TeamViewer 9 & 10 End-of-Life



  • Include me in any law suite as well. The fact is TV set the terms for the license and should honor it. Period. This is complete B.S.

  • jarek7997
    jarek7997 Posts: 1
    edited December 2020

    I tried **Information removed as per Community Guidelines** and many other software but the cost of them was too high. The only reason I bought TV was that I wouldn't have to pay monthly/yearly subscription. I'm quite happy to use my TV10! Include me in any law suite as well.

  • I would also like to be included in the lawsuit

  • Zokac
    Zokac Posts: 4

    This is embarrassing.

    First in 2015, I buy license v9. (€479).

    Second after 3 days, I was receive mail that new version is out and I can buy it for 50%. (+€250)

    That's 100% legal, but 0% fair.

    If you kill this service. Oh, boy I will ask judge what's meaning of word PERPETUAL.

    Don't forget to include me in lawsuit.

  • Zokac
    Zokac Posts: 4

    Ok, I search Teamviewer EULA , from 2014

    Seller said a permit license, but if you check EULA.

    There is a Server Availability for 10 years.

    That is not perpetual license, but it's enough for lawsuit.

    Correct me, If I am wrong.

    5. Server availability

    • For the proper use of the TeamViewer software the availability of the TeamViewer master server may be necessary. TeamViewer GmbH will take measures to ensure a high availability of the server. However, it is not possible to guarantee an uninterrupted availability.
    • TeamViewer guarantees that the server will be available and usable with the purchased version for a period of at least 10 years after purchase. If the transmission protocol changes in the meantime, an update will be provided to the customer free-of-charge if it is mandatory for further use.

  • Include me

  • Hello Zokac

    Can you post a link to that TV EULA 2014 ?

  • I am from Mexico, I have purchased a perpetual license v10 in 2015 , and this is not fair , how can I join to a lawsuit been from other country?

  • angeldarior
    angeldarior Posts: 2
    edited December 2020

    I november 2014, I purchased a Premium and forever licence. I paid US$ 1,500.00. I hoped to be using, that expensive licence, for a long time, but a year later was released the version 11 and then began my problems, becase many users had version and I could not access those PCs, and they had to remove the version 11 and reinstall the version 10, and the same problem with the version 12, 13 and so forht. Since the version 15 was released, those PCs running this version could no acces thos PCs using the version 10. In others words, my expensive Premium License was almost inusual and I've facing a lot of trouble to connect with the PCs with the new versions. Even, PCs running Window Server 2016 and above, neither runs the version 10 and there is not any patch to update and be able to access the servers running window 2016.

    Then that means I have not useful licence, nonetheless I paid a lifetime licence. And the opcions that Teamviers offers to me si so expensive and inconvenient that seriuosly I've thinking FORGET Teamviewer, accept I was cheated becasue my expensive paid licence was not lifetime. Thats, actually is a fraud and must exists any that protect the agreement with the consumer. I Teamviewer is goign the change the rules, shoul give our money back.

    I am very dissapointed with them.

    Angel Dario Rodriguez

    **Information removed as per Community Guidelines**

  • There seems to be some confusion on the part of TeamViewer; I have a perpetual license.

    Your website said:

    "When you purchase a TeamViewer license, you can use it for an unlimited time. There is no additional cost per use/month/year."

    Unlimited is not 5 years.

  • Outrage
    Outrage Posts: 13
    edited December 2020

    There is no confusion unfortunately ,,, they are just a bunch of untrustworthy thieves.

    Have a look at **Information removed as per Community Guidelines**. Looks good at a reasonable price

    when look at alternatives, I am not so concerned about the dollars but one thing i can not do is deal with Teamviewer again. They are just complete liars. I just called their Australian office and specifically asked if i was buying from an Australian company ,,, they said yes, ,,,, even emailed me confirming then presented me with an invoice from a German company. no thanks

    **Information removed as per Community Guidelines** good as well. same price as TV but looks to have some nice features

  • Please read why TeamViewer wants to use only subscriptions users... easy money ... and you can’t get out of it...

    read review in the link:

    the lifetime licence was not economical for them... but they forget... we helped them to get where they are today !

    without our support, they would not grow or survived.... without users... they will vanish !

  • Add me to the list. I purchased a license in Sept of 2015. Within a few months they moved up to version 11 and I was already angry about that. They "generously" offered me pro-rating (Over $300) when I'd paid roughly $800USD back in Sept. Now we're being told that we're SOL as of January?? Please tell me how this is legal????? Anyways, I want in on a class action. Enough is ENOUGH. And if they think I'm going to spend a PENNY more on them with this kind of behavior, they are SORELY mistaken. I will gladly pay more to a competitor at this point; I'm dead sick of the way they've treated customers.

    You pay for a lifetime license, you should get exactly that- not this BS!!!!!🤬🤬🤬

  • You're not only one in the world, put your monthly subscription model where sunshine not warming you

    Thanks and good luck

  • Put me down for the Law Suit. I was also under the understanding my perpetual license was everlasting. Way to screw with small businesses.

  • Me too, I purchased a license for my lifetime and do not expect to have to purchase it again. V10 works perfectly for me and do not need any other functions.

    Please do not retire this product.

    Kind regards


  • Also let me just remind the Teamviewer managers it was us who purchased the early versions that allowed you to develop later versions & take a salary!

  • crossmax
    crossmax Posts: 1
    edited September 2021

    Yes I agree with everything that is being said here.

    How about this:

    TeamViewer leave all their faithful long time customers (who by buying the program have helped elevate the TeamViewer company status to its current level) alone by maintaining support on all previous versions of TeamViewer. All of us have paid substantial amount of money for the original programs and in many cases extra for upgrades. I'm out by close to £1,500 and I'm **bleep** if I'm going to let this one go. It's been irritating enough to see TeamViewer sneaking out upgrade messages to my customers running the older clients so that they upgrade to the latest client with no backward compatibility effectively disabling my remote access. But this really is the final straw. TeamViewer can look for new business with new customers with new versions of their program, no problem. But leave the current customers alone, they all bought the software in good faith, but if this is how they are treated after the company has got their money, I wonder how NEW customers will be treated. Maybe they should be warned as to what is happening to us? If TeamViewer as a company cannot see this is COMMON SENSE then I believe an antitrust lawsuit / litigation will be the only way to go. WAKE UP TEAMVIEWER MANAGEMENT !!! "WACH AUF!"

  • Please include me in lawsuit. This is ridiculous. Teamviewer will for sure get end of life as well if they continued to be greedy.

  • Me uno a la demanda. Como nos organizamos para empezar?

  • I am willing to join a class action to protect the rights of those of us who purchased lifetime licenses at significant cost only to have TeamViewer pull a bait-and-switch.

  • My License was purchased with understanding there was no end date for the product and it was a perpetual license, doesn’t that mean continuing forever or everlasting? Please explain to me why TeamViewer does not have to honor its commitment to those of us that have purchased our products in full instead of paying an extremely high subscription?

  • Yes, I'm even interested to create a Class Action.

    I just want to continue using my purchased product TV10 as stated in the perpetual licence agreement.

    I don't want any newer version !!

  • There were I am guessing 100+ million users on the free side, and they have should have no say in my opinion, but the millions of users on the business lifetime paid end should have one solution... TeamViewer offers us all free Lifetime access to any platform. They pick up hundreds if not thousands of free and paid accounts a day. They built this platform on paid "Lifetime" purchasers as us. They continue bringing plenty of new fish every day, how about reward us the early investors in a lifetime subscription continued on any platform without millions in court fees?

    This is global, look at the complaints. They will be defending around the globe in courts. Fix this by allowing those who actually paid for "lifetime program" to use the service. In a few years we won't even be noticed but grandfathered in. Easy fix for Team Viewer.

    Sure it cost them some cheese, but we gave them the cheese and they us a service to last many years.... This offer of a free "Trial for 6 months is unacceptable. If they don't allow "Lifetime" accounts to continue then global class action is the way to go. 

  • GuilleTrin
    GuilleTrin Posts: 5
    edited December 2020

    I bought a perpetual Teamviewer 10 Business Licence on 2015 and paid almost [The price has been removed as per the community guidelines.] for it!

    If Teamviewer persist on their position and don't recognize our rights over the licence that we bought, then a GLOBAL CLASS ACTION is the way, and in the other side i gonna start my personal lawsuit action this week!

    End of story!

  • Zokac
    Zokac Posts: 4

    I don't have a link, this is copy - paste of TV EULA from 1.8.2014.

    1. Please Note

    • The following terms and conditions apply for all licensing models and product version of TeamViewer.

    2. Satisfaction guarantee

    • All new orders have a guarantee of satisfaction of 7 days. All payments per credit card will be authorized when the purchase is done (validated) but not charged.
    • The respective credit card will not be charged until the 7-day satisfaction guarantee period has elapsed.
    • A cancellation may follow without giving reasons in written form.
    • In case of doubt, the customer is responsible for providing proof of a cancellation in time.
    • Subscription licenses with a limited period of validity of one month, starting from the delivery date, shall be extended automatically for another month. 14 days before expiry of the contract, the customer may cancel without giving reasons in written form.
    • Subscription licenses with a limited period of validity of one year, starting from the delivery date, shall be extended automatically for another year. 28 days before expiry of the contract, the customer may cancel without giving reasons in written form. The customer is responsible for providing proof of a cancellation in time.
    • Please notice that, when paying per invoice, not paying the invoiced amount is insufficient. The obligation to pay the invoiced amount only ceases to be applicable if the order has been cancelled within 7 days after purchase.
    • TeamViewer GmbH has the right to increases the prices at its sole discretion after notification has been sent to customer by email at least two weeks in advance. The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract until the new price will be effective.

    3. Payment and retention of ownership

    • The customer only acquires the right to use the products according to the specification upon receipt of payment in full by TeamViewer.
    • TeamViewer GmbH reserves the right to offset any customer liabilities against a customers’ due payments.
    • In case of delay of payment, access to the TeamViewer-master server may be blocked.
    • Payment for Subscription licenses with a limited period of validity of one month can only be submitted by credit card.
    • All costs that are caused by abusing credit cards, reverse charging due to lack of credit etc., are paid by the customer.
    • Every abuse of credit cards or account information will be pursued.
    • All invoices are net tax and net withholding tax. Any additional taxes at expense of customer. Bank and credit card charges at expense of customer.

    4. Rights and licenses

    • When buying software, the buyer acquires only the right to use the product according to its specification and End User License Agreement (“EULA”). All software packages remain the intellectual property of TeamViewer GmbH.
    • The customer must take appropriate measures to ensure that the products will only be used according to license agreements inside the company. This especially applies to the protection against illegal copying of the software.
    • The customer is responsible for all damages which result from a violation of the copyright instructions or illegal use.

    5. Server availability

    • For the proper use of the TeamViewer software the availability of the TeamViewer master server may be necessary. TeamViewer GmbH will take measures to ensure a high availability of the server. However, it is not possible to guarantee an uninterrupted availability.
    • TeamViewer guarantees that the server will be available and usable with the purchased version for a period of at least 10 years after purchase. If the transmission protocol changes in the meantime, an update will be provided to the customer free-of-charge if it is mandatory for further use.

    6. Warranty and Limitation of Liability

    • TeamViewer applies legal provisions regarding the warranty period beginning from the point of the first provision of service.
    • Within this period, the customer has the right to insist on correction of faults or replacement in the case of liability on the part of the vendor.
    • A breach of warranty shall be defined as the absence of a warranted function which shall not include the suitability of the software for a particular purpose. It is the obligation of the customer to verify prior to entering into the agreement, whether the purchased software is suitable for the intended purpose for legal or other reasons.
    • Especially for technical reasons, it can not be guaranteed, that all computers will be reachable with TeamViewer without any exceptions or errors. Advanced firewall technologies as well as special network structures can reduce the connection quality in some cases. This behavior has to be checked by the customer during the test period; a potential failure has not to be considered as an absence of a warranted function.
    • If TeamViewer GmbH is not willing or able to remove the faults or deliver a replacement or the process fails for other reasons, the customer has the right to insist on revoking the contract or receiving an appropriate rebate on the purchase price.
    • Any further claims asserted by the customer, particularly claims for damages of any kind, are excluded.
    • This shall not apply if TeamViewer has maliciously concealed a defect. The customer is solely responsible for the safety of his data.

    7. Data Protection

    • Information in accordance with § 33 BDSG: The customer's data will be stored in the form of name and address of the residence and business location respectively for internal use.
    • If requested by customer TeamViewer will record and store the connection logs of a session within the Management Console for a time period of 12 months starting from the purchase of the license.

    8. Final clauses

    • Place of fulfillment for traders, legal persons of public law, as well as customers without a place of general jurisdiction in Germany, is Goeppingen.
    • Only German law applies
    • Alterations of contract must be in written form.

  • No company position yet? Many users are unaware that this channel exists, it is a pity. The owners of the company must be laughing at our honor. Let’s all go to the Official FanPage and let our indignation get noticed.

    official facebook fanpage:

    Tradução para Portugues do Brasil:

    Nenhuma posição da empresa até o momento? Muitos usuários não sabem que este canal existe, é uma pena. Os donos da empresa devem estar rindo da nossa honra. Vamos todos lá na FanPage Oficial soltar a nossa indignação para sermos notados.

    FanPage Oficial no facebook:

  • Please add me in, lest file for a Class Action law suit.

    But I think it's difficult because the license remains valid. It is true that the essential function is lost.

    --- As of June 1st, 2021, TeamViewer 9 and 10 will have reached their end of life.

    Connections outside your network with corresponding versions will not be possible any longer. ----

    The software has always been maintained.

    This is understandably not possible for TeamViewer with only one-time income when purchasing.

    But I consider it an impermissible way. Existing customers would have to receive a purchase solution for upgrades, not be forced into renting.