Commercial use - Connection time outAnnounced

User: "JeanK"
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    Like many other people, I also started to receive the "Commercial Use Suspected", even though I've used Teamviewer for a long time purely for personal use.

    I filled in the questionnaire about my personal use, and added the logfile on this Teamviewer webpage:

    However, when I click on Submit, the following error message is displayed, so it's not possible to send the request. Please can you fix it:

    500 Internal Server Error




    As described in below, my ID [email removed by moderator]  has been blocked although I am using TeamViewer for personal purpose

    I usually connect my laptop remotely when I working at office little frequently.

    Anyhow, I am not person using TeamViewer for commercial purpose so, hopefully unlock my ID as soon as possible.


    Kishan Kumar

    [email removed by moderator]



    I am an individual user I am making connections from my phone to my computer sometimes I am helping my friends I do not make money from this How can I resolve this error

    Their commercial use flagging has gone crazy recently, can't even use it for 1 minute now, even if my linked computers where only home computers..

    I do highly recommend you to use [moderator removed - this is a TeamViewer Forum]

    Hope teamviewer will do somehing and fix their sudden crazy bans

    Hello, Teamviewer team.

    My name is Dean.

    From today, like 2 hrs ago, I'm keep getting warning about comercial something something.

    I wonder the reason why my account is suspicious.

    I only use Teamviewer when I access to the online game "Maplestory" at the outside of my house.

    Sometimes I access to my pc at the PC cafe in Korea but there is no any comercial work when I use my Teamviewer account.

    To be honest, my PC doesn't even have Microsoft Office lol.

    I use my PC for game only. I use my macbook for my work tho.

    Please look over my account and resolve this unfortunate situation.



    I can not use Team Viewer with the attached message.

    This problem occurred in Team Viewer 13.
    I have reinstalled V13 and downgraded to V12, but I still have the same problem.
    I do not use the team viewer commercially.

    massage 01.jpgmassage 02.jpg

    Stรคndig bekomme ich die Meldung โ€žVerdacht auf kommerzielle Nutzungโ€œ aber ich setze das Programm ausschlieรŸlich privat ein. Wen ich eine Runde von Updates in meinem Haus gemacht habe kommt gleich die Meldung. Da sind die Rechner der Freunde noch nicht dabei. Wie kann ich dem Vorbeugen?

    When I was connecting to my PC from my home mobile phone, suddenly it was judged to be commercial use from TeamViewer and it was limited.

    I asked for recovery from the above page, but I could not send it because I could not attach a log file.
    When I output the log file from the mobile phone application, a file with extension ". Html" was output.
    However, the log file that can be attached to the above page is only the file with the extension ". Log".
    When asking the telephone support of "03 4578 0488", he was told to send e-mail to the following sales support.
    And the answer was to vote for tickets here.

    It is stuck, but can someone please help me?

    Same here, home use with several computer all over the floors.

    Its personal use but I've got the commercial use suspicion.

    Guys, please fix !

    Same here, all suddenly, after using teamviwer for years for my several home computers (same IP), I just got this harrassing message and 5 minutes sessions...

    Don't know what's going on and already looking for an alternative.

    For 3 years, I have been using teamviewer to connect my laptop, office computer and homecomputer. It has been great and I have recommended teamviewer to a number of friends. But two days ago, a commercial use suspected msg popped out all of sudden. I could still connect to the other computer for about 1 minute. Then the connection was cut off. And I would have to wait for about 11 minutes to make another connection attempt. This makes it essentially impossible for me to continue use teamviewer. Please help solve this issue. Thanks a lot! 

    My office computer id is [ID removed by moderator]. My home computer id is [ID removed by moderator]




    Hello dear Teamviewer operators;

    I am a research assistant and I have been using TV for about 1 year. Time to time I am connecting to my college server and do my academic stuff. I am not using TV for paid purposes. However, I am receiving the message "Commercial use detected". I do not understand why this happens. As far as I see, there exist more people like me.

    Could you please fix this problem? By the way, I do not know where to apply to remove this annoying and blocking fault. But please take this message as an offical request (since I am writing this by being authorized on your system)

    I hope you can fix this for me and for the other "innocent" people.

    Kind regards.

    Same question.

    I am a phd student and have used tv for 3 years.I have been band days ago for commercial use reasons. I have never tried making mokey by using tv.


    I have same problem. I am FREE user and still getting this massages. I help my family and friends time to time fix the computer and that's all. Is it problem to help friends?

    I am facing the same problem! I am student from Peking University, and I need to connect to computers in the lab. Is there any solution?

    Although i have personal use of Team Viewer, it says me " Commercial Use Detected" and blocks me after 5 minutes.  I am student&research assistant and i need to use the computer on my university for my personal work&research. I have used Team Viewer account for 6 months on the same computers and networks(one of them is University). 

    For 4 days, i have faced this problem. 

    What is changed ?  Anyone has this problem ?

    Need help! 



    Not sure if they can do that. I think it a key problem with the detection algorithm, which I guess they applied new rules to let more users detected as commercial use and push them to buy license. Anyway, have to give up TeamViewer, though like it so much.

    The same issue happened to me since last night. Any solutions? Still exists after upgrading to latest version.WeChat Image_20180526153146.png.

    And the new connection was basically blocked out in less 30 seconds.

    Hellow Sir,

    Thank you for your SW. 

    I'm a super fan of your teamview SW.

    I'm using teamviewer SW as free because I'm a persional user.

    Today, when I tried to use my computer remotely using teamviewr as free persional user, I got a following message saying that :

    "Connection blocked after timeout.

    Your license limits the maximum session duration to a parnter, immediate reconnects are blocked. Please try later or upgrade your lincese.

    Connectin to the partner will be blocked until 10:24."


    Same error just a few hours ago. Weird that this is the 2nd time this has happened.

    The first time it never limited access and went away after a while.

    This time however, I'm getting the 5-minute limit and random timeouts.

    If this keeps up, I'll probably just have to move on back to using Ammyy Admin or try out Chrome Remote Desktop.

    Today I have received a message showing that I'm using Team Viewer under commercial use. But I believe I'm the very typical personal using personel PCs and mobile phone with android OS.

    I really don't get it why my use is miss-understood as commercial use.

    How can I get it back to normal?

    I like Team Viewer a lot and I dont wanna use another remote desktop software.


    Having the same issue atm and when I try to submit a ticket the page gives me a 500Error something. Now, I rarely use it longer than 5 mins at a time anyway unless my parents need help, I mostly use it to start/stop/change Movies/Music/Streams :-) hope this can be resolved through here ^^
    TeamViewer is free as long as you are connecting from a home to another home. Somehow TeamViewer picks up on the types of networks you are connecting to and from.

    Since you are connecting from your work network, it assumes that are you are working while at work. This is why you are receiving this message.


    yesterday I installed TeamViewer on my home PC and my private Notebook. I recently reinstalled Windows on my PC and wanted to download some programs remotely, while on work to use them this evening.

    Now I just got a message, that my TeamViewer License will expire in 7 days. Isn't TeamViewer free for private non commercial use?

    I would be very happy if someone could help me :-)



    I had a nasty suprise this morning. I've a self confessed geek and have about 15 PCs and laptops running. Some are on 24/7 (dont even ask about the electric bill!). Most of the PCs are set up to do a specific thing  -scanning photos from a dedicated scanner. Another is only for photo editing (I have literally thousands of oly family pictures and slides I'm digitizing). Another computer is only for accessing the home security system. It's overkill but I feel better that if one PC were to crash, it's function is backed up by another and I don't have "all my eggs in one basket". Anyway - over the weekend I had set up a file server to have a securely backed up central location to store all the photos and other files. When I tried connecting from work to fiddle with it on some free time, I got the popup saying "commercial use suspected". I thought that maybe it said that because it was an actual server and not a regular PC, so I tried connecting to the PC where I get email. Got the same prompt but I could connect. After I got home from work I tried connecting to the computer in the garage that has the security cameras and remotes connected to it. It doesnt have a monitor or keyboard/mouse so remoting is the only practical way to connect even though its only 20 feet away. This time it said "commercial use detected" and kicked me off after 5 minutes. All of the PCs are doing this now. I filled out the form and sent a copy of the log file from the PC I was working on. I only sent the log file from this one PC, but shoult I try to send the logs from *all* the PCs too? They would all show me connecting to them here at the house at whatever address Altice assigns my router. I don't "need" to connect from work, but the connecting to the PCs without monitors in the garage from the den is really important. How soon does something like this take to get resolved? I really hope it can get fixed. Thanks!

    Hi, I've recently changed my computer, and I've installed version 12 for personal use, but when I open it, it tells me that the trial period has expired, so I can not continue. Does anyone know how I can activate the free version? I also tried to download version 10, but when the installation starts I still load 12 :smileyfrustrated:



    I Have this TeamViewer account about 2 years and a while ago i was wondering how it is to have the Enterprise Access, and i tried trial, but now i'm trying to use this same TV Account and i have limitations, i tried to delete this account but i just have the message to 'Buy License' instead of the cancel user one.

    How can i delete the account now and what i need to do in order to solve this problem?

    Hi. because I own computers at different locations (Croatia, DE) I often use TeamViewer for maintenance work. I also support my parents, as they have little knowledge of computers and need help. For some time now I have received a message that I am using TeamViewer commercially, but this is not the case. I use the program only privately. Is it possible to disable the messages or to remove the 5 minute limit?

    my ID is [REMOVED BY MODERATOR] I subscribed to team vewer for personal use shortly thereafter requires a license considers my subsciption as commercial, I need personal non commercial access how can I go back to non commercial free use of team vewer.
    I shall awaite to hear from someone for assistance
    Thank you
    Serge Isabelle
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