Hi there,
Earlier this year the IT systems of our company got outsourced to an external company. All devices are replaced and I was able to accuire some devices for personal use by me my wife and my parents. At the time the devices were in use at our company TV was installed and a license was activated so IT could give support.
When I now use TV it gives a generally error like "An error has occured. Try restarting the application or contact support". Restarting the software does not help.
If I look at the log files I come accross several lines where it says License Blocked:
2020/08/12 12:08:25.657 16552 16624 G1!! LicenseAssembler::ParseFetchLicenseResponse: Operation failed with error [BlockedLicense]
2020/08/12 12:08:25.658 16552 16624 G1!! CKeepAliveClientClient::ProceedWithLoginAfterClientID(): LOGIN fail, retrying...
Browsing the community and other places of the internet I think the license of my company was not renewed so these devices are now blocked somehow. Also the company has no intentions renewing the license because IT support is outsourced.
Is there any way this can be solved? I tried to create a support ticket on the Dutch TV site but when clicking the link I'm only returned to the support webpage.
Any ideas?