TV Host v14 beta crashing

JohnD Posts: 35
edited May 2023 in General questions

I've updated to TV Host v14 beta on my Mac running 10.14 and it's working fine, but on two different remote hosts so far, one running on 10.11.6 and the other on 10.12.6, TV Host will no longer start:  it crashes immediately on both of them.  Reverting to the latest v13 lets them work again, but I'd like to get to v14 to hopefully fix the black-screen/Lock bug.  

I have crashlogs from the remote boxes, if that would be useful.



  • Daz89
    Daz89 Posts: 1

    With me it isnt even connecting, complaining about proxy settings. I've checked everything and everything is fine including firewall rules but it won't have it.


    Roll it back to 13 and it works fine again. Think i'll be avoiding this update,

  • LarryD
    LarryD Posts: 5

    TeamViewerHost v14.0.8346 Beta is crashing when it starts on my Mac El Capitan (OS X 10.11.6) machine as well. v13 was starting without problem. I also have crash reports if needed.

  • Same here, v14 crashes immediately upon start on 10.11.16.

    Crashlog pastebin (The URL has been removed by a moderator)

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager

    Hi all,

    Thanks for the reports.

    Just a quick question: Did you already send the logs via a ticket to our support? If so: Could you send me the Ticket ID in a private message?

    If not: May I ask those of you with a license to send the logs and link back to this thread so that we can analyse it?

    Thanks a lot,


    Former Community Manager

  • LarryD
    LarryD Posts: 5

    I'm not a license owner, but would be glad to help the development team if I can. They can email me and I can send them the crash logs since I can't submit a ticket.

  • JohnD
    JohnD Posts: 35

    Esther, I created the ticket with the TV v14 Host Beta crashlogs from macOS 10.11.6 and 10.12.6 and PM'd you the Ticket ID.

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager
    Thanks John. We´ll have a look into it and get back to you as soon as possible. Best, Esther

    Former Community Manager

  • Soooo, 2 weeks later, still no update and unuseable. Can we can an update please or at least a build to try?

  • JohnD
    JohnD Posts: 35

    It's unfortunate, but between the issues with v13 with its longstanding black-screen-lock-bug not being fixed and this new v14 beta that sits around with major crashing issues on the Host side (that obviously should have been detected and fixed in's a widespread issue), my suspicion is that there's either a tiny (one person?) TV Mac development team, or development of the Mac client is outsourced.  In my 30+ years of experience, those kinds of development situations are usually the scenarios where things move this interminably slowly, and huge bugs sit around for many weeks or months without getting resolved.

  • Its funny you say that, because I've had my suspicions as well. I've used Teamviewer for years on OSX, and it always felt like it was the neglected afterthought compared to the Windows client, including features.

    One big thing was the update check: Windows had it for ages before the Mac version finally did. But here's the thing, the way that they have the update install process laid out, you can't even use it because it disconnects you from the remote machine before you're done going through all the needed prompts! It completely negates the purpose of a remote autoupdate if you have to go there locally to finish it! I've submitted feedback and brought this up to them multiple times, but it still hasn't changed. 

    That is a basic example of something a Mac dedicated team would not have happen.

  • JohnD
    JohnD Posts: 35

    Just to close the loop on this, TV 14.0.11436 resolved this issue, and it seems ok in the final version too.

  • Unfortunately I have to reopen it. Tried the "release" version of 14, and it's still crashing immediately on open. To make matters worse, Teamviewer has removed all download links for v13, so I'm basically stuck completely down.

    Pastebin of console log: [the URL link has been removed by a moderator]

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager

    Hi @GodzFire

    Thanks for your post.

    The download links are still available: Where can I download older TeamViewer versions?

    Best, Esther

    Former Community Manager

  • Thanks Esther. I'm hoping this crashing issue can still be investigated and fixed so I can start using v14.

  • @Esther, any updates on my unresolved crash at launch issue with 14, all betas and final?

    Take your pick of crash logs:
    [logfiles removed by moderator]