Commercial use - Connection time outAnnounced
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Why do I see 'Commercial use suspected' / 'Commercial use detected'
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To TeamViewer staff -You seem to suggest that when the TeamViewer session finishes after a minute that the screen sharing will continue. This is not the case.
The TeamViewer session finishes and the screen sharing hangs then disconnects.
It would appear from other comments that sometimes it works but unless I am sure it is going to work I don't want the iPad user to expect some help and support and only gets more frustrated.
Interesting that sometimes you get an hour with it working.
I have had it work when I have been testing between my Imac and Ipad (locally) but when I actually try to use it with my brothers Ipad (remotely) it fails as soon as the minute is up.
Very frustrating but as I am only only using the free version to help my brother I cant make a major issue but would it behave differently if I had a paid version?
@sehrish_h wrote:Hi All,
I selected commercial use when signing up to team viewer for personal use not realising I had done this. The trial period has now expired and I am being asked to purchase teamviewer when I do not use it for commercial use. Can anybody help me change this to personal use?
Thank you.
Otherwise zoom dot com
@sehrish_h wrote:Hi All,
I selected commercial use when signing up to team viewer for personal use not realising I had done this. The trial period has now expired and I am being asked to purchase teamviewer when I do not use it for commercial use. Can anybody help me change this to personal use?
Thank you.
Hi TeamViewer, any solution to this yet? I am having the same issue with the connection between my grandmother's iPad and my Mac. As soon as she navigates away from the TeamViewer app (i.e. to do anything on her iPad) we see the notificaiton that screen broadcast will stop after one minute. Then after that minute is over, my view of her screen freezes. Especially in times like these when I can't just stop by her place to troubleshoot the issue in person, it would be really nice to have this issue fixed. Thank you!
Wieso "Testversion" und "kommerzielle bzw private Nutzung" ? Da laufen mA nach zwei Dinge durcheinander. Du hast anscjeinend mit einer Testversion gearbeitet - NICHT mit der "privaten Nutzung". Soweit ich weiß, arbeitetst Du in einer Testversion mit einer kompletten Version, die natürlich zeitlich beschränkt ist - also irgendwann abläuft. Bei der "privaten Nutzung" arbeitest Du mit einer eingeschränkten Version hinsichtlich der Funktionen - und die ist zeitlich nicht beschränkt. Bei dem oft hier gemeldeten Problem mit der Vermuteten "kommerziellen Nutzung" erscheint niemal das Wort "abgelaufen" in den entsprechenden Meldungen. Es wird ganz einfach bezweifelt, daß je,and lediglich privat mit Teamviewer arbeitet. Hat also nix mit "Testversion" und "abgelaufen" zu tun. Sollte eigentlich deutlich sein, da bei der Installation danach(nach dem Verwendungszweck) gefragt wird....
Thank you for the answer @SandoHP , I've just tried everything you suggest. Anyway the guide doesn't mention al lot of other folders in the register editor. Even deleting all of them isn't sufficient. I'm sure that if I search some more informations I'll succed in unistalling TV, but I don't want to make hard changes on my PC and I also think is better procede, if possible, on the "legal" way.
If I'll have to do that, I'll write on the community to help everyone, even if in a couple of months the method itslef will probably become useless.
Right now I find a quite good substitue, completly free.
Congrats Teamviewer on 100 pages of posts about the same problem on this one thread alone. I also just got my second anniversary badge and since I signed up to ask about this problem it means this has been going on for more than two years.
I read somewhere recently that Teamviewer was doing away with the commercial use detected algorithm. I think it was on the Teamviewer website. I tried to search for it again but all search results lead back to this page or pages like it. Could you confirm and perhaps point me to that statement please? Thanks.
@Giovanni7 (and @starcast), have you followed the guide on to uninstall TeamViewer? Deleting the relevant registry items as described there should help. Otherwise you could consider using Revo Uninstaller.
Thanks for your concern.
My Imac is running macOS Catalina 10.15.3
Team Viewer is 15.4.4445
Currently testing with my Ipad Software 13.4 on same network (could this cause problems) The QS teamviewer is 15-4-1
I make contact but as soon as the line drops so does the video of my ipad screen
Hope this all makes sense to you.
Hallo zusammen
Ich benutze TV ausschliesslich privat und nicht kommerziell.
Leider musste ich einen Antrag stellen, damit TV mein Konto (welches fälschlicherweise als kommerziell markiert wurde) als Privatbenutzer zurücksetzt.
Ich habe vor gut zwei Monaten das Bestätigungsmail erhalten, welches besagt dass meine TV ID zurückgesetzt wurde. Leider kann ich nach wie vor TV nicht benutzen, da "Testv
So I know how to get it to work.
You must uninstall TeamViewer on the Lab computer. From your description, it sounds like the user installed TeamViewer as Commercial use instead of personal.
Once you uninstall TeamViewer, you must change the MAC address of the system. Otherwise TeamViewer will continue to block your system because they register the MAC in their database (I know it's F***ing annoying)
So not to worry, Windows 10 allows you to change the MAC address. You'll need administrator access to do this, so I recommend getting permission from your network administrator.
Go into network settings and select the main network adapter. Configure the driver. Go into the driver settings (it's different for some computers so it may be under Advanced tab) Find "Locally Administered Address"
You'll need to change the MAC address here. Use the current MAC address + 01 at the end.
Example: If your current MAC address is: 00:0A:00:1F:05:08 then use 00:0A:00:1F:05:09 for the new address. To find your current MAC address, simply run
ipconfig /all
in command prompt. Then find the correct network adapter and the MAC address will be associated with that adpater.
Once you changed the MAC address, you can now install Team Viewer again! This time select Personal use only.
Hope this helps you more than Team Viewer support can during this time of distress.
I can't have the "free version" after the trial version. How can I do? I've already submit the format without a result. Thanks