Commercial use - Connection time out



  • jonhamsnow
    jonhamsnow Posts: 7 ✭✭

    my account has ended up on assist AR professional, how do I get this free again?

  • jonhamsnow
    jonhamsnow Posts: 7 ✭✭

    the same here

  • techboy411
    techboy411 Posts: 5 ✭✭
    edited May 3

    Hey all! I just got a new-to-me 2018 MacBook Pro and to set it up, i used Migration Assistant to clone the config from my older Air, with TeamViewer installed. The issue i ran into is the Pro is constantly flagging as buisness use, even after FOUR (4️⃣ , 4) reset requests. I know i was able to get other machines reset on this network that has a PTR record (homelab is my partner's, i just moved in) but not this Pro. I'd like to have this computer able to use TeamViewer properly as all my personal machines use this software.

  • techboy411
    techboy411 Posts: 5 ✭✭

    I'm sorry but this was a skill issue on my end, i am impatient!

  • Pendle
    Pendle Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Hi Folks,

    I help my family and friends with their PC problems, I am not a commercial user.
    How do I remove the commercial flag from my account?

  • Richard63
    Richard63 Posts: 5 ✭✭

    I've filled in the form april 19th, but didn't hear anything yet.

  • Richard63
    Richard63 Posts: 5 ✭✭


    It's best to look at the first post and visit the url mentioned there and fill in the form.

  • johnellenbe
    johnellenbe Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited May 23

    In the past I used TeamViewer to support my elderly mother, but I stopped using it because I was constantly getting false messages accusing me of commercial use. I'm retired—no commerce involved. Now that **Third Party Product** is going to charge a minimum of $100 for 3 devices and 1 user I need to look at alternatives. I am willing to pay a modest fee to avoid the annoying false accusations. Does **Third Party Product** have a family plan or are licenses just for large companies?

  • johnellenbe
    johnellenbe Posts: 2 Newbie

    Not sure why you are bleeping your own product but let me rephrase my question: has anybody ever successfully "appealed?" In my experience TeamViewer frequently issued these commercial warnings and any attempt to use the appeal process was ignored.

  • Richard63
    Richard63 Posts: 5 ✭✭
    edited May 23

    Beste thing is to use either the Windows uninstaller or else use the Revo uninstaller which removes more.

    Then reboot the pc. After that, install the free version.

  • Pgrant5
    Pgrant5 Posts: 2 Newbie


    Have been using TeamViewer for a number of years, just to support friends, and family.

    Now every time I use it, I get shut down as a business user, last time I was trying to help a partially sighted friend with some computer problems, this has been very irritating to say the least.

    If anyone knows how to resolve this, I would be extremely grateful.

    Many Thanks


  • radicor
    radicor Posts: 5 ✭✭

    I do work in IT so I am very familiar with what commercial use is.

    I use team viewer(TV) from my personal computer (not my work computer).
    I use it to assist my friends and family members not customers.

    I do not charge these people for "services"

    I do not us my work VPN or internet access for TV.

    I have been using TV off and on for YEARS, this has happened I think 2 times before the first time dealing with it was pretty straight forward…

    Fill out a webform and wait .. not the best.. there really should be an option to deal with this BEFORE cutting access, for something that has NOT been verified (and in my case is an error).

    I'm not sure why the system is "detecting commercial use" but it is clearly making a mistake.
    There has to be a way to address this…

    Please help.

  • radicor
    radicor Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Can a moderator please help???

    by the way I've tried calling support several times

    they are not very helpful on on this other than trying to convince me that someone helping my friend and family is actually commercial use.. LOL

  • alpo52
    alpo52 Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I have the same problem.. Please Help!

  • lobmo78
    lobmo78 Posts: 3 Newbie

    For some reason TeamViewer just started prompting me this on one of my devices? Both devices are in my home, and the device that is causing the issue is literally connected to a pinball machine to play Pinball FX on. Is there any reason, or perhaps setting that I would have accidentally set myself that caused this? I also noticed that it has this computer set to Company Managed as well when I look at all my devices? Any assistance here would be appreciated. Thanks!

  • Rckhnd
    Rckhnd Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited June 17

    Same issue! Called to get support (twice) and was told that there's no way to be connected to tech support …… !!!!! Heck - took me over an hour to be able to log in here. I'm so disappointed! Love the product, but not sure what happened today. Would be happy to pay for a personal usage account that doesn't break the bank!!!

  • Rckhnd
    Rckhnd Posts: 2 Newbie

    Yes, please!

  • lobmo78
    lobmo78 Posts: 3 Newbie

    Totally agree. For as little as I use it, they should have a cheaper tier for personal use. I literally will need it about 15min at a time just to update windows, and a new Pinball games to the table, maybe once a month. II am wondering if we installed the wrong version though. Never had this happen in the 15 years I have been using TeamViewer.

  • Jorel
    Jorel Posts: 2 ✭✭

    need for personal use

  • frkndrekk
    frkndrekk Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I get a commercial use error what should I do,we only use it with my girlfriend

  • Spreewald
    Spreewald Posts: 2 Newbie

    When I use Teamviewer connecting to another computer it will kick me out and say "Session timed out", and then it says "You're using Teamviewer in a commercial setting". These popups are shown in the images below. I would understand this as a mistake that I got flagged for, however at the top, it clearly states that I'm using a free license. I appreciate any help you can provide!

  • Lavode
    Lavode Posts: 1

    I am a free license, and over the last two months, whenever I try to connect to one of my family's computers, it connects for about 10 seconds and then times out. It doesn't give me any reason for this other than something like "your session has timed out." I am not a professional, I only connect to my family's devices. I thought that was supported/authorized use? How do I use this program? I can't afford any of the paid tiers, and since I'm not a professional, I don't think I should have to. Any advice would be welcome, this is extremely frustrating, and I'm considering giving up on TeamViewer.

  • dforootan
    dforootan Posts: 1 Newbie
    edited June 18

    I use TeamViewer only for personal use but all of a sudden I somehow have my account have a 5 minute limitation on usage. Please fix!

  • fjnlsa11
    fjnlsa11 Posts: 2 Newbie

    Hello I am using the Teamviewer for Personal Use. I ony use it for a few minutes a day to connect to 2 personal computers on local network. I am getting a message about Commercial Use and then it shuts down the connection (this is ony after a few seconds). I have contacted Teamviewer Support about the issue but I haven't heard back. Any info on how i can resolve this issue is appreciated. Thank you.

  • Yts
    Yts Posts: 10 ✭✭
    edited June 18

    I use only my pc group not ather all time is close i have 4 pc and myobile to inside my pc and its crash after 1 minet i have gruop for all fust inside [removed per Community Guidelines]

  • Yts
    Yts Posts: 10 ✭✭
    edited June 18

    I use only my pc group not ather all time is close i have 4 pc and myobile to inside my pc and its crash after 1 minet i have gruop for all fust inside [removed per Community Guidelines]

  • Valeria2
    Valeria2 Posts: 578 Moderator

    Hello @Yts,

    Welcome to our Community!

    In order to assist, we require more information. Could you please explain in more detail? Did you encounter an error message, and if so, what did it say?

    Thanks in advance.


    Spanish Community Moderator

    Moderadora de la Comunidad en Español

  • Speedbird1942
    Speedbird1942 Posts: 3 ✭✭
    edited June 18

    can I with my licence have contact with a PC free of

  • Speedbird1942
    Speedbird1942 Posts: 3 ✭✭

    I must wait to next month to add another PC on my list .

    I cannot contact a other PC wich is freew of licence

  • The_Misfit
    The_Misfit Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited June 18

    Hello. My account is now timing out every 30-60 seconds.

    I connect from my work computer to my home computer during the week. Most things here at work are blocked (except for TeamViewer and a handful of websites). When work is slow there are things I can do online but need my home PC to do so.

    We have no use for TV in a business setting, our corporate office has a different product on our PC's for troubleshooting etc. I ONLY use this to connect to my home PC, or to my sister in-law's PC to check her computer's health - that's it.

    There is no business being conducted. I previously had to set up an account to prevent this issue, but now that's not working. What options do I have and is there a way to contact TV to discuss other than posting here?