free personal use only. which is free for use but even after using free version.

    My every TeamViewer session is being closed immediately.

    and i am getting these messages : (in the screenshot)

    and its only me facing this issue, my other friends TeamViewer is working fine. please tell me why i am having this issue and how can i fix it?