TeamViewer 9 & 10 End-of-Life

User: "Esther"
Staff member
Updated by JeanK

Former Community Manager

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    So , I open my registered teamviewer 9, today May 26th and I get a message for the first time, saying that I have until May 31st to change the version on ALL REMOTE SERVERS that use the teamviewer host, because on June 1st the service will be discontinued !

    Is that right, or is the 26th of May the new 1st of April ?

    Will my TW 10 license be valid with future versions (16 and above) released before due date on december 2025?

    User: "ITisYourT88"
    Updated by Yuri_T

    The class action lawsuit will likely NOT go nowhere. I bought mine in 2010 for $3350 USD *BECAUSE* it was perpetual.

    [The link has been removed as per the community guidelines.]

    "Lifetime license"


    [The link has been removed as per the community guidelines.]

    "The product remains the property of the vendor until it is completely paid for."

    WHICH IT WAS. I have my license agreement and will take it to court!

    User: "ITisYourT88"
    Updated by Yuri_T

    I bought mine end of 2010 and the EULA was here, take note of point 3, line ONE.

    1. Please note

    • The following terms and conditions apply for all product versions of TeamViewer.

    2. Guarantee of satisfaction

    • All orders will be made with a guarantee of satisfaction for 7 days. All payments will be authorized (validated), but not accounted. The specified credit card won't be charged until expiration of the 7-day-limit.
    • A cancellation may follow without giving reasons in written form. In case of doubt the customer has to prove that he has cancelled his order in time - to ensure this, please make sure that you receive a confirmation after an e-mail cancellation from us.
    • For this reason, please notice that, in case of paying per invoice, not paying the invoice will be insufficient, since this is payable within 14 days.

    3. Payment and retention of ownership

    • The product remains the property of the vendor until it is completely paid for.
    • In case of delay of payment, access to the TeamViewer-Master server may be blocked.
    • All costs that are caused by abusing credit cards, reverse charging due to lack of credit etc., are paid by the customer.
    • Every abuse of credit cards or account information will be legally pursued.

    4. Rights and licenses

    • When buying software, the buyer acquires only the right to use the products according to the specification. All software packages remain the intellectual property of TeamViewer GmbH.
    • The customer must take appropriate measures to ensure that the products will only be used according to license agreements inside the company. This especially applies to the protection against illegal copying of the software.
    • Licenses apply to the number of workstations as shown in the license overview at the time of purchase. A transfer of a license in case of changing the workstation etc., can be carried out 10 times. If the license is installed in a Terminal Server environment, the license is user based, a separate license for each user is required. Premium licenses can be installed and activated on an unlimited number of computers.
    • The customer is responsible for all damages which result from a violation of the copyright instructions or illegal use.

    5. Server availability

    • For the proper use of the TeamViewer software the availability of the TeamViewer master server may be necessary. TeamViewer GmbH will take measures to ensure a high availability of the server. However, it is not possible to guarantee an uninterrupted availability.
    • The vendor guarantees that the server will be available and usable with the purchased version for a period of at least 10 years after purchase. The vendor has entered into a safeguard agreement [The link has been removed as per the community guidelines.]with a third party to ensure server availability. If the transmission protocol changes in the meantime, an update will be provided to the customer free-of-charge if it is mandatory for further use.

    6. Warranty and Limitation of Liability

    • The warranty period, if permitted by law, is defined as a period of 3 months from the point of the first provision of service. Within this period, the customer has the right to insist on correction of faults or replacement in the case of liability on the part of the vendor. If a limitation to 3 months is not permitted, the minimum permitted time span is defined.
    • Liability is defined as the absence of, or the incorrect working of a guaranteed function, but not as the suitability for a particular application. Before the conclusion of the contract, the customer has to check, for judicial and other reasons, if the purchased software is suitable for the planned purpose.
    • Especially for technical reasons, it can not be guaranteed, that all computers will be reachable with TeamViewer without any exceptions or errors. Advanced firewall technologies as well as special network structures can reduce the connection quality in some cases. This behavior has to be checked by the customer during the test period and is not a fault.
    • If TeamViewer GmbH is not willing or able to remove the faults or deliver a replacement or the process fails for other reasons, the customer has the right to insist on revoking the contract or receiving an appropriate rebate on the purchase price.

    7. Data protection

    • Information in accordance with § 33 BDSG: The customer's data will be stored in the form of name and address of the residence and business location respectively for internal use.

    8. Final clauses

    • Place of fulfillment for traders, legal persons of public law, as well as customers without a place of general jurisdiction in Germany, is Goeppingen.
    • Only German law applies.
    • Alterations of contract must be in written form.

    Revision: Jan 2010

    When is a lifetime license NOT a lifetime license?

    We bought a perpetual "Lifetime" license for Teamviewer (TV) and are now being told that they are no longer honoring this agreement. That's just plain wrong and dishonest.

    It was their choice as a business model to offer a lifetime subscription to the service. There was no mention of this being tied to a particular version.

    In the past, you were restricted to the version you purchased, but when they chose to sunset that version, they upgraded you to a perpetual license for the current version. This happened when we went from TV6 to TV8. We used TV8 quite happily for years, not needing any of the new bells and whistles.

    Now they want to desupport TV8 and we have been given the choice of upgrading to the current version but with a limit of ~2 years at which point it will convert to a very expensive subscription model OR keeping TV8, but it won't work on the Internet (ie, it will supposedly work on internal networks). Neither one of these choices satisfies the agreement for a "Lifetime Service".

    This is simply corporate greed.

    1) Any class action movement, cannot start and take action from the company owned forums, maybe an external googlable found forum can be a start.

    2) Their recently released a two-factor authentication, looks like it is available only to the latest version. This means that even a 10 years server backend support is on 'whatever I like doing similar to a lifetime perpetual agreement.

    i have 3 licences of version 9, upgraded from ver.7, because you decided to end life for ver 7, i've accepted that, and updated my 120+ PC's from host ver 7 to host ver 9, it was about a year ago i think...

    now, you tell me, my lifetime license is OVER? am i dead? no, did i bought a lifetime license? yes!

    you should update us to ver 12(i have 2 licences of ver 12 and happy to use it!)

    you CANNOT steal out product and ask for a subscription with a yearly fee, this is NOT why i bought teamviewer to out company.

    i do not accept your offer, and i will not update to ver 15, i will go to court over this issue, you will NOT shut me down, this is illegal.


    I just hope that if anyone has gotten the perpetual update to version 15, let us know! I had to upgrade mine to 15, due only in January 2026 free, and then I will pay monthly fee, unfortunately, because I work using the team viewer. I hope that until then the company can give us the license forever in version 15, as we were the pioneers in the company.

    Tradução para o idioma Português do Brasil:

    Só espero que, se tiver alguma pessoa que conseguiu a atualização perpétua para a versão 15, nos avisem! eu tive de atualizar o meu para o 15, com vencimento só em janeiro de 2026 livre, e depois pagarei mensalidade, infelizmente, pois trabalho usando o team viewer. Espero que até lá a empresa possa nos dar a licença para sempre na versão 15, pois fomos os pioneiros na empresa.

    User: "makrocell"
    Updated by makrocell

    Let us know! I had to upgrade mine to 15, due only in January 2023 free.

    @TeknolojiNYC please include me on the lawsuit!

    My company is in the same boat as everyone else. Would gladly join a lawsuit if one is going forward.

    Include me on law suit


    I join the lawsuit. I also bought a version with a lifetime license and now TeamViewer is trying to cheat us all.

    User: "Esther"
    Staff member

    Hi all,

    please see this article for more information:

    Thanks and best, Esther

    Former Community Manager


    It came to our attention that you intend to ignore the licensing terms, under which we have purchased our original TeamViewer “PERPETUAL” licenses. We do not wish to upgrade to a “COMPLIMENTARY” version that is period/subscription based (as per your announcement her:, but want to continue to have access and usage of our original “PERPETUAL” licenses. Please let us know how to achieve the requested “PERPETUAL” usage.



    When is the end of life for TeamViewer 12?

    People can sue for false advertising and bait and switch tactics if the product isn't kept as perpetual in licensing.

    I wouldn't mind joining the lawsuit though I'm a TV12 user. I'm not sure when they will end of life it too.

    What do I do now to join this lawsuit? I am in Australia and not happy with Teamviewers bussiness ethics.

    Hi! I have TV9 please include me in the lawsuit as well I very much feel that this is unfair and they should honor their obligations.

    Hi! I have TV6 please include me in the lawsuit.

    User: "Test123Test"
    Updated by JeanK

    This will happen to TV 11 and TV 12 as well. They're not going to keep supporting perpetual licenses for those forever.

    Best you can do is sue the through a class action suit. You can also switch to competing product like [Third party product] to show your solidarity. Ignore all the TeamViewer scam ads as well - including the 28 days of notice to cancel subscription scam, where they refuse to cancel or can't be reached and then say you didn't cancel on time.

    Hi! I have Teamviewer 9 please include me in the lawsuit.

    Hi! I have Teamviewer 9 & 10 please include me in the lawsuit.

    P,lease count me in for a Class Action lawsuit

    User: "csigabit"
    Updated by JoshP


    This company makes changes in the name of the security,

    while discontinuing lifetime licences is about money,

    it has nothing to do with security related questions.

    It is a simple lie, and again a step after step to force customers to rebuy.

    The acceptable offer should be a lifetime licensed teamviewer of any version that's considered secure.

    But I guess we have to get legal help to force out what we payed for or to get the money back.

    It is a shame that this happens with those exact customers who made this company grow in the starting decade.

    Selling lifetime license that can't be used less than 10 years later is a fraud.

    I will deny teamviewer in my companies and tell everyone not to purchase teamviewer ever.

    It will be a lifetime job for me, because this greedy company doesn't give a **bleep** about the above comments.

    They simply don't want anyone who won't pay the new price.

    Please count me in for a class action lawsuit.


    People in the USA can try to make their statement through Better Business Bureau®. Teamviewer promises to address their queries there.

    I hope their legal department run an audit to their marketing and sales as we are all very confused and a lot of subscribers feel ugly.

    User: "nurcdiver"
    Updated by nurcdiver

    Please ad me in this class action suit. When i put up the money for my "lifetime" purchase of TeamViewer I expected just that. Lifetime. I'm a very small business and cannot justify the costs for the updated versions/subscriptions and will not pay that. Either return my full purchase price for breach of contract or honor your sale to me as lifetime.

    User: "rontovi"
    Updated by JoshP

    I have the Teamviewer 10 Premium license from 2015s too and the same thing is now happening to me.

    I am 40 years old, computer programmer for 19 years and I have NEVER EVER seen anything like this before.

    Selling a "life-time" license and "forcing to upgrade or stop it" after 5 years is called "SCAMMING", whatever the reason is. So please cut the "security" **bleep**, it is NOTHING to do with it. It is all about money, the money you keep asking for NO REASON.

    I have the license aggreement and I have every right to go to law suit.

    Teamviewer, gosh, do NOT think you will get away with this.

    Once a law suit is won against this matter, it will stand as example and all other suits that follows will be instantly won.

    What a bad reputation for you, a reputation that you actually deserve.

    PS: For all, I will update here when I open the law suit. I have my own lawyer and we already have a meeting next week. I've just printed out the License Agreement to deliver him and I believe he can handle the rest.

    Can you feel it, TeamViewer GMBh ? It's closing in on you.

    why do you not upgrade the app on clients and your computer to version 12?

    yes, its so easy.

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