TeamViewer 9 & 10 End-of-Life



  • Cari colleghi,

    oggi all'apertura del mio TV10 è apparsa la finestrella che dice che avrò il 50% di sconto a vita per tutte le eventuali versioni future.

    Lo sforzo di TV a trovare un compromesso è molto discutibile; in quanto mi metto nei panni di chi aveva acquistato più postazioni e dovrà pagare una cifra comunque notevole.

    Sebbene io nel mio piccolo ho una singola licenza, la cosa poteva essere fattibile.

    Ma con l'allarmismo che si è creato, ho cercato e acquistato una alternativa a TV molto più conveniente e flessibile.

    Non posso fare pubblicità, ma chi è nel settore sicuramente ha trovato una soluzione.

    Se TV avesse fatto apparire prima l'offerta del 50% è molto probabile che avrei aderito.

    Ma invece TV mi ha spaventato e leggendo i vostri commenti ho preso la decisione di passare ad altro RDP.

    Uno schiaffo a chi ha gestito il marketing; persone che sicuramente hanno solo la brama di far soldi e che non sanno che il primo veicolo pubblicitario siamo noi TECNICI IT.

    Cara TV, mi spiace ma ti abbandono perchè sebbene io sia solo un piccolo numero che faceva parte della tua famiglia ora ho deciso di andare a vivere altrove.

    Scusate la mia traduzione.

    Un augurio a tutti i colleghi.


    Dear colleagues,

    today at the opening of my TV10 the window appeared that says that I will have 50% discount for life for all future versions.

    TV's effort to find a compromise is highly questionable; as I put myself in the shoes of those who had purchased more stations and will still have to pay a considerable amount.

    Although in my small way I have a single license, it could have been feasible.

    But with the scare that has arisen, I have searched for and purchased a much more affordable and flexible TV alternative.

    I can't advertise, but those in the industry have certainly found a solution.

    If TV had brought up the 50% offer first it is very likely that I would have joined.

    But instead TV scared me and reading your comments I made the decision to switch to another RDP.

    A slap in the face to those who managed the marketing; people who surely have only the desire to make money and who do not know that the first advertising vehicle is us IT TECHNICIANS.

    Dear TV, I'm sorry but I abandon you because although I am only a small number that was part of your family now I have decided to go and live elsewhere.

    Sorry for my translation.

    Best wishes to all colleagues.

  • fresco2
    fresco2 Posts: 10
    edited January 2021

    It is disgusting that no one withing teamviewer gmbh dignifies himself to answer paying customers anymore. I have been waiting for a reply for more then 2 weeks now.

    In the meantime it appears that discussions about this heinous action are also going on on all the forums (Google on the subject of this thread).

    You can say much about teamviewer gmbh, but you can not accuse them of giving a single f* about their reputation.

    edit: please take some time to go to trustpilot and have a look at how this company ruined its reputation.

  • Please include me in class action. Thx.

    Perpetual is not few years.

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi all,

    I’m happy to share with you a couple of updates that I gathered internally to address your questions and concerns.

    First of all, we will continue to have the official communication regarding this topic via the TeamViewer Community in order to keep everyone updated transparently. Closer to the deprecation date, there will also be individual follow-up emails to all affected customers.

    Secondly, here are some details in reply to the questions we received from you:

    1)     The complimentary TeamViewer 15 access for legacy versions will be activated automatically in the backend on January 19, 2021. The only action needed from your side is updating the client to a newer TeamViewer version after that date and before June 2021.

    2)     The complimentary access will be valid for all supported versions (TeamViewer 11 and above) to allow for the best Operating System compatibility. Here is a link to check which OS are supported:

    3)     To make the update process as smooth as possible, we recommend starting with the roll-out soon after January 19, 2021, even though the discontinuation of your version is still six months away. Please see here for instructions on how to update TeamViewer: 

    4)     You can see the version number of remote devices in the connection info when accessing a client. I made two screenshots for you to find this information quickly on one of my test devices:

    Also - TeamViewer will soon start to display an info pop-up whenever you connect to a version in discontinuation scope. You can then easily perform the remote update on the spot.

    5)     Perpetual licenses with discontinued server support remain usable indefinitely within a local area network. Please save a copy of the legacy software if you want to keep using it. Downloads of those versions won´t be available on our community/website after their discontinuation in June 2021.

    6)     For Business license customers: The TeamViewer IDs that are currently licensed will remain licensed. The update to a newer TeamViewer version will not count against your quota of license moves.

    As a reminder for anyone joining in: From June 2021 onwards TeamViewer versions up to 10 will not be able to connect to our servers any longer. Affected licenses will get complimentary TeamViewer 15 access corresponding to 10 years of server service from the purchase year. Please see here for my earlier post on that:

    I hope this clarifies some of your questions. As always, we are happy to answer your inquiries right here in the TeamViewer Community or via our Customer Support. Please accept our apologies if from time to time it may take a couple of days for us to come back to you with a detailed answer.



    Former Community Manager

  • TechNYC
    TechNYC Posts: 16

    Just got this little popup offer on my Teamviewer....

    Considering Teamviewer's definition of "perpetual", @Esther would you care to please define "for Life"?

    I mean seriously, do you honestly believe that I would ever be able to trust your company again.... ever?!?

  • couldn't put it better... in 5 years time... that "for life" version really only meant "until our shareholders decided they wanted to make more money" and ran out. thank god we have the T&Cs from our licence we bought before

  • Well Teamviewer,

    Clearly your company has no integrity whatsoever. On principle, I'd wouldn't be prepared to pay your company a single additional Euro more.

    One day you may reflect on your actions and regret them, I hope so. "Cast your bread upon the water..."

    I am truly disgusted. Your are a shame to your fellow men and hope that you reap the rewards you deserve.

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @TechNYC - "For Life" in this offer refers to 50% price discount for any subscription runtime (until you cancel). Hope this helps, Esther

    Former Community Manager

  • plmed
    plmed Posts: 1
    edited January 2021

    Please, write colleagues - Who will choose the 50% offer (Central Europe region, Poland)?, I'm seriously thinking about changing rdp tool, specially for problems 04.01.2021 and change of meaning 'for life'

  • TechNYC
    TechNYC Posts: 16
    edited January 2021

    @Esther You missed the point (probably intentionally). How can I possibly trust Teamviewer to keep to the terms of this offer? What's to stop you from "changing" your mind in the future the same way you did with the perpetual licenses. This is ALL in BAD FAITH. Depending on the outcome of all the impending lawsuits, if Teamviewer "perpetual" stops working at some point, I'll just move to another vendor. I've lost faith in you and you have lost a customer for life.

  • Would I be able to return the amount invested in 2015? With this money back it would be an acceptance of the apology for Team Viewer, I will upgrade to version 15 on 1/19 and try to work until 2025, which is the 10 year limit, since I bought the license '' '' in 2015. @Esther Please answer me! Support in Brazilian Portuguese, do you know about these changes? I intend to contact the company, with support in my language (Português Brasil or PT) to see if my upgrade really from the date of 19/01 I will really have my version of Team viewer 10, without problems access to my customers by 2025.

    Please let a member say what they have achieved in court, or if they have not yet filed a lawsuit.

    Tradução para Português do Brasil:

    Teria como me devolverem o valor investido em 2015 ? Com este dinheiro de volta seria um aceite do pedido de desculpa para com o Team Viewer, vou fazer a atualização para versão 15 em 19/01 e tentar trabalhar até 2025 que é o limite de 10 anos, desde que comprei a licença ''perpetua'' em 2015. @Esther Por favor me responda! O suporte em português Brasil, já sabem destas modificações? pretendo entrar em contato com a empresa, com o suporte na minha língua (Português Brasil ou PT) para ver se realmente o meu upgrade a partir da data de 19/01 eu vou realmente ter a minha versão do Team viewer 10, sem problemas de acessos aos meus clientes até 2025.

    Por favor, algum membro fale o que conseguiu na justiça, ou se não entraram ainda com alguma ação judicial.

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    @TechNYC I apologize that I missed the point and it´s sad to read that you lost the trust in TeamViewer. While we are trying to help here in our community as best as we can, we can´t answer all questions to full satisfaction. Still - I say: the discount for the duration of the subscription is safe and I invite you to take a screenshot of this and save it for you. Just to feel secure. However - as you can use TeamViewer 15 until the end of 2025 without further costs I would not buy a subscription now. Also - to talk about your questions individually, the invite to giving our team a call is still valid.

    @Frederico_Cardoso You will be able to use the newest TeamViewer version until the end of 2025 (10 years from your purchase in 2015). Please keep in mind that version 10 will not work after June 1st, 2021 outside your LAN. You can find a toll-free number to reach our Customer Support from Brazil to clarify your questions in Portuguese here:

    Former Community Manager

  • Zokac
    Zokac Posts: 4

    I am personally glad that there is good will from the Teamviever team and as we were furious I think it is okay to say that the offer is very good. I want to praise the Teamviever team.

    All of this would not be necessary if Teamviewer had a reasonably price.

    For God's sake, it's a program for Remote, there are a lot of such programs free, but they don't work behind the router on port 80. In other words it does not require router setup. So here we come to the essence of the popularity of the Teamviewer program. Supersimple install even for a housewife.

    There is a great chance that all of us who get an extended license for 10 years will never use Teamviewer again. We will find some alternative.

    What to do?

    Create a LITE version of Teamviewer for users that use ONLY remote (screen, mouse, keyboard and data transfer). We all know that Teamviewer has costs, new options, security, administration, servers.

    We want to pay, but reasonably price.

    The price of a couple of dollars per month would be correct.

    Currently, Teamviewer price is in the range of the best programs for video, photo and audio editing, which makes no sense.

  • Typical of large companies who think this is a fair way to trade. I will look elsewhere for a product that thinks more of their customers and not about the money. Count me in into any lawsuit.

  • Today I notice if I check TV10 versión from help -> about, it has an expiry date set to 01/01/2016

  • So what law firm do we need to get into contact about this class action suit?

  • @Esther

    Hi Esther. I spoke with a TV rep a couple of weeks ago to confirm what I'd THOUGHT I'd read here, i.e., that licensed TV 9 users will be included in the update on January 19th. Now, however, I read this from you (emphasis added):

    "2)     The complimentary access will be valid for all supported versions (TeamViewer 11 and above) to allow for the best Operating System compatibility. Here is a link to check which OS are supported:"

    Would you mind confirming that licensed TV 9 users will NOT have the complimentary update applied to their licenses? I purchased mine in 2014, which should mean a comp license until 2024.


  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    @Zokac Thanks for your feedback. We are glad to hear this! I am not sure whether this would actually fit to what you mean, but TeamViewer released such a "LITE" license called Remote Access. Feel free to check out the page here (just for general information): 

    @SyComputing If you purchased a TeamViewer 9 license, you can use the complimentary access to TeamViewer 15 until December 31, 2024 as stated here

    The supported versions after June this year are TeamViewer 11 to 15. While you can use TeamViewer 15 from a licensing perspective, you might need to use an older version depending on your OS. Let´s say you are using a Mac OS x 10.7 (Lion) you can´t use TeamViewer 15 but in this case, you can use TeamViewer 11. Please let me know if this is clear.

    @Rutsagig Could you maybe check again? It should rather state 01/01/2026. I am checking internally whether it will "only" show the correct date in v15.

    Former Community Manager

  • @Esther

    Thanks Esther, just one more clarification. I assume that the complimentary license to TV 15 is restricted to TV 15, such that when TV 16 comes out I'll not have the ability to use that version. Is this also true for incremental releases within 15, or will I be able to use 15 all the way through?

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    @SyComputing - That´s a very good question as TeamViewer used to release a new major version every year. But with the change to a monthly release cycle and a subscription model, I am happy to let you know that there are no plans for a TeamViewer 16 as of now. In any case, you will have access to all minor versions of TeamViewer 15.

    Former Community Manager

  • Pete99
    Pete99 Posts: 1

    For people with perpetual licences for V9 and 10, I believe you can upgrade to V12 and retain the perpetual licence on this version. Anyone disagree with this?

    Specifically, the standard email I received from TeamViewer on 21st Dec 2020 says:

    "On January 19, 2021, your TeamViewer 9 license will be upgraded to TeamViewer 12."

    It then goes into the spiel about TeamViewer 15 "special complimentary trial", which I believe expires 10 years after my original perpetual licence (which for me is 2022).

    Clearly they want to get you onto the subscription model eventually, but if I go the V12 route then, surely, it will remain perpetual and I can "enjoy" a newer version than the one I originally purchased in 2012? The pain is all the unnecessary download / uninstall / install and having to ask my customers to do the same, which is a shame but not, for my small software business, a deal-killer.

    This morning I have uninstalled 9, installed 12 and captured the QS/Host/Portable V12 installers from Seems to work fine.

  • @Esther Hi Esther, I just wanted to check, if I activate our v15 upgrade now, will our existing v9 continue to work until June? We just want to do a bit of testing before we complete the transition.

  • BradF
    BradF Posts: 4
    edited January 2021

    @Esther - I have tried to keep up with the comments in this post but as there are so many now, I'm a bit confused as it now looks like you are posting a workaround to the problem?

    So just to confirm, we're on version 8 (very few comments on that post but the same position as v9/10) with a lifetime version.

    I understand TV want to close down connections on old versions for security, but why are you not just transferring out lifetime licences to version 15? Why are you turning lifetime licences into 10 year licences?

    All I can see in your posts are explanations on how to convert to v15, how new versions work from them on, expiry dates etc. I can't see anywhere that you've addressed why perpetual licences are being converted to 10 year ones?

    I also see that you've automatically updated these in the back-end, without giving us the chance not to upgrade, is this correct?

    How are TeamViewer trying to justify this - what is their reason and official position?

    Is is that they just hope that most of its customers will accept it and the rest won't bother legally challenging it?

    I'm not being provocative, I just want to be clear of the official position before we begin further steps.

  • Count me in for the class action lawsuit. I purchased the biggest license they had available in 2010 and bought a lifetime license. Never did I think that "lifetime" license actually meant "10 year license". I was even willing to have them convert me to a subscription service if they were to refund me minus the 10 years worth that I have used the program @ $5/month. It was people and companies like us that gave TeamViewer the ability to grow into the company that they are today and for them to use devious advertising tactics by calling a 10 year license a "Lifetime license", then customers who were scammed, need to be compensated or get what they paid for! Does anyone know who to contact to join in on the lawsuit?

  • I also got this e-mail.

    However when I want to Customize my modules like I used to do in all the previous versions it keeps on doing it as Version 15.

    I need to be able to Customize my modules for Version 12.

    Can someone please point me to how I can Customize my modules for Version 12.

  • Natascha
    Natascha Posts: 1,586 Moderator

    Hi @Johan_de_Kerk

    Thanks for your comment.

    Your modules will be created in version 15 which is correct so far since your license was upgraded to version 15. If you are trying to connect to an operating system that requires an older version of TeamViewer, your customized module will adapt automatically.

    Hope this could help. Let us know if there are any further questions.

    Have a nice day.

    All the best,


    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

  • Hi Natascha,

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    Just to be clear and I understand it correctly.

    The e-mail said: "On January 19, 2021, your TeamViewer 9 license will be upgraded to TeamViewer 12."

    So I will install the Version 12 Full version on my computer.

    I will then create Custom Modules to send to my customers. Which will be created in/as Version 15.

    I will then be able to connect from my Full Version 12 to my customers that has the Version 15 Custom Modules.


    Johan de Klerk

  • So if I have an end user with an older mac ios, or some other system which cannot use ver 15, can I still make a custom module for them? Or will they be forced to use the unbranded host, eliminating any of my contact info and only your constant advertising popups?

  • Count me in to

  • fresco2
    fresco2 Posts: 10

    So today I received an unsollicited promotionary email from this unesteemed company, offering (translated to English litterally from the mail):

    * Offer valid until February 7, 2021 when switching from a perpetual plan to a new Business, Premium or Corporate plan.

    Another translation could be "eternal plan".

    So can anyone explain to me why my perpetual or eternal plan is not so perpetual/eternal after all? I am asking here since nobody from teamviewer seems to answer any support request whatsoever.