Commercial use - Connection time out



  • Monger
    Monger Posts: 3 ✭✭
    edited June 26

    i am being flagged for commercial use and have reset. I get a confirmation email yet still flagged

  • Monger
    Monger Posts: 3 ✭✭

    These are personal computers not used at or licensed to any commercial entities as well

  • Joel
    Joel Posts: 3 ✭✭

    I have been using Team Viewer for 10+ years strictly to assist family and friends in trouble shooting their computers , no more.

    I may use Team Viewer in this capacity two or three times a month, no more.

    I tried to use Team Viewer today but i) got a pop up window stating that I am using Team Viewer for Business Purpose and that I need to upgrade my account and ii) got kicked out of teh session a very short period of time, maybe 3 minutes!

    Question: What do I need to do to get Team Viewer to consider my use to be Personal and allow to asset family and friends as it previously did.

    Thank you.

  • Wzrd
    Wzrd Posts: 1

    It disconnects after 5 minutes

  • JudgeChuck
    JudgeChuck Posts: 1 Newbie
    edited June 27

    I've just been told that I am using Teamviewer for commercial purposes, apparently, despite only ever using it to provide remote support for my mother & father (for years, but only maybe once or twice a month, sometimes not for ages) and very rarely for my brother and sister-in-law (I can't remember the last time I had to help either of them). I now cannot connect to my 78 year old mother's laptop which is 220 miles away and she is panicking because she is having problems sending an important email. Thanks.

    I have added their IDs to the form and was just informed that I cannot connect to anything for 72 hours (!). Thanks again.

    Quite frankly, all I can think of to say is "what a **bleep**". You couldn't have made this more painful if you'd tried. Thanks for a third time.

    Edited to add: I understand that you want people who are using your software commercially to pay for it. I completely get it. However, the way that you have implemented this is impacting genuine users in a very serious way. Many, if not most of your personal users are depending on your software to provide support for elderly, less tech-aware parents / family and putting immediate blocks on accounts that cannot be quickly removed is an extremely poor way of trying to crack your commercial problem and shows utter disregard for those genuine users who rely on this to help their families. Very, very poor show.

  • Kahlin
    Kahlin Posts: 1 Newbie
    edited June 27

    Welp, sounds like it's time to find a new option. Too bad, been using Teamviewer for years, but it's clear this is widespread and yet they aren't in any rush to do anything about it. Worse too, they have locked the entire population affected by this out of any live support that would allow them to get this resolved in a timely manner.

    [removed per Community Guidelines]

  • LaCrepe_
    LaCrepe_ Posts: 2 ✭✭
    edited June 27

    I'm being disconnected form my remote server for commercial use. But it's my personnal server, not doing anything commercial with it at all!

    Please help as it's starting to get annoying…

    HACIK Posts: 3 ✭✭
    edited June 27

    team viewer personal free

    HACIK Posts: 3 ✭✭

    i am always getting time out

  • tehDude48
    tehDude48 Posts: 2 ✭✭
    edited June 27

    just tagged as a commercial account I use team viewer as a way to control my saltwater aquarium why I am on vacation. And as I was on vacation right now my heater broke and was manually controlling the heater by login and out quite a few times a day.. so how do I go about getting team viewer to fix this so I can continue to control my tank while on my vacation

  • nun97
    nun97 Posts: 4 ✭✭
    edited June 27

    for the umpteenth time I have a porblema on access to my pc (because it detected a commercial use) obviously so not

  • tarifdk
    tarifdk Posts: 2 Newbie

    Once again Teamviever sessions relevant to my account disconnect after just 5 minutes, even I only use this few time a year, to hel my distance living parents.

    Please help register my account as private and non commerciel

    regards Torben /Denmark

  • leonvon
    leonvon Posts: 1 Newbie
    edited June 27
    I'm getting the message TeamViewer connection blocked after timeout your license limits the maximum session duration. But I am a personal user not a corporate user

  • Binjam
    Binjam Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited June 27

    I'm a single user and I would like to manage laptop of my family member.
    Since few days, I have only less than 1 minute to take the control and help my family.
    I'm using only for family, not for a commercial work.
    Why I have so limited action in my hands.
    Thanks to help me to understand

  • Codocks1954
    Codocks1954 Posts: 2 Newbie

    I am trying to join my Son's session but keep getting the 'Session Code Expired' message., no matter how many updated passwords he creates. Conversely he can join a session that I create. What am I missing here? Do I need to tweak settings in some way? Any assistance appreciated

  • Djst12
    Djst12 Posts: 2 Newbie

    i have never had this probelm before i dont use it for coprate use and just myself so i dont know what to do when i cant create a ticket either

  • superjiali
    superjiali Posts: 2 ✭✭

    for free version. teamviewer keep sign me out every 30s!! I don't know why

  • Prometheus_2360
    Prometheus_2360 Posts: 3 Newbie

    I am a free user using it for personal use only, how do i stop this message?

  • Prometheus_2360
    Prometheus_2360 Posts: 3 Newbie

    This has happened before and I managed to contact Teamviewer to confirm my usage was personal but I can't seem to find it anymore, if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated. thank you in advance.

  • maydaymayday
    maydaymayday Posts: 1 Newbie

    same thing. use TV to connect to my parents computer once a month or less. now getting popups that i'm using it in a commercial environment which is silly. Cant open a ticket. Suggestions on alternatives?

  • Mount_Dirtalus
    Mount_Dirtalus Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I use TeamViewer on two old cell phones. The phones are connected to security cameras on my remote property, so I can keep an eye on things when I'm not there. I don't log in often, a few times a week to check on things unless I get a notification that there was activity.

    Seems like every couple of months, my account gets flagged as "commercial use", and my sessions get restricted. I used to be able to send an email and have it fixed, but now I don't see that option.

    So - 1) How do I get the account reset?, and 2) Is there any way to prevent this from reoccurring constantly?



  • JayMan72
    JayMan72 Posts: 1 Newbie
    edited June 28


    I am having this exact issue with my Father when I try to remote into his machine.

    We are both non-commercial users using the free license version.

    This has become an issue as I am able to remote into his machine and stay connected for less than 10 seconds before I get booted saying I have reached the time limit. It asks me to wait a minute to try again. I wait the a few minutes, try again and I either get immediately booted again or I can connect for 10 seconds and we start over again.

    My Dad is in his late 70's so being able to help him is paramount.

    Please help.


  • xyzxz
    xyzxz Posts: 1 Newbie

    Having the same problem. A family friend relies on me for tech support. I am in the UK, her in Australia. I purposely choose teamviewer as I can get in without a password prompt each time. I might login once a month to make sure her laptop is up to date. That is it. I am not using it for paid jobs.

    Is anyone getting a reply from teamviewer?? Why are people suddenly being flagged. This is ridiculous…

  • wcndave
    wcndave Posts: 7 ✭✭

    it looks like I have been blocked from responding to threads, because I complained about TV blocking all free users, when they support non-tech elderly people, who might think they need to pay…..


  • wcndave
    wcndave Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Like I said before, many people are not going to realise they need to find this community online to fix this.

    Some might see the popup saying they need to upgrade, and think that's what they haveto do.

    This then effectively turns into a scam.

    IF the software itself had a message like "we think you're using this commercially, you need to upgrade, if you're using it for personal reasons only, please click here to tell us and we'll reset it for you", then that would be another thing, but the way this is presented it dishonest at worst, and plain incompetent at best.

    By the way, it appears that if you try to say anything negative about this experience, you'll get moderated and warned!

    Even free users are important for a software company, positive brand image….

    once the reputation of TV is destroyed…. I have over 100 employees and use remote support, and I can tell you I will now never consider TV.

    Here are the only realistic steps TV can take to resolve this:

    1. change the software so it stops immediate blocking
    2. email all free users to let them know about the change
    3. replace the blocking in the software with a message saying "just to check you're using it for personal reason, please follow this link.."
    4. include a 2 week grace period
    5. then 2 weeks after having seen the message (ie if someone logs in once a year, it's two weeks after the next login), a reminder, perhaps by email that they've still not done this
    6. then say 4 weeks of "ignoring" the message, enable the block, along with detailed message about why and what to do about it.

    do NOT just scam people who be definition fall into a low-tech-user category, which makes them susceptible…

  • MontanaJim
    MontanaJim Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited June 28

    I've used Teamviewer for years to connect to my home computer from the road. It's been a while since I last needed to due to changes in employment and moving but I recently tried to connect and within 30 seconds or less I get disconnected and I'm asked to buy a license?

    Is the free access still available to non business/non commercial users? Of is this no longer available?

  • GLSmyth
    GLSmyth Posts: 11 ✭✭
    edited June 28

    I am on vacation and when I log into my computer at home I am told that commercial Use is detected, so I can only use it for five minutes. Any idea why this is happening? I am not a company and am just using it to connect to my own computer at home.



  • GLSmyth
    GLSmyth Posts: 11 ✭✭

    It looks like I have been given a warning for asking a question, so I might get banned for asking another one.

    In the warning email I was pointed to this 400+ post thread, as well as a link to the article

    As I have no idea what is going on I want to read it, but when I try, after several attempts to identify crosswalks and motorcycles I am told:

    You don't have sufficient rights to view this content. Are you trying to access the Frontline Knowledge Hub? If yes, please request access via this URL: (Please copy-paste the URL in your browser)

    When I go there I am told:

    Role not found.
    The page you were looking for could not be found

    I am just trying to figure out what is happening to a program I have used successfully for years.

    Can anyone guess why suddenly they think that contacting my computer at home might be commercial use so that I can rectify the situation? The only other use I have for the program (and much more important than looking at my home computer) is to help my mother when she has problems (at 94 she doesn't really understand much of this).

    Thanks to anyone who is willing to send me in the right direction.

  • neXus2000
    neXus2000 Posts: 7 ✭✭
    edited June 28

    This is a recurring thing with TW system. Long time ago, they had same issues, because they created some "software/plugin/api" or whatever, that monitors usage and by that it is suspecting that someone is using TW in commercial purposes. It seems that same monitoring software was never updated, because it behaves in same manner.

    And this is the example. Although I signed some of their thing that I'm not using TW in commercial purposes, about two months ago I got same notification, with same "session will end in X minutes", as I remember, although it ended in 15 seconds or so.
    I found out somehow where to "agree" again that I'm not using TW as commercial and after few days everything went back to normal.
    In those two months I had maybe 10-20 sessions, usually towards my wifes father PC. Truly, sometimes I connect to my computer from work to check if everything is OK, if something downloaded in meantime, did defrag finished defragging and so on. Using app from my mobile phone or from computer. Just a quick check. That is approx. 1 connection in 3 days.

    Do you know what I found out today? Sam **bleep** again. Your computer….session……**bleep**. Will you fix that god **bleep** tool that checks who is truly using it as commercial??? No you can't. Because there is no way that you can find out who is using it in that manner. The only way to truly check is to spy on users if they are using it for work. And that is against any law on this planet.
    So, either make it only purchasable, or just quit annoying users with you checking tool.

  • skilset
    skilset Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Is TeamViewer still free for personal use?