TeamViewer Website Language Detection


I don't know when this happened, but every time I visit TeamViewer's main website:, the webpage changes to French.  It has never done that before.

I am in Vancouver, BC Canada and we are primarly English. Hardly anyone I know here speak and write French.  Our PC/Laptop are all set to US English.

Visiting Microsoft and other sites, it picks up English no problem.  It is only TeamViewer's main website that keeps changing to French which is friggin annoying.

Something definitely changed on TeamViewer's website recently.



Best Answer


  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,256 [Former Staff]

    Hi @SysAdmin604 ,

    Thank you for your post.

    We're not aware of any issues about the language on our side.

    The language on our website is automatically detected by the setting on your device.
    Could you please double check if the system language setting on your device and the browser both are English?

    Hope this will be helpful.


    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • SysAdmin604


    Thanks for the reply.

    I can demonstrate this in a video or remote session with your team.  Nothing was changed on our end on our home PC, work PC and other laptops here.  Last month or so, I remember visiting where it automatically takes me to

    Now, it takes me to  Again, nothing was changed on the os, language and region.

    Visiting redirects to  This is correct.  Visiting redirects to, which is correct.  Visiting www.**Third Party Product**.com redirects to **Third Party Product**.com/en, which is correct.

    All except for  Keeps redirecting to which is wrong.  It should be going to, but it does not.




  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,256 [Former Staff]

    Hi @SysAdmin604 ,

    Thank you for clarifying.

    We have tested about the case on our side. There could be multiple reasons, such as your IP address on your local settings.

    What we can suggest is that you can simply change the language on the right top corner on our TV.png

    I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
    This is the best advice we can provide.

    Best regards,

    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • SysAdmin604

    Not an ideal solution. 

    As I said before, nothing was change on our end.  This happens on all other devices in Vancouver, BC. Canada.  As a Canadian, many of us speak, read and write English.  The only part of Canada that likes French, is Quebec.  Quebec is in their own little world.  But the rest of Canada is MAINLY English for read, write, and speak. 

    First hand experience, something was definitely changed recently on your website.  As you mention about the IP address, this is something out of user's control as IP addresses are handed out dynamically by our local ISP.

    The fact that this is happening on other devices and other locations in Vancouver, BC, Canada, tells me this has something to do with your website's new method in detecting visitors based on IP address and geolocation.  Obviously, that method is not working out well and your Web Developers need to fix that.

    Changing the language EVERY TIME to visit your website is a nuisance and annoying.

    So.  In a nutshell.  Is it really that hard to contact your web developers to confirm the changes made to your website?  I can tell you from first hand experience, it was not like this a few weeks ago.


  • JoshP
    JoshP Posts: 894 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @SysAdmin604,

    Thanks for your feedback and clarification regarding this.

    We have forwarded this to the web team so they may take a closer look at what is occurring.

    Thanks again!

    Josh P.

    Senior Community Moderator


  • JoshP
    JoshP Posts: 894 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @SysAdmin604 

    Could you please try loading the page again, and let us know if it defaults to the correct language?

    Thanks in advance.

    Josh P.

    Senior Community Moderator


  • JoshP
    JoshP Posts: 894 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @SysAdmin604 

    Glad to hear that!

    We hope you'll enjoy using TeamViewer in the future. I will go ahead and mark this as Solved.

    Josh P.

    Senior Community Moderator


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