Dear Community members,
We are happy to start the TeamViewer User Focus Program together with you!
What are we going to do?
The idea behind this project is to solve the right problems and to build the right features and for this, your feedback will be crucial and much needed!
Many partners within our organization are going to participate actively in this program to have an even broader approach to shape the course of TeamViewer.
We´d like to invite all of you to participate if you are interested in co-innovating with TeamViewer!
How can you participate?
You can find all relevant information about the project and how to apply on the User Focus Program information page (for users in the U.S., please click here). So, feel free and join our User Focus Program and co-innovate with us.
For all members of the Customer Council: Please re-apply again as this new program is organized differently. Thanks a lot!
Who will interact with you if you join the User Focus Program?
Please allow me to introduce some of the great minds behind the new User Focus Program from our side who are already collecting some urgent topics and questions for you:
The team is going to focus together with you on shaping the future of TeamViewer to build an even better version of TeamViewer together with you and for you!
Thanks and looking forward to co-create the future of TeamViewer together with all participants.
All the best,