Commercial use - Connection time out
Okay, so I used the form to request a review of my account over a week ago, and have gotten *ZERO* replies.
Here's the situation:
I have an IBM x3550 m3 server at home, it has Dual Xeons, and approximately 10tb of attached storage. It runs Windows Server 2012 R2. (Apparently the fact that I prefer to run a SERVER OS on SERVER hardware is the issue, here? **bleep** nonsense is this?)
I use this machine as a media storage server, a PLEX server for the TVs in my house, and for myself and my partner when we're traveling, and as a Minecraft server for my friends and I to play on together.
NONE of this is for commercial/monetary use. NONE of it.
I need to log into the server to update PLEX and apply an update to the Minecraft server, but you guys keep kicking me off after 2 minutes, and won't allow me to reconnect for 11 (who picked that number?) minutes.Can this *PLEASE* Be fixed?
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Check your Preferences/Advanced panel for the Timout setting on both systems and set it to some longer time. Mine was set to OFF (no timeout), but perhaps setting to some value might help or reset it to OFF
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LOL Yep Edited out "**Third Party Product**" I guess they list the names of other companies that do the samething (maybe even a little better lol) in their filters.
If you search you will find them. Or just upgrade to pro if it's really the only one you can use.
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It seems that a lot of people are reporting this issue in the last week. is there a problem with teamviewer that is causing this?
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I guess I'll have to find a new remote program. I'm absolutely NOT using teamviewer for commercial use. I don't even have a job! **bleep** is going on?2
Got a similar situation myself. I got a home server for personal game hosting with friends and family. No income at all comes in from this server. Not even donations. Flagged awhile ago and have yet to get a response from the review request. Honestly the lack of contact and the instantenous punishment for using their product for personal use is driving me to use literally anything else.
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I get a message that commercial use detected when I use it on my own personal computer, but not my wife's. It seems to think it is used in commercial environments. Wont let me use it more than 5 minutes, and wont let me reconnect until after a certain time has passed. How do I fix this?
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Of course I find after i submitted this. This should be more evident somewhere and not had to jump through so many hoops to get stuff settled.
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For the past several months, I have been using teamviewer without a problem to help my son and my grandchildre with school and family issues. A few days ago, I began getting messages that I will be blocked because of commercial use. Since I began using Teamviewer nothing has changed in the nature of my use of teamveiwer. 3 days ago, I did a Teanviewer reset. Yet, the commenrcial use message persists. I am retired and have no commercial interests.
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I have the exact same issue. I tried contacting them, but they never got back to me.
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Same boat here. I do use my corporate PC to access my home PC. For any work related items I use my work services like **Third Party Product** or **Third Party Product**. I can see where they might be confused, but in this case it is totally legitimate personal use.
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Same here, happened just now0
I am a retired guy running a non-commercial license to use TeamViewer to run a remote telescope. I was recently kicked off TeamViewer as a suspected commercial user so I appealed and was reinstated. Now I have a month-long trip coming up and I'd like to leave my PC at home and run the telescope using an iPad Pro. Will simply installing and running TV from my iPad kick loose another round of being kicked off of TV again? The first time I was kicked off was for no good reason and now I'm skitish about doing anything that's going to restart another unnecessary hassle. It seems that the trigger for suspending service is extraordinarily sensitive so I've mostly switched to using *bleep* most of the time but that might not work for the iPad.
Thanks for whatever guidance you can provide.
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Can I please have my account reset? I have submitted the form.
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It may take a few days. I subbmitted the form three days ago and just got my free acount back today.
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I got classified as commercial because I used the Quick-Support Android app to help my dad get uber rides on his phone while traveling. I submitted the for and after three days I got my free status back.
I think everyone must understand that TeamViewer is a for-profit company and we do not have a RIGHT to use their software for free for private use. I am actually very impressed and grateful that they do offer it for free for personal use. Very few other software companies that produce professional software do this. I wish Adobe would stop charging private users, professional prices for their software like TeamViewer does.
I suggest that you submit the form and explain your case.
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I turned in a Declaration of Private use form today. How long does it take for it to be reviewed?
I use Teamviewer to monitor my son's laptop as he attends online public school. His ID was flagged for commercial use and we are trying to get it set back to a free account.
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But I am not!
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So for some reason, my free account which I use MAYBE 5 times a year has been locked down because “your account Seems to be used in commercial environments”. I literally have my home computer, my laptop, my moms computer and my in-laws computers on them. How do I get my account corrected?0
Today for the first time it happend to me when I was helping my wife. What is the name of the form we need to submit? Please share...
Thanks in advance...
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Thansk @Johnhoward28
For some reason the form is not responding when entring teamviewer ID. I am trying to type but it does not accpet any characters and continues to show the "______". Even if I blank out the field it does not work and keeps showing the message that "This is a reqauired field." which I understand.
CORRECTION / UPDATE: Figured out that I have to give numeric TeamViewer ID of the remonte device I was helping with. I have submitted the request and hoping that it will be resolved in next three to four days...
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Currently TeamViewer determines commercial vs Non-Commercial usage based solely upon the source and or destination IP Address. I suspect it's a simple check to see who the IP of the Source and Destination is assigned to and if it's not assigned to a residential service (Like Shaw, Telus, Verision or AT&T) it simply considers it as a commercial IP and shoots out the five minute warning or simply drops the connection.
And fair enough. However, Universities and other educational establishments fall afoul of this as they also seems ot be considered "Commercial" for whatever reason. Perhaps someone needs to look at and or update the Algorithm to take into consideration that Students attending a University (Living on Campus) are NOT commercial.
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<<Currently TeamViewer determines commercial vs Non-Commercial usage based solely upon the source and or destination IP Address.>>
Well, their algorithm can't be that simple. I have 13 TeamViewer IDs and 12 of them are OK. One gets the commercial warning. They all use the same IP address outbound from my location (and they all go to private home on the other end). Why would only one of my IDs trigger their warning? In fact, it is one of 7 IDs that are used within my home that has a problem. There is no difference among the 7 at home.
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In my conversations with the "TeamViewer Sales" guys that's how they informed me it works. They split IP Blocks into two seperate categories, Home and Commercial, which IMHO is a pretty narrow view of things as Internet Cafe's, Libraries, Schools, Colleges and Universities, Hospitals even, all seems to fall under the umbrella of "Commercial".
And with over 37,000 Students at the University I work at, it seems a bit of a stretch to be asking them to fork over $500+/year to be able to use TeamViewer.
The real question here is how and why do they consider such institutions as "Commercial" and block TeamViever usage on campus?
And try as I might there's no real way to open a ticket, or speak with TeamViever 'proper' to address the issue either.
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I think the issue here is that we are talking about a free service and expecting paid level support. Customer support is extremely costly to maintain. I am glad there is any kind of support and quite surprised that I was able to get my case handled in as short amount of time as it did (3 days).
Another issue is that, as advanced as we are, technology is not nearly as precise and standardized as it needs to be in order for industry-wide simplification to be a reality. I am sure that TV does not want to wrongly classify a personal user as commercial, but the system to determine the difference between them is just not standardized or simple enough for them to be able to 100% accurate all the time. That is just a reality of a rapidly and ever-evolving techno communication system. Things are just changing too rapidly for any sort of industry-wide standard to get a foothold long enough. And about the time things start to smooth out, a new technology arises to throw the whole industry in havoc again. Just think of 5G for example. It is just the nature of the ravenous beast that is technology. To survive, it must and needs to feed on constant innovation. It's all part of the waste and churn economy of technology.
I believe that TV cares about its free users. But it also knows that TV is an extremely powerful tool that can be made to make good money and that some people are dishonestly claiming to be personal users but are actually making money with it. So, they have to have a system in place to keep honest people honest. Unfortunately, that means occasionally personally users might get caught in their net. So, they have provided a form you can fill out to have your case looked at by a person to determine if you are legitimate personal users. But that human person that is looking at your case manually does not work for free and needs to earn a paycheck. So, the reality is that each time you file that form to have your account loked at, you are cost TV money for a service you are not paying a penny for.
I am just grateful for the service at all, and also grateful they even have a human CS department that handles request from FREE users. I own PAID software that does not even have that level of service.
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No, not really expecting nay level of support per se. I'm looking for some way of addressing a glaring oversight on their end of things where they have only two types of users, "Home" and "Commercial" and from what I was told during my phone conversation with TV it's IP Based.
Although I totally understand their need to ensure that people who are using this softwar3e for commercial gain are in fact paying the licensing fee(s), and I fully support that. The medhodology they are currently using is, well somewhat difficult to comprehend. A simple IP Lookup using the ARIN Database will give you results in none to uncertain terms as to who actually owns a block of IP Addresses. check the "OrgName" and exempt those from the "Commercial" list of IP's they are blocking.
As I have said, I totally agree with TV imposing the restrictions and doing what they can to get those who are using TV for Commercial Gain to pay the licensing fee(s). I don't however agree with their assumption that Universities and other Educational Establishments should be considered as "Commercial" when they are doing those IP Based checks....
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you are clearly missing the point here. Yes its great to provide a free service and this is not a given,. What I and most others have an issue with is to go and interupt a granted fee service and as part of a upsell campaign they use the worst way posible to determine who is a comercial user and who is not. Using an unreliabel WHOIS record to see who is comercial user and who is not is just stupid. In my case i help my wife with her personal laptop from time to time. Even so the Ip she uses belongs to a corp network does that mean its comercial use ? No it does not so i will go out and bet that the IP schema they are using is producing a true / false not anywhere near 50%. And if you pay for service and support with another product and dont get a response in 3 days i would reconsider the vendor. Now if you buy software and no support , you might not get a responed fast if at all. There is software and there is a service and TeamViwer is a Service that uses a software to deliver that service. No Response no Service = no Revenue.
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I can see why they did it, it's just a little to heavy handed IMHO.
I've worked in the IT Field for over 30 years and I suspect that TV is probably using an PBL (Policy Block List) to determine who or what is or is not 'Commercial' and what is or is not "Residential". It's not the best methodology, but it owuld be the simplest way to implement they type of restriction they are imposing.
But that's just a guess....
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Possibly, check your terms of service (Any my previous post) I'm just speculating here as to how they are differentiating between resedential and commercial....
73's de VE6OMC