Commercial use - Connection time outAnnounced

User: "JeanK"
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Updated by Akiho

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    Disagree, his name is Josh. 

    I got a slap on the wrist. 

    No one at TV knows or cares about any of this its just bot scrubbed for unwanted content.

    Lol... their moderators are defintely on a power trip to keep this forum in check. 

    If their algorithm to detect commercial use worked as well as their algorithm to detect competitors’ products, we would not be having this conversation…

    It seems that brandnames are automoderated, so if anyone wants to recommend something else, just misspell it, or leave off the first letter. So you could write "I like **Third Party Product** with an 'a' at the beginning"

    Also for those that are wondering what these censored messages say, subscribe to the thread and then when one of us says it again. Emails will go out to the followers before the mods get a chance to redact. 

    test **Third Party Product**

    Thanks - very helpful!

    test **Third Party Product**

    Given that TV are evidently not interested in giving this problem any kind of priority, I am requesting that the moderator ceases censoring the names of competing products in messages, so people at least can find recommended alternatives to your program.

    Better yet, they should only inform you at first that they suspect commercial use and ask you to submit your form and logs and keep the account active while they review. Innocent until proven guilty applies in German law too.

    My family have five laptops/computers which had TV set up on them, so I can support them when I am not at home.

    Only my own PC and laptops are now allowed access.  If I try to access my family's devices or if they try using TV, a message comes up saying they are using for commercial use and then disconnects them.

    Any ideas, please?

    30 days, really? So we are stuck with no access for that long because you can't just unblock people upon submitting the form, and THEN review and readjust accordingly?

    I'm not that patient, so I'm done with TeamViewer. Time to switch to REAL FREE solution for personal usage.

    You will have to go and request that your ID be removed from this commercial use flag. However it will not work. You will end up waiting a week, then they send you an email saying the issue was fixed, and nothing happens. You will not be able to use teamviewer again regularly until they fix this issue. The only solution is better developers and time. If you find a solution that actually works, please let me know!! Good luck

    Same issue here. Filled out the form. Got clearance. But on the same day got block again... Filled out the form the second time. Haven't heard back yet...

    Just ran into this issue today. Given TeamViewer's response to this issue (fill out a form and wait a month and hope they help you) and how we can't even mention their competitors without being moderated I think I'll be saying goodbye to TeamViewer.

    I need a reliable service that's not going to blacklist my account out of the blue with no warning due to what appears to be a programming error and then make it very difficult and time-consuming to get my account cleared. I would be willing to potentially pay for a high-quality personal remote desktop service for managing my PCs the same way I pay for a personal privacy VPN, but TeamViewer's prices are completely insane for any sort of personal use.

    From my perspective, the appropriate action for TeamViewer would have been to reverse all the automatic bans as soon as the problem was identified, and let the fixed algorithm reflag any accounts that were actually abusing the free license.

    If this was intentional, then TeamViewer is going after the wrong people. Individuals who might have logged into their work PC using a personal TeamViewer account once or twice to check email are NOT going to upgrade to a paid account They'll stop using TeamViewer entirely and switch to something else. Companies who install TeamViewer on their PCs without a commercial license are who they should be going after.

    Additionally, if TeamViewer really is facing the problem of too many free accounts using up their bandwidth, then maybe they should offer a "personal plus" account that costs maybe $20-$30 per year with some extra features to make it desirable over the free account for power users.

    But for the time being, Goodbye, TeamViewer.

    Last week I filled-in the form to have my account reset to free. I received an email on Friday to say this had been done. I tried it for the first time today and it still doesn't work. Guess I'll just have to fill the form out again and wait another week and see if it works,

    Really annoying :mansad:


    TeamViewer tells me that one of the Users uses TeamViewer for commercial use and closes the connection after a few seconds. The problem is non of us are doing this. We both have a free non commercial license.

    What can i do ?

    I completely understand trying to prevent those who use TeamViewer as free for commercial use from doing so. But this is a bit draconian.

    I've received 2 emails saying the ID has been reset. In the email there's no mention of what ID they are talking about?

    There's room for improvement in this system.

    I am having the same problem but with my Windows PC. My IOS Device is fine.

    In my case, I connect to my home PC to check on my Plex Server. No commercial use. 

    Can someone from support assist? My email is .



    In August I was accused of commercial use. I've filled out the form and gotten 2 repsonses saying my license was reset to free. It's not. Anyone else having these sort of weird experiences with TeamViewer?

    This is for the iPhone app only. My desktop apps are good.

    BTW, once a year for about 10 days I am a volunteer at a youth camp in a remote area. There's no internet. Everyday I connect back to my home computer through the iPhone version of TeamViewer.


    I had to contact teamviwer support a month ago because it thought i was using teamviwer for business. But yet its back yet again?

    I use teamvower for home server and my friends home server and thats it..



    I had this happen twice now, can't access my home media server from my tablet.  They said they fixed it, it worked for 2 connections over a 3 week period now it's locked again.  Claiming I'm using it for business yet I'm not even out of my home network.  Was going to pitch this to my work but if they can't manage personal accounts there's no way I'm gonna pay to deal with this kind of **bleep** at work.

    buonasera il mio teamviewer con id **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs** risulta per uso commerciale mentre io lo uso da privato per aiutare qualche amico?

    il mio teamviewer mi risulta per uso commerciale, quando lo uso a scopo privato?

    I am a new subscriber to Business TeamViewer licence. After logging in for less than 1 minute I get 'timed out' after less than 1 minute. Why?

    Also it would seem that maximum access at any one time is 5 minutes I need at least 30 minutes each session! How can I increase the access time to suit my requirements?

    I used TeamViewer for years to assist family and friends. I have not used it for a couple years, but installed TeamViewer so I can access my home computer when I'm away. When I hit connect, I get a message "Your current TeamViewer plan does not include connections to customized TeamViewer modules. Your session will therefore be terminated after a short time. Please upgrade to a higher plan to use this functionality." It will connect me to the computer, but it times out and stops about 5 minutes later. How do I correct this?


    Obvious to some, you can spin up a vm and work around it. 

    This usually pulls up some good results on google, make sure you use quotes. 

    [removed by moderator per community guidelines]

    @Glassdub wrote:

    Yeah, tons of semi functional **bleep** & $$$ware.

    I don't know any that works from Windows to Android.

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