No Trusted Device Emails - How do I get whitelisted so it works?!

User: "wlahs"
Updated by JoshP

Happy July 2020.  Same problem.  I never recieve my email to validate my account or to enable trusted devices.  I have attempted to change email to my gmal account, and that doesn't work either.  I never recieve the email to validate.

I cannot open a support ticket apparently since I am using ther free version of the software for personal use... but I can't actually use it effectively if I cannot get the validation / trusted devices email.  How can I get my email whitelisted so that I can recieve the emails?

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    User: "Natascha"
    Moderator β˜‘

    Hi @GauchoMark

    Thank you for your post and welcome to our community, too πŸ‘

    If you are a free user, we are sorry to say that you have to create another account with a different email address if the Trusted Device emails are not getting through.

    Kindly ask you to have a look if you are signed in in the TeamViewer application on any other device in order to change the mail address of your TeamViewer account to the newly created one.

    Hope this could help.

    All the best,

    Natascha πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

    German Community moderator πŸ’™ Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

    User: "Bel1971"
    Updated by Natascha

    I'm not receiving emails to verify devices. I have checked junk folder etc but there is nothing from TeamViewer. We have a paid business version.

    I'm trying to add a new trusted device but I'm not receiving the email to allow it. How can I generate a new one? Is there another way to add one?

    I have the same problem!

    Hello, I am trying to log-in to my corporate account, and whenever I do it gives me this message:

    The device authorization link does not show up on my email feed. It isn't being blocked, I've checked my spam/junk folder and it isn't there. I waited 2 weeks to see if it's just taking its time however still no email.

    I cannot do the alternative which is putting in two factor authentication because when I try to login to TeamViewer website, it asks me to authenticate the browser, which I am unable to do.

    Please help. Thanks.

    Hello, I have an account which I do not receive the verification email, could I join an account with that to transfer the added equipment?

    I'm not able to receive trusted device email notifications.

    Yet I am able to communicate on my home base PC with others.

    This is a home free license account. Something needs to be reset?

    Thank you in advance

    User: "suria"
    Updated by Ying_Q

    Hi Teamviewer Support Team,

    I'm having trouble login to my teamviewer account on my new computer but I didn't receive a confirmation email for the device authorization link. I checked my spam / junk mail but no confirmation email was received.

     I hope you all can help my problem as I need to login my account to do my job. ASAP

    Thanks and best regards.

    I have been trying to log into account management for two weeks and the system keeps saying I need to trust the device and an email will be sent to me, but none is received. No emails appear in junk either. What can I do to get around this issue?



    I'd like to restore my personal Teamviewer on my newly formatted computer, but I never receive an email from Teamviewer to trust this new device.

    From reading these forums, it seems that my email address needs to be whitelisted so I can receive it again, as I did have email delivery issues 8 months ago but didn't bother rectifying this issue as it was only localized on my phone. But now I can't use my old account on my laptop!

    I called up for support but there is no phone support for personal usage of Teamviewer.

    Can someone assist please?


    Hello! I have the same situation

    User: "Natascha"
    Moderator β˜‘

    Hi Markus,

    Thanks for the explanation πŸ‘ I'm happy that it could solve the issue.

    I'm sure it will help other users if they're sitting in the same boat.

    I wish you and @GauchoMark a Merry Christmas ahead and all the best for 2021. πŸ€


    Natascha πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

    German Community moderator πŸ’™ Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

    User: "MarkusJuke"
    Updated by MarkusJuke

    Hi Natasha!

    I am a free / personal account user. Your suggestion solved the problem for me.

    I did like you said:

    1) I edited my profile from a device already connected and I could access the management console on my browser.

    2) I updated and validated a new email address and now I can receive the autorisation on the new one.

    I hope this will also work for @GauchoMark.


    Markus :)

    I try to login to my account to use teamviewer and the app says it has sent me an email to confirm it is a trusted device but I receive no email.

    Spam folders have been checked repeatedly.  The email is never sent to my email server at all.

    I don't feel that adding 2 factor authentications is a suitable work around.  First, I really don't want to utilize 2 factor authentication as it's overly cumbersome for my intended use of the teamviewer program.  Second, having researched this issue it is apparent that if I turn on 2 factor authentication, auhtorize the devices, and then remove it.. i will end up right back at square 1, and need to authorize the devices via email.  So that's not a workable solutions.  Lastly, the issue of not getting emails is an issue for more than just authorizing devices.  If I were to forget my passord, and need a password reset email.. I would never recieve it!

    Additionally, having researched this issue on these forums, and the multitude of users experiencing this issue, it is readily apparent that i need to have my email address whitelisted so that the emails are sent.   How do I go about getting tht accomplished?

    User: "Fiona_G"
    Staff member
    Accepted Answer

    Hi @wlahs,

    Thank you for your message.

    Please kindly check your spam folder first.

    If you still couldn't receive the email, as an alternative to the Trusted Devices authorization process, you can enable two-factor authentication on your account instead. If you are using two-factor authentication, then the Trusted Devices authorization email won’t be required anymore when you sign in your account on a new device.

    Learn which Security codes and apps you can use for your two-factor authentication.

    You can find more information about the activation and deactivation of two-factor authentication here.

    I hope this information would be helpful.

    Best regards,


    User: "texaseagle46"
    Updated by .Carol.fg.

    When we add a new computer team viewer is supposed to send me a authorization request right? Not

    I am trying to set up my new computer with Teamviewer, have tried to log in on the app. It tells me that I will get an email to set up the trusted device. I never receive an email. I have checked my Spam folder, Junk folder, and Deleted folder, and there is no email from Teamviewer.

    Please help.


    I have been locked out of my teamviewer account and the management console because I am not receiving any email regarding trusted devices, and none of my devices at this moment is a trusted device anymore. There is no way i can even contact support because your on line listed phone number is wrong and the chat window doesnt operate midday on Friday which is supposed to be a working day.

    Note: I have created this ID so that I could post in the community. My paid account has a different login, but as I said I am locked out of there as I don't get any emails. I have checked Spam etc.

    Do something

    Sayantan Gupta

    This issue has been solved. Someone from the team helped white list by email ID, and I am receiving emails now.

    But guys please recheck the number listed on your India support site: +91 22 6150 2429

    This number is listed on your link if you select India as your country and this number is not reachable when I try to connect. Otherwise my issue is resolved.


    I have another account (same domain) that I can not log in as I have to receive a 'Trusted Device' email however I do not receive this email? I checked the backend (exchange mailflow) and never received it. Does Teamviewer need to whitelist it or something else?



    User: ".Carol.fg."
    Moderator β˜‘

    Hi @Howard_Yip,

    Thanks for your post and welcome to the TeamViewer Community.

    Please make sure to add TeamViewer domain to your email server-allowed list, and double-check your spam and junk folder.

    Let us know how it goes.

    Best, Carol πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ¦°πŸŒ·

    Portuguese Community Moderator


    I have one gmail that don't received emails from teamviewer to verification identity. The problem is that even when i tried to enter on my account, i can't because always ask for an email (to gmail) that i never received.

    I'm send this message from other account to try some help here.

    Is someone know how to fix this, and for my email (gmail) start receiving verifications emails from teamviewer again?

    I cant start the two auth form because i can't enter on my teamviewer account!

    Now i'm stuck and i need to access some remote computer.

    This is stupid!

    Best regards;

    I don't have a premium license or anything, but as I was setting up my account for TeamViewer it sent a email verification but the email link instantly didn't work. Can I get a new one sent?

    I signed up to for free team viewer to keep my files up to date my 4 devices. I don't need remote login, and do not work on any body else computer. Just want the files in my devices to stay update.

    I see no instruction how to get a device added as a trusted device on my account.

    If I can't link my devices, I don't need this program.

    Hi, the company i work in has given me a business account. But when i try to login with it, i should recieve an email. Unfortunatly i dont recieve the mail and it isnt stuck in the spamfilter either. Could i get any help with this?

    User: ".Carol.fg."
    Moderator β˜‘

    Hello @RamonBergevoet and @texaseagle46 ,

    Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our Community!

    The trust device emails can have delays sometimes. We also advise double-checking the spam and junk folder.

    You also may consider adding the TeamViewer domain ( to your email server-allowed list.

    Please give it another try, and let us know if you still not receiving the trust device email. πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

    Best, Carol πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ¦°πŸŒ·

    Portuguese Community Moderator

    Business Account: The device authorization link does not show up on my email feed. It isn't being blocked, I've checked my spam/junk folder and it isn't there. Emails from Teamviewer are not blacklisted...

    I cannot do the alternative which is putting in two factor authentication because when I try to login to TeamViewer website, it asks me to authenticate the browser, which I am unable to do.

    Please help. Thanks.

    There is nothing in the SPAM or JUNK Folder: when we send a normal email to that email address we receive it 100%. Are the trusted device emails being blocked by ISP or where do we start - we got new pc's for our support but cannot activate the licenses as we not receiving the trusted email links any more - started about 2 weeks or so ago. Is there no Backup or recovery email address you can go and find or add if you did not receive it?

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