Switching user when using QuickSupport


We've started using TeamViewer recently and I could swear that initially I've been able to switch users when running QuickSupport with windows authentication. That doesn't seem to work anymore, the moment I hit "switch user" I get the "cannot capture screen..." and that's the end of it. Am I missing something? Any input is greatly appreciated.



  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @Madski,

    Thank you for your message and welcome to the TeamViewer Community! ?

    I tested it on a test computer and could successfully switch sides in a Windows logon connection context.

    Could you please try to update your TeamViewer client to the latest version and see if it works? ?

    Best regards


    Community Manager

  • Madski
    Madski Posts: 3

    Hi JeanK,

    Thank you for your response. I updated the client on my PC but that made no difference I'm afraid.


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    @Madski  Could you also please try with the latest QuickSupport version?

    Here is the latest version: https://download.teamviewer.com/download/TeamViewerQS.exe 



    Community Manager

  • Madski
    Madski Posts: 3

    Hi Jean,

    No, that didn't seem to help either. I tried several different PCs and the outcome is always the same.


  • Hi

    sometimes happened , how do you suggest to debug/solve this?

    Best regards


  • I think this is caused by computers that are joined into a domain.

    Could be a VPN or computer policy.

    In my organisation you can only connect to the wifi when you are logged in, same goes for VPN.

    Hence, switching user is not going to work unless the user we help is in the office where there is cable connection that keeps the PC connected to the internet.

    It's Teamviewer's responsibility to figure out ;)