teamviewer windows10 desktop
i've got this message after auto update,
'to connect,please validate your account first.'
tried many times,never recieved sms code.
help me plz.
I am in the same predicament using the free version in Big Red (You know the country I'm talking about). Everything works swimmingly in the USA. Now that I'm overseas, and try to logon to a machine at home, I'm asked to, "Please validate your account to continue." This takes me to the TV web page displaying the management console and I'm asked to provide my mobile phone number. Well, my American T-Mobile number works just fine here thank you very much, so why do I need a mainland Ch.number? But I can't edit the country prefix of +86, so I'm screwed.
Can't you folks at TV get your act together? This is a VERY simple fix. It would take your coding team all of 1 hour to fix, test and roll out. This thread was started FOUR YEARS AGO!
I tried to verificate my account for several times, but it always tells me that my number was used for a previous account, which got deleted. I have my number now for more than one year and never used it for this or any other account.
If I cannot verify my account I can't use TeamViewer at all...
Does anybody know how to fix that issue? Or how long means that "currently unavailable" here?
Thank you for you help!
I deleted one of my accounts to release the phone number yesterday.
I want to use the number for this account, but it returned below hint.
This phone number has been used with a recently deleted account and is currently unavailable.
How long will it take to release the phone number from the previous account?
could you please help me. how i can fix this problem.
I use the free version of Teamviewer to access my computer at home for a variety of non commercial data while travelling. I have had no issues until I recently came to China and I am now getting an error message that "Teamviewer Free is only valid on a limited number of devices and you have exceeded the number of devices". I have not changed anything about how I access things-I am trying to use the same iOS device to access the same computer but I now get the above error message and I do not know how to clear or reset this so I can access my computer remotely as before.
Hello beautiful, is it possible to check my question too?
Thank you for posting in TeamViewer Community!
Account verification with SMS only available to the TeamViewer users in China.
May I ask your location when you saw the notification of SMS verification on TeamViewer please?
Looking forward to hearing your response.
How could I verify my teamviewer account in Taiwan, I can't even get a CHINESE phone number we could only get TAIWANESE phone number.
[Removed as Community Guidelines]
Hi Teamviewer,
I havnt used my team viewer account for a while, and recently when I did, I get this prompt and then an ask to validate the account via a Chinese phone number. But when I entered my phone number, i get another prompt of it is being used by another account. This is a little weird because I've never associated a Chinese phone number. Where can I check phone # association?
Hello Fiona,
Thanks for your explanation. I am using a free account right now and I cannot validate this account with my phone number. I am pretty sure that the previous account (email abandoned) has been deleted for OVER two months.
Any updates to this issue or has the policy changed somehow?
As the above problem persist, how can I activate the teamviewer account ?
I can only see one option to validate the teamviewer account and that is via SMS. But I cannot validate as it continuously shows this message. By the way I deleted the account several months before as I cannot add my computer after installing new windows. And it was 4-5 months before... Now I cannot receive SMS to validate the account.
Hi @DavidKang1,
Thank you for contacting us in TeamViewer Community!
Can you kindly check whether the mobile number is a valid and legitimate number from Chinese mobile service provider please?
For more information about the SMS validation, feel free to check out this Chinese Knowledge article - 短信验证.
We are sorry in advance about any inconvenience caused with SMS validation.
I had the same issue just then. You'll need to turn off your VPN and then the website will display correctly. The dialogue box where you enter the phone number will look different.
SMS cannot be sent from China , use Chinese mobile phone number for confirmation-Invalid phone number provided, how to solve?
It's crazy that users have been complaining about this issue for nearly 2 years and it still hasn't been resolved competently. I've been using teamviewer for more than a decade and it had always been a smooth experience. Wonder what has changed? Any solutions or workarounds to this issue?
Hi. Any updates on this issue? It seems like months later and the "validation system" still doesn't work.
I'm having the same issue. Although this is not my first visit to China and until now, I had no issues using TV during past trips. This most recent trip has proved difficult and though I also have a local mobile number, TV claims it is invalid to use for validating my account. Have you heard from support staff or found any solutions to this issue?
In this post, the topic is the same as the below one
Now it's April 29, 2022. There is still no improvement. Everytime I try to connect any computer and keep showing something like "your +86 phone number is invalid" to me. Are you guys really able to solve this problem? Or just ignoring users in China?
phone number ISP: China Unicom
I also meet the issue, I have a valid Chinese phone number. But when I enter it, it shows that your phone number is invalid. Can someone help me with it?
I'm a bit troubled.
I'm using teamviewer for a while now and it worked fine for me. I checked everything before I left home and got on a businesstrip to China.
Now I want to access my PCs at home and I just can't because: "please validate your account to continue"
So what can I do now to be able again to connect to my PCs?
PS. I'm using the free license and try to reach my private PCs
I can not connect using team viewer.
When i try connect, this window is showed.
And i tried to authenticate my account.
But when i input my phone number, it says "my phone number is used by other device"
But i did not used my phone number.
How can i solve this problem?
Sorry for my poor english and thank you for your help.
I am in Hong Kong (+852), I don't have a China mobile number (+86), what could I do?
Before, Fiona_ G. The staff member can release the mobile phone number after replying to it for two months, but it has been more than two months and has not been released yet. I see that some articles are longer, four months. Please give an exact reply. Can't you release it? I can make a choice and whether to discard it。
Hi @Ying_Q, thanks for your reply.
I am pretty sure my input mobile number is true and valid.
When I checked the link you shared, I saw there was "点击按钮开始智能验证" below input area in the screenshot, but it never showed in my page. I don't know if there is anything else I can do but it is quite urgent for me to use Teamviewer and hence I really need your help. Look forward to your reply.
Hi @davidli333 ,
Thank you for contacting us and welcome to TeamViewer Community.
Can you kindly make sure that the mobile number you are using is a true and valid mobile number please.
For more information about SMS validation for TeamViewer accounts, feel free to check out this link.
Warm regards,
Windows 10
Free user
Based in China
Valid 11-digit Chinese phone number
Please help!
Hi @Shaeek,
Thank you for your confirmation.
Please take a look at this article for the specific steps. We recommend using Chrome, Edge, Safari or Firefox browsers on a computer to validate, and please make sure that Cookies are enabled.
Yes i am from china. But i dont see any option to add my phone number
May I know your location? TeamViewer introduces account validation to unverified users in China which corporates with validation code in a text message when they start the first outgoing connection and start a meeting. Therefore, if you are requested to validate your account in China please check out this thread for more information.